Your avatar vs the avatar above you; who will win?

If it's a speedrun, of course Toadgamer's avatar would win.
Since my avatar rotates I'll post and then edit to see which one it is.

Edit: I got the original design for my avatar. Since he was intended to be filled with dark energy, I'll just say... good luck Toad ;)
Toadgamer said:
You're just an Amiibo! They're easy to break.
Yeah, my sister’s Peach amiibo was completely ripped off the base. The base works normally, but the amiibo no longer resembles Peach. Similarly, my brother’s Toad amiibo is headless, and his Bowser amiibo is missing a hand. I am talking about my 8-year-old sister and my 7-year-old brother btw.

Anyway, you crush my eggs and Yoshi will eat you.
It would be kind of out of character for Ash to attack the eggs with or without his Pokemon, so I don't think there would be a conflict there. But maybe against a mighty perturbed parental Yoshi upset with Ash for trespassing into it's territory, I could see a potential battle brewing.
My avatar, since John Denver would beat Ash in a country music contest.
But since John Denver doesn't have any Pokemon, he can't battle Ash. :p
Pikachu used Thunder! (probablynotamove)

It was super effective!

Namjoon used Beat The Shit Out Of Using A Bat!

It was super effective!

Pikachu fainted!