The official "Ask more about our OCs" topic


Heart of an ox
I think this might bring some joy to the creative folks of the boards, simply ask a question to a specific user about their OC and they will glady oblige, granted if the question isn't awkward, be considerate, folks.

This is Miichele, those who participated in the OC guide book might remember her, the truth is, with me being easily distracted, I haven't had much a chance to actually write anything with her in it, your questions might help me further develop her if I haven't consider that, same with the other writers in this topic
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Sweet, I was thinking about making one of these... Here's a link to my userpage, you can find a list of my books and such and ask me about them...


This is Miichele, those who participated in the OC guide book might remember her, the truth is, with me being easily distracted, I haven't had much a chance to actually write anything with her in it, your questions might help me further develop her if I haven't consider that, same with the other writers in this topic
Sweet, I was thinking about making one of these... Here's a link to my userpage, you can find a list of my books and such and ask me about them...

Do your characters like strawberries?
She thinks they're too sour and go rotten too easily, as when she's not blasting rock monsters or getting people to safety, she works retail, she has work really hard not to frown when people buy them
Depends on which character you ask. Eli from The Altonia Files would say shout, "ABSOLUTELY!" Dagger, a superhero, would say, "Meh. Not really." And Dale Mulligan from The Dragon's Breath would ask, "What's a strawberry?"
I get a decent amount of questions about the Protectors in my ask thread, so...idk, I guess people can ask there.
Aw, you love them? That's so flattering. <3
Weeeelllll… Melody, a musical superhero could do that in a flash.
How well can your OCs can make a large musical number without any preparedness what so ever?

Dark Light wouldn't even WANT to do a large musical number in the first place and it would be highly embarrassing for her.

Redshift would try to make what he has got and hope for the best.

Ray Trace is a terrible singer and a musician all things considered, but he would still wing it.

Bluminescence would try to stay optimistic and positive and encourage people to do their best.

Ultra Violet can sing, but he doesn't want to.

Kontrast would be in full-blown panic mode.
Knowing that Ray Trace has a low IQ, what would he do in a battlefield?
Knowing that Ray Trace has a low IQ, what would he do in a battlefield?

Depends. He's actually a pretty competent fighter when things get serious. I'll repeat what Dark Light said about him, "He has a brain, he just refuses to use it."
Do your OCs have any idols?
Miichele looks up to Dillion from The Dillon Rolling Western series
My new OC, Pyregator looks up to Doctor Doom as she is a hammy villain, abit, really bad at being evil due to she does not wish to actually hurt people as much as she wants to be loud and cause harmless mischief.
Well, Scott Mulligan looks up to his older brother Dale, Bomb Boy looks up to Mech Man, and Dagger doesn't really look up to anyone.

What's your OC's origin?
Geez, there's a lot... Louis the Eskimo came from a Lego Shy Guy Flippy once made, the Boy Commander came from Calvin from Cavin and Hobbes, and Elijah, Eli, Eliana, and Elisha all reflect different aspects of me.
Dark Light wouldn't even WANT to do a large musical number in the first place and it would be highly embarrassing for her.

Redshift would try to make what he has got and hope for the best.

Ray Trace is a terrible singer and a musician all things considered, but he would still wing it.

Bluminescence would try to stay optimistic and positive and encourage people to do their best.

Ultra Violet can sing, but he doesn't want to.

Kontrast would be in full-blown panic mode.

Chroma's deep singing voice is good, but he can't do high notes

Green Flare sings like an anime girl

Do your OCs have any idols?

Green Flare looks up to Chroma Key, but pretends to hate him to hide her crush on him
This is Rachel! She's from the PFP roleplay and I'll tell her story.
She's 19 years old and lives in Noel Rock, Maine, where the International Association of Mad Scientists Who Don't Do Anything's HQ is. She started tinkering with electronics at an early age and has been in the team since when she was 16. She is intelligent, but a little ditzy. She was influenced by me.
Origin, huh?
Miichele is simply the result of me putting my go to Mii in the Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers game
Pyregator is the result of me loving over the top, ineffective but somewhat sad villains and a fondness of gators
Taylor is a fan daughter of Meowkie that I created for a roleplay on another site
Promp is simply me wanting to make a Dalmatian OC after watcing 101 Dalmatian Street
I currently have three unamed OC based on rabbits, fruit bats and weasels, just because I find those cute
What would your OCs usernames be if they joined the boards? Bonus points, it can't simply be their real names
Mind if I join?

From Megacomic:
Little Lad would be MiniByleth02 (account managed by Byleth)
Alvin would be La1 and Calvin would be Lac2
Melvin would be MlevinALC3

From Car Wash:
Jimbo would be TanDevil67
P-BP would be BiteSizeLoveBird
Shutters would be ILoveKnives63
Interference (as a whole) would be HappyLoveGood111
(Carly & Charlie have been banned from the internet. (Thanks, Charlie!))
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Well, Elisha probably wouldn't join in the first place, but Dale would probably be KingofThieves. Adam Castinel, considering he's an adult, also might not join, but if he did, he'd either do Surv1v0r, or The Glory of Man.

I have an absolute truckload of characters, and that makes this thread fun, because I can answer with different characters each time.
What would your OCs usernames be if they joined the boards? Bonus points, it can't simply be their real names

Dark Light: She would have used her real name anyway as that would be more official of her. Commander Cop
Redshift: Same with Dark Light. RedWave
Ray Trace: Горчичный (Russian for the adjective "mustard")
Bluminescnece: Blissful Waters
Ultra Violet: UV-5
Kontrast: Tough Armor
What do your ocs excell at and what do they do very badly?
Jimbo - Fighting, acting
P-BP - Being obnixious, fighting
The Doctor - Hunting, making friends
Charlie & Carly - Planning, working together
Sklurt - Scaring people, running away
Shutters - Butchering, being careful
Wayleth - Being found, standardized testing
Bruce - Things that require skill, things that require human interaction
Darth Kirby - "Assimilating", table manners
Jacques - Swordfighting, accepting defeat
Benjamin - Harming flies, harming people
Master Interference - Being a narcissist, keeping secrets
Alvin, Calvin, and Melvin - Ensuring others' safety, cleaning up after themselves
Little Lad - Eating things, finding food