Recent Forum Changes

We have a nice forum revamp with a software change. I see. We still have to get used to it.
I noticed some extra restrictions to the search system that weren't there on SMF:

-Three-letter words are no longer included in search terms. On SMF, only one- and two-letter words were omitted.

-I can't put "seven" in my search term because it's been deemed "too common". This is the first time I've ever been given this error and I fail to see how "seven" is used too often to be in the search terms. EDIT: "Eight" is deemed too common as well.
So, the forum got updated just now.

So, what did it update, or did it just update to just update?
@Gamefreak75, @Weasel, and @MrConcreteDonkey have resigned from the mod staff. Please thank them for all their hard work over the years.

The remaining three mods will be discussing new forum moderation staff over the next week or so. Applications will not be accepted, this is an internal decision only.
I have an update as well. You can now use a 24 hour clock. I talked to Porple on the Wiki and he added it, settings are in the preferences section and under language.
Hey everybody, on your user profiles instead of Username History it now says Username Changes.

I'm not gonna make the biggest acceptance speech or anything, but to be in this position now is almost unreal. Younger, marioman1213 me would've lost his mind at this reality. Thank you to everybody in this community who's allowed me the opportunity to grow, and who have supported me in every leadership endeavour I've taken. I hope I can serve you as the best mod I can. My time in this community is far from over, and I'm thrilled to serve you all.

Congratulations to FTG too! I'm incredibly excited to work with you, and to see how you've grown is equally as amazing to me. Turnabout Moderation is officially a go.

(Also huge shout-out to BBQ Turtle for somehow predicting this moment last year)
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