What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus

Beat the game. Only thing left to do is dress people up, then go for all A ranks and max out the characters stats. Which I will probably leave as something to do when I'm bored, kinda like I have with Burst.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Finished episode 5 late last night, so finally finished with this game! One of the most clever and beautifully crafted games I've definitely ever played, from start to finish. Still questioning why it took me SO LONG TO PLAY AN ACE ATTORNEY GAME

Planning to start playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All sometime tonight.
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus

There sure is a ton of outfits to choose from.

Pokemon Yellow

There sure is a ton of Pokemon to catch.

There sure is a ton of posts to edit
Kirby Triple Deluxe

Got all the Sun Stones in Fine Fields. This is going along nicely, and I'm sinking my 265 Play Coins into these keychains because I think this is the best way to do it.
Kirby Triple Deluxe

slaughtered by Kirby Fighters, but I got to the 200+ keychains mark so yay

100% soon

Pokémon Sun

I grinded BP in the Battle Tree to get the Assault Vest and Choice Scarf, which was satisfying. All I want now is a Choice Specs and a White Herb, so after that I'll just be buying the mega stones.

My best and last run was a 31 streak (super singles) where I lost to something dumb I don't remember
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth

Unlocked Lost today. I also managed to get to Mom on Hard Mode using him today, on my third hard mode run. I died.
Pokémon Sun

my morals were questioned in the hunt for a hidden ability absol

"is it justified"

no it isn't, and it never was

wasted hours: the search failed horribly, every absol has no friends and struggles itself to death before I even have a chance of finding the HA ones but not before critting everything I can use to whittle its health down and/or check for its hidden ability
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin

Oh boy the final chapter. Now you're just fucking with me, Intelligent Systems.

>everybody loved Black Hole Rising, right?
>so you've been playing 25 chapters already, and in only a single one of them have you faced against IDS tech.
>now you're gonna face the culmination of it.
>5 lasers with huge range, very much far from your fighting forces
>2 indestructible mortars that utterly ravage an AI-selected cluster of units every turn
>2 factories, of the "the enemy gets to create powerful units without sucking from his funds" kind
>you can plug the production lines, but they're constantly under guard from the final boss's forces
>the final boss is tied for the strongest CO Zone boost* and has a bigger zone than the CO it's tied with
>the map is really open and many areas are prone to getting mortar'd, making indirect play not too effective
>you win by either somehow routing the final boss's army or destroying all the lasers which means facing heavy resistance from the final boss's army

I think this one might be tougher than even Final Front. This might take a while.

*[+50Atk/50Def to all units on the zone+10Atk/10Def default zone boost=160Atk/160Def units compared to the default 100Atk/100Def units. the CO Unit gets automatically levelled to veteran, gaining +20Atk/20Def, making a CO Unit of 180/180. and all units in the zone get healed every day, because why not?]
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

I'm addicted to this game
Bob McKenzie said:
Super Mario: Star Road

So I beat Bowser, unlocked the night version of Star Leap Tower, then left without finding the star because I got inside and couldn't get back out. Now I have to beat Bowser again, which is no easy task, especially getting there.
Kingdom Hearts

I was too busy complaining about the camera during Oogie Boogie's fight that I didn't realize I couldn've focused on him the whole time.


I didn't beat him if you were wondering, apparently my partners' legs were too heavy to jump above even one of the traps and went down rather quickly, making me a sitting duck

I need to stop sucking at this game

le 5 lootboxes and only voice lines and profile icons meme
Super Mario: Star Road

So there's this one pipe in Gloomy Garden that's in a cage, and I can't figure out how to access it. I don't think there are any Vanish Caps anywhere, and I can't find another way in.
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash