What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Rohan Kishibe said:
Zae Eildus said:
Rohan Kishibe said:
Majora's Mask 3D

stupid dumb pirates can you please stop throwing me out of your base my fish abs are getting tired of your shitty stealth missions

poor gbatoad doesnt have the stone mask
excuse me my fish abs and i do not have time for your sidequests mr. obscure dead ghost person who i cant seem to find at all despite using the lens of truth everywhere

i have a flying horse to attend to good day sir

but sidequests are like 90% of the game
Banjo Kazooie
grim dawn

more leveling up, found a boss that wopped my , so coming back later to that thing. Got the portal in burrwitch village, planning to play soon.

spyro 2

beat idol springs, seems pretty good so far.

dungeon defenders 2

bought the mystic and had some fun until internet problems, why is this game online only? anyway was good for a bit.
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

The boss battle started with me being crushed, then crushed again, and again, then I got swatted away and just accepted my fate and died. The second attempt was far more successful. New shiny sword. Time for cave.

Pokemon Yellow Version

I evolved my Pikachu. Now he's going to be able to keep up, sorta. At least he won't be in the way anymore.
Yoshi's Woolly World

The soundtrack to Wonderful World of Wool is good, but the level is just too hard.
Project X Zone 2

I am at Chapter 15 already, and I wonder how many more chapters are there in this game. It seems like a long game that I doubt I will finish it by the time Pokemon Sun and Moon will be released.

Thanks for reading.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

wolf link is cute!
Mario Party: Star Rush
Kingdom Hearts

Finished up Agrabah and its hilariously easy main boss. After that I did all of Monstro (worst world in the game so far) and got to the start of Halloween Town.
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

Final dungeon i think. The boss I fought today wasn't hard, the giant statue boss was more interesting. Some plot shit happened, learnt a little bit of lore that ties back to Ys 1 and 2. I liked that. fire sword is good sword. I might go back and fight the secret boss for the achievement, the achievements are harder to get than Ys 1+2 so I don't care as much.

i got 100 of those meme squids
just have the ice ruins to go through
im missing 2 heart pieces and i know where they are, one is on a secluded island in death mountain (like in lttp) and that ones not bad but the other one is in this stupid baseball minigame
i can never get over like 60 in it because i keep killing the crabs first accidently or i keep going on streaks where the ball keeps flying in the same area
also that piece of shit crow sometimes doesnt get the ball homing in on him
i fuckig hate baseball

its ok i take my anger out on the pitcher by hitting him with balls
Ys: The Oath in Felghana

I'm struggling to find a setup that lets me use jump, attack and magic properly. It was fine with shift except, you know, it's shift so pressing it too much kicks me out of the game. Ctrl is okay, C was bad since I got attack and jump mixed up a lot.

Attacking is a lot more satisfying, you can do like 6 or 7 hits which is cool, feels like the difference between Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 where you can press more button. Magic is more like the fire magic in Ys 2, where mixing up your sword attacks and magic attacks for different enemies is crucial.

The game overall looks and feels better than Ys VI right from the start. I can already tell they're going to do some crazy shit with the bosses.
Advance Wars

Beat that Advance Campaign(except for the post-final boss mission but I deliberately didn't go for it because it doesn't seem pleasant). Funnily enough Enigma (Advance) and The Final Battle! (Advance) didn't feel that much tougher than the normal versions. Was a pretty rough ride. I guess I'll do a normal campaign run for Eagle and the normal version of the post-final boss mission.
Mario Party: Star Rush

Coinathlon is fun but it sucks to have crappy minigames like Tiles and Tribulations (or at least games I'm not good at) AND getting screwed over by bad items.