Your avatar vs the avatar above you; who will win?

Lucario Vs. a .JPG of the text "Honoka" in Comic Sans MS.

It's quite obvious who the winner is:
God no...

I wouldn't let any Lucario in the world get close to Honokatext.jpg! Some say all those who have faced it were never seen again after they went to challenge it!
And now, the opposite side of the argument.

Actually no, I can't beat that.

EDIT: The original post was for Lucario. But as I typed, someone responded.

FOR BLADE KNIGHT: Kirby can inhale you easily. So I can eat you easily. Logic.
Blade Knight said:
Blade Knight doesn't have the aura, so luCArio!

The L must be capital, you fool! You will witness the full potential of the power of AURA!

Anyway, it's the same thing as before. Lucario wins, of course.

Also just call me Koops. That is my original username. Lucario is just a temporary display name.
A pink Yoshi versus a boy & his sapphire Yoshi kid. Probably an even match, even if numbers are on my side. It all depends on whether or not Siph decides to team up with the other Yoshi just to annoy me.
Can you use Aura?

Oh you can't... oh well, TG why not write your will now you never know when you'll die.
Oooo! A new one!

Yoshi v.s a lady with blue hair that looks creepy.

Do you have powers? That affects my response.
Yoshi's gonna throw his egg at me.

I'm proud it's not a Pokéball. I can just use a move and
-A wild Meltan appeared!

-Go Lucario!

-What will Lucario do?

-Lucario used Aura Sphere!

-Wait, where's Meltan! He was there until I blasted him!
My avatar switches between Maria Renard (both child and adult) and Roll. I think both these girls would win. If it is child Maria Renard, her Guardian Knuckle would have a hand, adult Maria Renard would kick away like Michael Jackson in Moonwalker for Genesis/Mega Drive and Master System and use her magic powers, and Roll would whack away with her broom.
Look at Isabelle. Yes. What you see is an adorable little puppy who (almost) everyone would free their time just to go pet her hair bun. But looks... can often be deceiving...

In truth, Isabelle is a power-hungry demon inside, a goddess of death, who truly chuckles only at the sight of blood, fire, pain, and suffering of others.

You don't know Isabelle. I do. It would be wise of you to listen to me. Commit suicide, and avoid death in this monster's hands... if you want to die with dignity, because don't try running... you cannot escape. She will get what she wants...

I still have memories of that one guy who dared insulting the fishing rod. Last thing he saw was the hook... that hook... pointier than the thinnest of needles...
John Barrowman may be one of the most awesome people to live, but, alas, he is but a man

I think Pheromosa would win this fight
Hold it there...

I know the doggo's powerful and all... but this much fab in one picture...

Oh hell no she'd get obliterated in seconds GET DOWN ISABELLE