What game did you last play?!?!?!?

One Piece Pirate Warriors

This game is pretty bad, but I'm enjoying it anyway since it's nice to go through some One Piece stuff again. I think Episode 16 is the last one, I'll do it tomorrow. The boss of 15 was a pain, lots of button mashing.

Getting S Ranks is difficult, at least for the first time. I can't see any consistency in how fast you need to do a stage or how many enemies you need to kill. I still have a few anyway, from Action stages or Boss stages.
Fates Conquest

Chapter 24 was a nightmare. Fuck fliers and Hinoka's Dragon Vein and fuck the RNG for killing Selena with 8%. The next chapter is just called Ryouma so I can tell some intense shit is about to go down.
Glitchy said:
Fates Conquest

Chapter 24 was a nightmare. Fuck fliers and Hinoka's Dragon Vein and fuck the RNG for killing Selena with 8%. The next chapter is just called Ryouma so I can tell some intense shit is about to go down.
those dragon veins can eat my ass
One Piece Pirate Warriors

I said trophies would be easy but there's a cleverly disguised online trophy in there. I'm gonna have to boost with some randoms but I don't know how reliable they will be.

Zoro is fun to play as, Nami is not fun to play as. I did get Zoro's New World outfit from completing his episodes which was pretty cool.
One Piece Pirate Warriors

Well, looks like I won't be playing this game any more. The PS3 is pretty garbage, this must be a yearly occurrence by now where it just stops being able to read discs. It shit itself when trying to load a cut scene, turned itself off and now it won't even spin the disc when I put it in.

Nanobreaker is an hack-n-slash game made by Konami and produced by the Castlevania guy. The cheesealicious plot is that you're a genocidal supersoldier send to a remote island to fix a supercomputer that's using nanomachines to turn everyone in bloodthirsty cyborgs. It's uncanically similar to Metal Gear Rising, featuring a similar cyborg/dismemberment theme and an antagonist who looks way too much like Sundowner.

I like it well enough so far. A cool aspect is the combo cuztomization system: by finding colour-coded "combo chips" scattered around the environements, you can choose what type of attack you can use next in the combo flow chart. admitelly I haven't played that many 3D action games, but I thought it was a cool way to let you customize your fighting style to a certain degree.

It's also the one game in existence that keeps track of how many gallons of blood (technically oil, but they're not fooling anyone) you've spilled. How stupid/awesome is that.

After doing a neutral run, then a pacifist run, I'm doing a genocide run. Welp not only do I feel bad, but Undyne was hard.
Braixen's Kawaii Delivery Service


Pokken Tournament

Really liking this game so far. Neat little twist on the fitegame genre and I like the rock paper scissors system it has going on with attacks, grab, and counters. Game looks great and the the music is awesome.

9/10 no mienshao though
Fire Emblem Fates Birthright

Killing Keaton was the hardest thing I've had to do so far why does everything have to be rout the enemy?

I already knew about Flora's death but it's sad all the same. Felicia's reaction was the saddest part...

Most of my units are promoted now and Jakob is a Paladin.
Pokken Tournament

I'm so bad at this game, or at least Sceptile. BUT I did get a little better since the last few matches have been pretty close. I just choke when I get them down to really low HP. I had a Lucario at 1HP and they still won lmao, I think too hard about what to do in that situation when the one that should be feeling pressured is them. I guess it didn't help that I got matched up with people a whole letter rank above me for a while.

It's a little annoying that all his projectiles are aerial based but he does have the hanging thing to mix it up. He also has lots of usefulness out of dashing, like I can do two light attacks, dash back and use his ranged command grab while they're still shielding. Or if I hit with Bullet Seed I can dash forward and hit them with Leaf Storm or the poison attack, or both, I feel like I hit with both once but I might be imagining it. If they block bullet seed I can always just grab them I guess, or Leaf Blade. I should use Leaf Blade more often, it goes pretty far and it's a counter to boot.

Also I hate fighting Braixen lmao. So frustrating. No wonder some people are adamant that she's one of the best characters in the game.

edit: okay, more leech seed + bullet seed trapping and more leaf blade works wonders. I ran into one of the people a letter rank above that beat me early on and beat them in a really close match. I brought it back from really low HP twice, I did have 1HP at one point and I just finished using up my synergy burst. We had another close match afterwards and I lost but it was nice to know that all these losses weren't useless. I love the instant fear that a mega evolution puts in people. and I beat someone in the Sceptile Ditto, though they seemed to think Sceptile was a rushdown character and didn't have a solution for my seed pressure and command grab.
Flora said:
Also I hate fighting Braixen lmao. So frustrating. No wonder some people are adamant that she's one of the best characters in the game.
why are people being adamant about this

it's better to be modest :dk:
Pokken Tournament

I want every Pikachu and Mewtwo player to burn.

Also I made it to the last number of E Rank. I almost can't tell if I'm improving because the matchmaking is all kinds of weird. I've noticed I have a huge problem with people that jump a lot. I need to up my anti-air game a lot.

Pokemon Zeta. Here's my current team as I'm scaling Mt. Press. And yes, my Snorlax is green. It's a Delta Snorlax so it's a grass type instead of a normal type. It knows Leaf Blade. All the names are based off of different mythologies.

Triton- Greek
Roc- Middle Eastern
Kitsune- Japanese
Hel- Norse
Tianlong- Chinese
Bacchus- Roman
Hot Wheels: Beat That (The DS Version to be more precise)

Despite being my first video game, I haven't touched it in two years. It hasn't aged too well, but it still maintains a nice level of fun.