What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Ys: The Oath in Felghana

That was a really good boss battle. Took me a few tries, I got him down to one hit twice but I panicked and jumped too fast which left me wide open.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

>tfw you find a 3DS in a fortune cookie and can now play Puzzle League

Rohan Kishibe said:
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

>tfw you find a 3DS in a fortune cookie and can now play Puzzle League

tfw puzzle league in new leaf isnt multiplayer ;_;
Ys: The Oath in Felghana

I love that the bosses just tear you apart if you mess up too much, I feel like it's been a while since I've played a game with difficult boss battles.

Spin to win is the best magic.

I can see why this one is recommended as a good place to start the Ys series with, it's not really connected to the other games and it's nailed that fast-paced feeling that VI was missing. I and II were still good starting points though, the bump system was dope.
Mario & Luigi: Super Star Saga

Started a new game and i already remember why i liked this game, really good sprite work and pretty skillful battle system.

Anyway beat the first boss, will probably play more later.
Victor Vran

Couldnt resist getting it anymore and quite frankly pretty impressed with it. A very sold action rpg with every weapon type having its own skills and general feel. To top it off there are dodge and jump mechanics that seperate it from other arpgs like diablo 2 or grim down giving it more of a skill type gameplay rather build type gameplay which various aprgs are known for.
There are rpg elements like destiny cards giving passive upgrades and a loot system for various other things like weapons and demon skills.

The bosses are pretty well done, only fought two so far but was rather impressed as they are nothing like other enemies which is pretty nice, overall a solid game thus far, largely reconmended for people searching for arpgs like blof and lgm, as the game supports both local and online co-op.
Ys: The Oath in Felghana

got greedy, died to ice physics, worm boss was nice, spin to win still wins, cool cool mountain is next.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

>tfw the prizes for clearing Puzzle League are mostly Lip's costume

oh well at least i look pretty

Ys: The Oath in Felghana

I was hoping I could make it through without getting the 'Consult a FAQ Already' achievement but the harpies were tough.
Pokemon Black 2

Trained my Sigilyph to level 53, now to get Karrablast there
Pokemon Red Version and Pokemon Blue Version

well I decided to stop fucking around and just do the last trade (Flareon) to reach 151. So I guess I can write these two off as completed. I didn't trade over everything to Yellow, anything I can catch in Yellow will be caught in it. I probably can't do a complete pokedex for anything past 2 because there's too many locked behind events that I'd need to do some fuckery to get otherwise. I probably won't even attempt the Celebi glitch in Gen 2 anyway.

Well at least I don't have to worry about the transfer pak murdering my Pokemon anymore. It only happened once but it was lucky I had an old Yellow save file with a Vaporeon on it.
Mario & Luigi: Super Star Saga

Managed to make it all the way to the beanbean castle, beat the plumbing section and the boss was pretty easy but still fun to watch.

Made my way into the chucklechuck area, which im not really looking forward to due to hating mazes, but still the game is good as i remember.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

I got the fucking ludovico technique as azazel and made it all the way to the satan fight and beat it all in one super lucky and fun run. I now have all characters (minus the lost) unlocked but idgaf cause azazel is by far the best aaaaaaaaaa <3

its prety good

music is top
i love the background pokemon sfx of like nidoran and shit in the wild
i like how in the battle you can see like if ur attack was lowered or increased and by how many stages
the menus look so clean

this is gonna be a good game

oh my god fuck hau and his stupid pichu
this battle took like 10 minutes because this dumb ass made my attack like 1
Pokemon Moon

ok island trials are actually so much better than gyms in all honesty, the Raticate totem battle was actually great. For the first time in any pokemon game i actually find myself buying x attacks and shit because they now sharply raise stats and are so much more useful, loaded grubbin with 2 x attacks and an x defence and it still ended up dying to the totem. Shame i still had 5 more pokemon to use however because dartrix ended the battle immediately after that. was still pretty challenging though i guess!

and now wild pokemon battles are actually difficult! pokemon calling for help has fucked me over so many time already because my team can't hit multiples for shit aside from diglett and even then if the opponent is part flying oh boy

i can't decide if playing on set without exp. share is actually challenging or just really fucking annoying actually but either way this has been the most unique pokemon experience i've had so far

I've cleared the first island already
and got Tauros so now I can smash rocks

the music in this game is so good

Current team:
Valentine (Diglett) - Lv. 18
Robinhoot (Dartrix) - Lv. 18
Doggabbro (Rockruff) - Lv. 11
Splet (Grimer) - Lv. 17
Shinkansen (Grubbin) - Lv. 16
Crabrawler - Lv. 10