Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

Hmmmmm I wonder...

I feel like voting for MSM this month, and I'll be voting for the most underrated character that no one votes for.

This post is to gauge interest for Super Arrow. I haven't seen anyone vote for Super Arrow yet I feel like no one has voted him or ever talks about him.

It would be amazing if Super Arrow won, even though it won't happen.


My, my, look at you all, bickering over trivial contests. I see the results within my future, of course. Super Arrow wins. Why delay the inevitable? If you support that fussy little thing Draq, you will simply be a statistic on the wrong side of history.

Take from that what you will. Time marches on regardless.

So this is what it's come to? Backroom deals and bribes decide the F-Zero racer covered in Mach Speed Mayhem? I, Ernest Fine, am disgusted. Back when my cousin wrote Ready Player One, he didn't need to rely on underhand tactics to send books flying off the shelves - merely the sheer quality of his writing, and also the rights to a vast library of pop culture works to reference. Unlike other authors who would simply ask their families and friends to buy their book, Ernest Cline turned to gamers. And maybe some comic book people. And audiences fell in love with Ready Player One, whereas other franchises such as Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings are now mere throwaway references in the Clineverse.

What I'm saying is, don't let Mach Speed Mayhem fall to the corruption of the Draq and Super Arrow sides. Otherwise, we set a dire precedent for the future of this section and the future of The 'Shroom as a whole. If you want to throw your weight behind an honest candidate, then Silver Neelsen is your man.
I've come to vote,

How about that girl on the second to bottom row with the black goggles and peppermint earmuffs?
Well! That was a lot to tally. But the results are in!

#20: Super Arrow - 27 votes
#27: Draq - 11 votes
#23: Silver Neelsen - 7 votes
#33: Lisa Brilliant - 2 votes
#14: Jack Levin - 1 vote
#24: Michael Chain - 1 vote
#31: Lucy Liberty - 1 vote
#37: Lily Flyer - 1 vote
#35: Daigoroh - 1 vote
#N/A: Clank Hughes - 1 vote

Not only does Super Arrow win, but he does so with an absolutely astounding margin! Even if literally everyone else who voted had teamed up to support Draq, he never had a chance!

I'll see you in two weeks with his well-earned article!
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