What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Rock Band 3
Kirby's Return to Dreamland.

Made it all the way through World 1 with three of my siblings. That game is eerily addictive...
Fortune Street: I got beat by Wario. If only DK would have accepted my trade 20 turns earlier

Crash Bandicoot: It's a pretty good game. Did a couple levels.

Skyward Sword: Love the game. Starting to get to the better part.
Sonic Mega Colllection Plus

This game is so awesome

I played Sonic Blast Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 on it so far. I have never played the originals before(well the first 3 and the others)

I love it especially Chemical Plant in Sonic 2
Three games: Mario 64 DS remake, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Skyward Sword.

I didn't play Mario 64 for a whole lot, because the next two I knew were so much better. It's OK, but I want to also know how the original is like.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is exactly like the original, except with awesome powers, Yoshi, and incredibly easy levels. Fun levels, but easy.
And Skyward Sword is all it was supposed to be. OK, so I'm only on Faron Woods and it took me three hours, but I judge that in...3 1/2 years I will have it completed.