Waluigi Time's 'Shroom Sections

Fake News
Fun Stuff
  • Hiding Koopa - A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Koopas are still hiding.
Palette Swap
Pipe Plaza
  • Community Report - The biggest section I've ever written as far as bytes are concerned! Wiki users really wanted to make proposals...
Strategy Wing
  • Digging Deeper - Would this have been more authentic if I stayed up until 3 AM writing it?
So close to the elusive six-team sweep... If only I was better at reviewing things.

Thank you for voting for Shmaluigi, Private Investigator, Waluigi Time Comic, and Community Report for Section of the Month!
Wow, what a cool and good issue made by cool and good people! Go read Issue 195 and vote in the Community Awards!

I accidentally wrote too many sections again. Oops.

Fake News
Fun Stuff
  • Crossword - A special one-off crossword (or two, actually) to get you hyped for the Awards!
  • Hiding Koopa - Oh yeah, THERE'S that Mario thing.
Palette Swap
Pipe Plaza
  • Community Report - More proposals and featured articles and stuff. Not sure what else you'd expect!
Strategy Wing
  • Shine Get - Taking a break from Minecraft for now to explore the classic Flash game Super Mario 63!
Also be sure to check out MightyMario's Movie Mayhem story and Roserade's Challenger Approaching! special! See if you can guess who did the art for those.

Thank you for voting Dear Waluigi Time, Hiding Koopa, and Community Report for Section of the Month!
Guys I did something crazy, I only did my normal slate of sections this month so I could focus more on Awards! And somehow there's still 9 of them. Hm.

Fake News
Fun Stuff
Palette Swap
Pipe Plaza
  • Community Report - I'm already running out of interesting ways to advertise this one, now I know why Zange uses the same blurb every month.
Strategy Wing
  • Shine Get - Now that we have all that tutorial stuff out of the way, we can finally get into the meat of the game!
By the way, see if you can figure out where that art in Mushroom Tribune came from...

Thank you for voting for Waluigi Time Comic and Shine Get for Section of the Month!
im still alive

Fake News
Fun Stuff
  • Hiding Koopa - That one game that keeps winning awards! No, not Sticker Star...
Palette Swap
Pipe Plaza
Strategy Wing
  • Shine Get - Shh, it's a secret! Well, not a very well-kept one...
Thank you for voting Hiding Koopa and Shine Get for Section of the Month!
Fake News
Fun Stuff
Palette Swap
Pipe Plaza
Strategy Wing
  • Shine Get - This level really gave me the cold shoulder.
Hey I think someone wrote something extra for Mushroom Tribune...

Thank you for voting for Shine Get for Section of the Month!
200 next month ahhhh! Expect this amount of sections to more than double next month, I'm going into the 'Shroom mines!

Fake News
  • Dear Waluigi Time - If you're handing out candy, dressing up, or being haunted by video games this month, this one's for you.
  • Consumer Corner - What could be inside?! Special thanks to Shoey for the original idea and MightyMario for collaborating with me on this one.
Fun Stuff
  • Hiding Koopa - Having to buy the game a second time is pretty scary.
Palette Swap
Pipe Plaza
Strategy Wing
  • Shine Get - I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it shifts everywhere.
Thank you for voting for Waluigi Time Comic and Shine Get for Section of the Month!
200 WOO!!!! Also I finally covered all six teams in one issue, please be sure to read everything everyone else wrote too because there's a ton of really cool stuff in it, also also I'm changing the format again because I don't really feel like summarizing things, if you're reading this post you probably know what these are already more or less

Fake News (News Flush; Overlook Mountain Auction House Presents; Dear Waluigi Time; Consumer Corner; Diggin' Up Dirt)
Fun Stuff (Hiding Koopa; Musical Quiz)
Palette Swap (What's on the Box?; Waluigi Time Comic; Shmaluigi, Private Investigator)
Pipe Plaza (Community Report; The 'Shroom Report)
Critic Corner (Character Review)
Strategy Wing (Digging Deeper; Rising From Obscurity; Shine Get)
Specials (The 'ShrooMall (partial); SOTM Retrospective (partial); Building The 'Shroom HQ)

Thank you for voting Hiding Koopa for Section of the Month!
Hey first update of the post-200 era! This probably should've been the take it easy month but instead I did a few extra things anyway. A few things of note, The 'Shroom Report is now a regular section after being a special in the last issue, and it's also replacing Community Report because for some reason the wiki editors got proposal fever and there would've been about 70 proposals to deal with this month. That's crazy! So if you liked that section, now's your chance to take over. Pipe Plaza also got a cerealy one-off (not as bad as it sounds), and be sure to check out the start of a special collab with Ninja Squid in Shmaluigi, Private Investigator!

Fake News (Dear Waluigi Time; News Flush)
Fun Stuff (Hiding Koopa)
Palette Swap (Waluigi Time Comic; Shmaluigi, Private Investigator)
Pipe Plaza (Poll Committee Discussion; The 'Shroom Report; Did Someone Say Cereal?)
Strategy Wing (Shine Get)

Thank you for voting Shmaluigi, Private Investigator for Section of the Month!
I'm free from the shackles of management (for now)! Congratulations to our new directing team, Shoey and Meta, and best of luck to you this year!

Included in this month's sections are the final edition of Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown marking the third anniversary of the section, and the 50th Waluigi Time Comic ever!

Fake News (Dear Waluigi Time; Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown)
Fun Stuff (Hiding Koopa)
Palette Swap (Waluigi Time Comic; Shmaluigi, Private Investigator)
Pipe Plaza (The 'Shroom Report)
Strategy Wing (Shine Get)

Thank you for voting for Did Someone Say Cereal? for Section of the Month!
A few interesting things this month (well, I hope they're all interesting, but you know, things beyond business as usual!), I'm collaborating with MightyMario for this month's Waluigi Time Comic, there's a one-off Weather Forecast, and Overlook Mountain Auction House Presents is back! Shmaluigi's taking the month off, but he'll be back soon.

Fake News (Dear Waluigi Time, Weather Forecast, Overlook Mountain Auction House Presents)
Fun Stuff (Hiding Koopa)
Palette Swap (Waluigi Time Comic)
Pipe Plaza (The 'Shroom Report)
Strategy Wing (Shine Get)
Huh, looks like I wrote a lot of sections this month. Shmaluigi's back, and there's extra content in three teams, including Awards promotion, the history of the Game Genie, and a review of one of Mario's latest outings! Be sure to check out the whole issue because a lot of cool and good people wrote a lot of cool and good things!

Fake News (Dear Waluigi Time; Peddler's Place; Diggin' Up Dirt)
Fun Stuff (Hiding Koopa)
Palette Swap (Waluigi Time Comic; Shmaluigi, Private Investigator)
Pipe Plaza (Poll Committee Discussion; The 'Shroom Report; Genie's Lamp)
Critic Corner (Video Game Review)
Strategy Wing (Shine Get)

Thank you for voting for Weather Forecast for Section of the Month!
Guess what? I wrote things this month. Can you believe it? Among the usuals we've got an Awards-themed one-off collab with Pitohui and Rose in Critic Corner and some updates to The 'Shroom Report!

Fake News (Dear Waluigi Time, Overlook Mountain Auction House Presents)
Fun Stuff (Hiding Koopa)
Palette Swap (Waluigi Time Comic, Shmaluigi, Private Investigator)
Pipe Plaza (The 'Shroom Report)
Critic Corner (Hall of Shame)
Strategy Wing (Shine Get)

Thank you for voting for Hiding Koopa and Genie's Lamp for Section of the Month!
It's the big day, TTYD special issue release! Lots of cool stuff and insane amounts of effort so please check it out! Speaking of insane amounts of effort, besides these sections I was also one of several writers on the incredible Paper 'Shroom: Choose-Your-Own-Adventure staff collab! Please play it!

Fake News (Dear Waluigi Time; Overlook Mountain Auction House Presents)
Fun Stuff (Hiding Koopa; Musical Quiz)
Palette Swap (Waluigi Time Comic; Shmaluigi, Private Investigator)
Pipe Plaza (The 'Shroom Report)
Strategy Wing (Shine Get)

Thank you for voting for Hiding Koopa and Waluigi Time Comic for Section of the Month!