Mafiatroid (Lounge/Sign-ups)


I have a problem

This is a transmission from the Galactic Federation to the Mushroom Kingdom's New Wikisburg Elite Squadron. We have detected signs of the deadly X-Parasite on one of your moons, designated SR-388.

We do not currently have the time nor resources to deal with this threat, so we advise that you send some of your own to dispose of the parasites before they can spread.

Be careful. X-Parasites can disguise themselves as allies, but are, in fact, heartless killing organisms.

We wish you the best of luck with this ordeal.



This mafia game is functionally similar to standard mafia games, with a slight difference. Roles are completely nonexistent!

The game has two factions: the Chozo and the X-Parasites. Each night, Chozo can visit one of the games multiple locations and either hunt for items (which grant temporary powers) or use an item they have. They can also take flavor-based night actions that serve little to no purpose other than fun, and work pretty much the same as Lightning Mafia+'s freeform night actions.

X-Parasites can not hunt for items, but have the unique ability to transform into anyone they choose during night phases. These transformations will not change check results, but can be used to perform actions (like killing!) in disguise. X-Parasites can also take the same freeform night actions as the Chozo.

Rules for the game follow the mafia standard, with 48-hour day phases and 24-hour night phases (extensions may be granted depending on the situation).

Sign-ups for this game are planned to end on Sunday the 9th, and the game will begin with a night 0 the next day. I'm looking for around 15-20 players.
EDIT: Due to potential overlap with L64DD's planned game, it will be pushed back to the next available time. Please await further details.

1. ClawgripFan @ClawgripFan9001
2. LongJohnSpaghetti @Launchpad McQuack
3. Flygon64 @Flygon64
4. YtSSM @Yoshi the SSM
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This sounds fun. I'm in.
This actually sounds really cool, but I have a few questions about how this is handled:

  1. For the Chozo power-ups, you say temporary, but how temporary? Are they one-time uses or determined by the number of uses/days? Or are they case-by-case depending on item?
  2. How many power-up items can we have at one time? How many are there in general?
  3. Is there anything else Chozo can do in the rooms (aside from player-created randomness), or is this determined by the power-ups?
  4. Is there a map? How do we navigate it?
  5. How can we tell if it's an X-Parasite in the room and not a member of the Chozo? Can we just see them or do we need a power-up for that?
  6. This sounds like a very focused game with constant interactions between players and the host. Do you feel like you have the time and energy to maintain the game?
might as well try
This actually sounds really cool, but I have a few questions about how this is handled:

  1. For the Chozo power-ups, you say temporary, but how temporary? Are they one-time uses or determined by the number of uses/days? Or are they case-by-case depending on item?
  2. How many power-up items can we have at one time? How many are there in general?
  3. Is there anything else Chozo can do in the rooms (aside from player-created randomness), or is this determined by the power-ups?
  4. Is there a map? How do we navigate it?
  5. How can we tell if it's an X-Parasite in the room and not a member of the Chozo? Can we just see them or do we need a power-up for that?
  6. This sounds like a very focused game with constant interactions between players and the host. Do you feel like you have the time and energy to maintain the game?
1. Most will act like 1-use only role powers, only functioning for a single phase.
2. You can have as many powerups you want but can only obtain or use one per phase.
3. There may be some additional features that you can interact with in some rooms, but for the sake of simplicity won't have much practical use.
4. There is a map that will be posted once the game reaches a satisfactory number of players. You can go to whichever location you want in a night phase.
5. X-Parasites are the equivalent of Mafia in this game, you can't identify them without the use of one of a couple items.
6. My goal was to make this a bit less intensive than the previous two games while still include a unique gimmick to make it feel like a Metroid game. I'm considering extending the phases to 48/48 or 72/48 to make things a bit easier on myself but I think I should be able to handle it otherwise. The next month is going to be pretty quiet for me on the irl front. If something comes up before the games starts I will postpone it until I am sure I can manage it.
Glitz Yoshi (Red).png
Glitz Yoshi: "I am interested. Also, if Luigi 64DD's game comes up, I will do this and that one. However, that will be Yoshi the Detective of Space that will be the roleplay over there. Here, it is me, Glitz Yoshi."
I am pleased to announce that item details and a game map will be revealed sometime today or tomorrow. Ideally, the game will start this weekend or just after.
How are you planning on starting the game with this little amount of players?
How are you planning on starting the game with this little amount of players?
I'm not. Since all of that stuff is almost ready, I think that posting it sooner might drive up interest in the game.
I'm not. Since all of that stuff is almost ready, I think that posting it sooner might drive up interest in the game.
Ah, I see. Yeah, that makes sense.
Quick question: would you guys be bothered if I removed the freeform actions or do you want to keep them in?
I'm indifferent on the matter.
I've been wanting to sign up but I'm not sure just how important the freeform actions would be, maybe you could clarify that for me.
I've been wanting to sign up but I'm not sure just how important the freeform actions would be, maybe you could clarify that for me.
If they're included (which may not happen), they would mostly be for fun and a bit of additional freedom.
That's why I'm considering removing them, would be a pain for me to manage and idk if it's really worth it if it does nothing important.
I think if you just got rid of them entirely, I might be more inclined to sign up since I wouldn't be able to make much use of them anyway.
Quick question: would you guys be bothered if I removed the freeform actions or do you want to keep them in?

im probably not signing up for the game but, based on your original description i would highly recommend removing them. the fact that theyre literally described as something that serves little to no purpose other than "fun" means that it would honestly just be something superflous that bogs the game down and, honestly, means you totally missed the point of freeform actions in the first place (the fact that people are STILL saying that freeform actions didnt mean anything continues to reinforce to me that they were the biggest failing point of lightning mafia+ 🙃). planning to include something pointless is just making more work for yourself for basically no gain, and considering this game is heavily reliant on other, separate gimmicks to function, it would be better to focus on your actual game play mechanics rather than thoughtlessly transferring something from another game without even making any changes to improve its function to the game

while im here, i might as well ask my other question i had when i first read the thread: the x-parasites are supposed to have an "advantage" by being able to disguise themselves as other players, which can presumably be seen in submitted night actions but like... if you disguise yourself as someone else, but then nobody sees you, wouldn't it be pretty easy for the townies to just go "oh [person] didnt exist tonight so theyre probably an x-parasite who disguised themselves"? combining that with the fact they get no night powers it seems a little in favour of the townies in terms of the actual balance
Thanks for your feedback, guys! There are probably still improvements that can be made and if there are any glaring issues point them out to me; I'll try the best I can to fix them.

Currently, the plan is that freeform night actions have been removed from the game, and X-Parasites now have innate powers that function more like traditional repeatable role powers. These will probably be given more detail on later but for now the plan is that they will be less powerful role powers.

Here is the long-awaited map of the game!

- Gives you immunity for a single night.
Aeion Scanner
- Lets you see the alignment of a player you choose.
Plasma Beam
- Only two exist in the game. Allows a Chozo to perform a nightkill.
Ice Beam
- Freeze a player for a night, preventing them from using any night actions.
Power Bomb
- Very dangerous. Kills a random player when used. Only one exists in the game.
Aeion Bless
- Grant another player immunity for a single night. If used on a player who already has immunity, both are cancelled out.
Flash Shift
- Gather two items in one night.
- Increases the chance of finding rarer items.
Morph Ball
- Spy on a player and see what items they have.
Trace Detect
- Identify everyone who has also found a Trace Detect.


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uh... this is dead