Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

Fiiiiiine, I guess I can make it more interesting

Unvote, Vote: Super Arrow
And so once again... victory is taken from the jaws of defeat. Or vice versa, depending on your perspective!

#33: Dai San Gen - 11
#20: Super Arrow - 10
#23: Silver Neelsen - 1
#26: John Tanaka - 1
#37: Lily Flyer - 1
#31: Lucy Liberty - 3
#33: Lisa Brilliant - 1

I'll see you in three weeks with yet another AX writeup! We're almost out, huh.
N-No matter... All this is is a... minor setback.

Enjoy your triplets for now. With the numbers thinning, it's only a matter of time until Super Arrow gets his chance.

And I assure you, that chance will be next month.
so what happens when you run out of f-zero characters

do you start over, go to mario kart characters, or do you end this entirely
i'm not interested in the mario kart roster the way i am the f-zero roster

if you want to do something like that after msm is over i ain't gonna stop you
Super Arrow

Fun fact: Super Arrow is awesome. He's like Captain Falcon but even more cheesy.

Funner fact: Draq is not awesome. He is a weird-looking alien poopoohead, if you will.

Funnest fact: vote Super Arrow. This is actually not a fact, it's a command.
Antonio Guster

throwaway vote until i get a convincing enough bribe to vote for one of the other two 💯 😌 🥴