What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Mega Man 9

haven't played this game in a while, hope I actually make some progress


you know what, jewel man's stage and its swinging pendulums can go right to hell
Star Wars Battlefront
Played co-op with my brother. Was a lot of fun.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Freeza is now my mentor. Death Beam is fun to use.
Mega Man Legacy Collection

help me I suck

I tried MM1's Cut Man stage and got a game over

1 - there was a screen with three of these plants that spat out laser balls and I forgot I could kill them as I got in range and tried to just avoid the fire + I realised killing everything meant nothing when few things drop health unlike metroid and the swoopy enemies tended to hit me when it was awkward

2 - I got further but there was this enemy dispenser that released white plant enemies that looked like Piranha Buds (idk the name) so I thought "hey this is a health grind spot right" like in metroid but they kept hitting me and I wasn't killing them and RIP

3 - so this time I was doing well but I started descending down the tower and I noticed I could just drop down the right side rather than catch the ladder, I figure, "this isn't the canon first stage but they can't be too mean, right?"+ it might be a speedrunning tactic but NOPE INSTANT DEATH SPIKES ugh that made me salty (first checkpoint reached)

4 - CHECKPOINTS YES I got to Cut Man but I was half health and didn't know how to hurt him and died after hitting him three times, I played like a SSB4 scrub, I immediately tried to air dodge and he read me (boss checkpoint reached)

5 - I fought Cut Man at almost full health and just died, didn't even take him to half health

idk if I'll try again but if I do I'll edit it in

mega man is actually Hard Man, this is why I don't play him in smash


1 - got to the boss checkpoint in one go but died before I got into the room
2 - beat Cut Man on my first try pfft he was a joke why did I lose to him before bahahaha

nvm I beat it


first try I thought platforms weren't showing so I did suicide but second try I got on and remembered someone complimenting the game design in a video so I knew the gimmick but I didn't jump fast enough and it SPIKED ME WHOA no redemption

two game overs to my lack of tight platforming skills the timing is brutal in this game

the boss savaged me on my first try, barely hit him once

tried cutman the second time remember someone said "there is a good order to the stages that makes bosses easy" and maybe I got lucky but nope

third try I try really hard to not get stunned every second and find out it is possible to not get stun-rocked and barely beat him

why is this game so hard (or why am I so bad omg)

edit 3: invisible blocks what why are you so frustrating

when you spend ten minutes on them only to forget about ice physics and fall off the stage

only to jump on the enemy you think you can ride and die again

game over, right, I'm done playing this it hurts me too much
Oh, I downloaded that before I left, I might give it a try later.

Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus

I've only played the og girls, they're mostly the same besides Katsuragi is more fun, Hibari isn't strange anymore and Yagyu isn't very good at crowd control without her specials. The gameplay itself isn't as dash heavy anymore either, now that guarding/ parrying exists and the bosses use limit breaks so you rarely can skip their transformation phase.

I'll try the new girls some other time.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

I can now go Super Saiyan levels 1-3. Awesome.

Pokemon Sun
Legendary hunting. Have the Ultra Beasts and Tapus. Now it's time for Necrozma.
3D Pinball Space Cadet

It was on Windows NT 4.0 in PCem.
Mega Man Legacy Collection (Mega Man)

Somehow beat Ice Man, then breezed through Elec Man (I got a platform generator that hasn't really helped me tbh), Fire Man and Bomb Man.

Then I managed to get to the Yellow Devil in Wily's Castle, but I died before it even appeared wow

this game

Pokémon Sun

Blitzed through the Battle Tree until I fought Wally and his Megallade swept my team because Revenge Killer Arcanine took one for the team too soon.

freaking megas

(but hey now I have all the power items x1 (x6 is a long way away), now I can EV train things quickly)
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus

Finished the Hanzo story. Asuka has a spin to win attack, I love it.

Mega Man 1

Gave it a shot, finished Cut Man pretty quick once i saw his throw -> jump pattern. this seems like it'll have the same problem I have with Shovel Knight; I just lose interest really quickly. There appears to be no saving either so Id bet I'll never beat this game because I'll just stop after one or two areas.
Crackin355 said:
There appears to be no saving either so Id bet I'll never beat this game because I'll just stop after one or two areas.
While in Mega Man 1 (maybe the others idk), if you press one of the buttons you don't use (eg. L or R) you enter a menu on the bottom screen, where you can save your game.

So if you come back to the game, you should be able to reload back to where you got to before (ngl I've yet to try this)
Star Wars Battlefront

It might just be that I never played the originals but I don't get the criticism, game's a lot of fun. Too bad I suck at everything but Fighter Squadron.

Well uh...damn. Sorry, Billy...

Your dad abandons you at a young age, you are a first-hand witness to the death of your mother by hitmen, your sister is traumatized speechless because of it, your dad returns one day except he's kind of an ass, the religion you've been following has actually been committing to help higher-ups with human trafficking, and your uncle is one of the higher-ups. And being told this with extreme bluntness. Sheesh!
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus

Tried out the Gessen girls. I like Murakumo a lot more than I was expecting. I don't really like Yozakura, she's slow and her gauntlets look silly, her specials have garbage range too. Yumi is fine. Shiki is pretty standard. Don't know what to think about Minori, she's pretty normal besides her bucket thing which doesn't seem all that useful anyway.

Their school uniform is the best one though.

welcome to the Reverse Car Wash(tm) in which i put all the turrets + the shield generator on the payload and the other team can't fuckin deal with it by some miracle

just junkrat or pharah my ass already

also trying to force myself to play mercy and reinhardt. How do mercy players cope