Mario Tennis Aces

Bad connections can occur even if you only accept people with 3-4 bars, it just happens after some time has passed mid-match and you just have to find ways to deal with it at that point.
I just had a really clutch win against a Chain Chomp and then a really long clutch defeat by another Waluigi. I did block my first Special Shot though, and coincidentally the opponent wasn't prepared and failed to return it :P
These new mechanics are alright. I think if they fixed the Power Tennis mechanics it would be better. I mean it's basically that already but maybe a tad too complicated. Do we need both Zone Speed and Trick Shot? Do we need both Zone Shot and Special Shot?
I pretty much never use Zone Shot except for serving if I have the power then, since I'm not sure when to initiate it and how precisely on the star do I need to be. Also what even causes the star to appear?
Fawful with a Monster in Peach's Castle said:
I pretty much never use Zone Shot except for serving if I have the power then, since I'm not sure when to initiate it and how precisely on the star do I need to be. Also what even causes the star to appear?
Probably when your meter is yellow, which requires it to be able to Zone Shot.

EDIT: Actually, when your opponent had a mistimed shot and/or not strong shot. Saw it on Nintendo Switch subreddit.
the star appears if you don't use the right counter to your opponent's hit (red counters blue and vice versa, purple counters itself) and if you don't time the hit perfectly (like timing a block on a zone shot won't cause any damage). You do need to be on the star for a small amount of time to zone shot, if you aren't then you'll just get body shotted. It's pretty easy to recognise when you or the opponent tried to zone shot when they weren't on the star long enough.

also lobs always create stars.

zone shot's are probably best used when they have no meter, aim it away from them and they won't be able to reach it. Even if they do have meter, they have to waste zone speed to counter it so you can use it for that too. You can also just smash it immediately and not aim, it usually catches people off guard.
In my playthrough, it was rare for my opponents to use zone shots and fill the meter up for a special. Or it's just me not versing good players.
I also find it rare for people to use zone shots, zone speed is such a good tool to have at all times that you want the meter for that but zone shots are still an offensive threat. Once you break a racket and have them at 1 or 2 bars on their last racket then it can be difficult to block a shot under that pressure if they even try getting to the ball. Most people seem to spend it all on special shots if they can but that will only win someone a single point, if you contest it you can lose an entire racket that could block a few mistimed zone shots before breaking and multiple zone shots can break a racket and/or win you multiple points.

That being said, if you have good timing on the block for special shots then go right ahead, I'm not gambling on it though.

Also I won another finals, chomp is too good dude. It's like taking the weights off.
Here are possible choices when the opponent executes a special shot:
- a risky block (either successful or lose a racket)
- block using zone speed, if your meter is more than 1/4 (yellow meter)
- leave it be, and let the opponent have a free point. Especially if you have 1 racket left
- use a special if your meter is full, but you'll get a strong knockback.
I've tried the fourth one but the knockback was ridiculous, if he had followed with a drop shot I would've lost the point anyway at the cost of all my meter.

I'll let people have their free point if it isn't game or match point, you can make up for that point by taking advantage of them while they have low meter. There are times where they just end up hitting it out on their own as well if you're standing in the middle and they feel the need to aim too close to the edge.
Actually, the only way I'm playing is with the "practice with CPU" option, because the tournament itself is way too laggy. The only match I played online was against someone using Rosalina. I was using Yoshi.
I just got bodied by the same Waluigi player twice in a row. After he beat me in the semifinals, I spent the next few minutes waiting for an opponent in round 2 and the opponent that eventually showed up was the same player who just beat me. He beat me again -_-

Most Waluigi players don't faze me too much though still. The only character I'm genuinely wary to even accept a match with is Rosalina because almost every one I faced has been a god(dess) at charging up their meter fast while throwing those tricky curve balls and using their special shot multiple times. The saltiest recent loss though was against Toad in the semifinals, that's all I need to say.

And I know the star has appeared even when my meter was red, that's another reason why I rarely use zone shots because I have to compute 2 different factors in addition to the factors always present which isn't something I'm good at.
For those who want a comparison.
I haven't played a back and forth sports game this intense since windjammers.
Did you win?
was it close?
OK Chain Chomp is so good. Won every final I've gotten to with him. However it seems like most opponents are laggy now, they mostly have 1-2 bars and I keep getting the same people if I drop out and go back in. 3/4 of the last tourney was 1 bar players that were a complete chore to power through. And I tried skipping each one and couldn't find a good connection.
Rocket Raccoon said:
losing by one point on a tie breaker during the finals

that kind of close


So this was you then.

Well I've had my fill of the demo so I may as well post my final results.

Tournament wins: 2
Wins: 30
Losses: 10
Matches: 40

Total Points: 5000
I’m basically done with the demo too. As much as I’d want to play more, I can’t because my parents refused to lift Parental Controls time limits. I managed to get Chain Chomp (got 1500+ points), but I never managed to win a tournament. If I somehow manage to play the tournament again before time runs out, I’ll try using Chain Chomp.