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Candace ??? Candice (°☆◇_Lost_In_Hogwarts◇☆°) (as depicted in Investigations 3)



(Cloaked form)



Not much is known about her life. She was involved in a near-death experience atop a mountain range in Japan, falling from a great height in some kind of falling-related incident. Swiftly taken to the Nadare Medical Facility, she was kept alive through the implementation of vast cybernetic enhancements, with her new creator, Dr Pierce, perhaps having more nefarious motivations for keeping a cyborg around.

Having no prior medical records, no memory of her former life, and her fingerprints permanently disfigured, she was the perfect candidate for Nadare's new line of defence, protecting its secrets from intruders. With her brain subtly rewired to ensure she attended to these objectives (with mild success), her cybernetics persisted even after the body perished, and she continues to prowl the globe in search of operatives to extinguish with her inhuman weaponry.

From her adventures she has brought:
- Several scalpels
- Magic Wand (a completely inert stool leg. May cause splinters)
- Lucky Hunch (grants one slice of good luck)
- Memento

- Advanced cybernetics: with a flexible, super-strong right arm and a fortified metal skeleton, she can launch several tonnes of material with great accuracy. She also has enhanced eyes capable of IR/X-Ray scanning, Taser Beams (stuns and electrocutes), Deadly Lasers (a one-shot laser with a track record of destroying anything it touches), and a Cloaking Projection.
- Illusory appearance: while she presents herself as a young healthy alive woman with Strong Mental Health, she is mostly metal frame and carapace, concealing her lack of humanity with a projection. Attacks targeting her 'skin' may pass straight through.
- Guillotine, Gun Down, Girlboss: Candace is an accomplished liar, tactician, and manipulator, having organised and fronted most efforts to identify and exterminate the Crimson Eye. In recent years, she has mostly abandoned covert tactics in favour of sheer intimidation, though she is not above a little Gaslighting if the situation calls for it.
- ×3 damage against men
- Wildcard

- Very obsessive and unreasonable, meaning she can lose the upper hand if she loses focus on the fight to yell about her tragic backstory.
- She no longer has the protection of flesh; her robotics are weak to the traditional robotic-disabling types of attacks. Water, electricity, 30 guns, etc.
- Her robot parts are not externally powered. Overuse of them can drain Candace of her energy and leave her unable to stay awake or defend herself. Her scanners are efficient enough, but her super strength is less so.
- She can only use her taser beam once in a session, and using her deadly laser will completely deplete her energy, requiring a long time to recharge and reboot.
- Wildcard
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Name and pronouns: Marge Simpson (She/Her)



Marge maintains her iconic look from The Simpsons. Standing tall with her towering blue beehive hairstyle, she's clad in her signature green dress and red pearls. Her yellow skin and big, round eyes are instantly recognizable.

General description and abilities:
Marge is a matriarch and homemaker-turned-fighter, showcasing the strength and resilience she's developed over years of managing her often chaotic household. She wields a vacuum cleaner with surprising adeptness, using it both for melee attacks and ranged dust cloud projectiles. Her beehive hair is not just for show - it can extend and retract, acting like a third arm for grabbing opponents or blocking attacks. Her varied experiences contribute to her combat capabilities - her police training adds combat techniques, her artistic skills enhance her strategic insight, her culinary talents offer power-ups, and her bodybuilding stint grants her significant physical prowess.

  • Versatility: Marge's combat style is unpredictable and versatile, with her household items turned weapons offering a range of both melee and ranged attacks
  • Adaptability: Her ability to quickly switch between roles (homemaker, cop, painter, cook, bodybuilder, etc) allows her to adapt to various situations
  • Combat: Bodybuilding has given Marge impressive physical strength and endurance. Her police training gives her advanced combat tactics.

  • Resource Management: As a cook, she can craft food items for power-ups, but this requires "ingredients" that she must collect during the fight, adding an additional layer of complexity and challenge.
  • Gambling Addiction: In certain situations, Marge may be tempted to gamble. This would risk her power or health for a chance at a major boost. This may It may lead to an incredible comeback but could also lead to severe consequences.
  • Limited Speed: Although tactical and athletic, she's not the fastest character and may have trouble dodging swift attacks.


Name and pronouns: Franziska von Karma (She/Her)



Franziska von Karma radiates an aura of authority and assertiveness. Her silver hair is slicked back into a polished bob, showcasing her sharp and meticulous features. Her keen, blue eyes are always vigilant. She upholds a professional demeanor, with her tailored, black, detailed A-line dress with crisp white cuffs extending from the white shoulder sleeves. A white bow, adorned with a jewel at its center, adds elegance to her dress's collar. An ever-present companion, her intricately designed whip, symbolizes her unwavering discipline and determination.

General description and abilities:
As the accomplished prosecutor and daughter of the legendary Manfred von Karma, Franziska von Karma maintains an unyielding quest for perfection. This same rigor transitions from the courtroom to the battlefield. In combat, Franziska is highly strategic and calculated. She exhibits masterful control over her whip, transforming it into a fearsome weapon. She can meticulously analyze her opponents, ensuring her counterattacks are devastating and precise. Her commanding "Objection!" can leave enemies stunned

  • Superior strategic intellect allows her to read opponents effectively, allowing for effective counter-attacks.
  • High stamina derived from a disciplined lifestyle
  • The long-range whip attack keeps enemies at bay
  • "Objection!" can stun and disrupt opponents

  • Dependence on strategic approach can be a disadvantage against unpredictable opponents.
  • Whip, although long-ranged, lacks speed, allowing nimble adversaries to dodge and strike back.
  • Her relentless pursuit of perfection may lead to underestimation of opponents or frustration during unexpected turns in battle.
gangsta mario (he/him)

gangsta mario is like what I imagine a pure edgelord on the internet would be like in the 2000s. I wasn't there so I don't know if this is correct, but it is what I interpret it would be like. He swears like a sailor, hates your mom, and has sick rapping skills. Please be prepared for him to hit that Yoshi on em, and Super Mario that hoe.

-Is Mario. I imagine this would reflect more in a Dr. Mario, so while he does retain some of Mario's athleticism (run fast, jump high) it's not as good as the actual Mario, so no fancy tricks like triple jumps.
-Gun. It is a gun, so he can shoot it with the force of a gun, and if the gun runs out of ammo, he will have to reload the gun. As seen above, he actually has two guns, but they are both normal guns, and act very gun-like. I feel like this would be his primary tool in combat, and primary strength, considering how powerful a gun really is.
-Constantly high. His senses are heightened due to his constant use of weed. However, he is also addicted to weed, and if left without, he experiences extrememe symptoms of withdrawal. Alongside this is the usual negative impacts of weed, he may seem drowsy at times, and definitely has brainrot.
-He has the mental age of a five year old. He'll send a barrage of swears and insults your way like he's in a CoD lobby, but can not take the same in return, having a short temper and easily getting annoyed by insults. This short temper extends to his personality as a whole. If things don't go how he wanted them to, he'll end up throwing a hissyfit.
Quickbot (better image might come someday)

Quickbot (it/its)
Awards Killing Game 4: Despair Incorporated

A robot created by Lakituthequick to assist in trading stocks, but it for some reason has access to a whole bunch of apps that make it an excellent tool for general usage as well. Although the stock market hype has been settled, it for some reason was retrieved from the closet to enter a brawl. Don't think too much about that.

Strengths and weaknesses
  • Quick simulation capabilities: optimised for calculations and simulations of stocks, or as the situation sees it, the ideal actions to perform in combat. This includes, but is not limited to, simulating strategies to outsmart an opponent who is physically more enabled.
  • Great spacial awareness: continually scans the environment and can easily locate its own position within the arena. As a result, it can calculate the ideal path to (and away from, if so needed) its opponent.
  • Ability to fly: due to being physically based upon the Mario series species Lakitu, it was given jet pack boosters to simulate the cloud accurately. Of course, the "quick" prefix means that those boosters are more powerful than is really needed for the purposes this bot was originally build for.
  • Holographic projections: can project holograms in thin air, which can be used to cause distractions.
  • Somewhat outdated: due to having been collecting dust for a little while, its language models only include data up through January 2021. As such, it may not be able to adequately calculate strategies for opponents that entered the scene after that until it has analysed them during the fight.
  • Physically weak: while quick and nimble, it was not build for power. Succumbing opponents requires strategy to outwit them and use their own strengths against them.
  • Noisy: what, you think those boosters are completely silent? It wishes.
(Ernest Clineborg and Ernest Fine)


Ernest Cline is the author of famous story Ready Player One. He knows all kinds of funny pop culture references like Star Trek. After breaking into a haunted mansion to confront a critic about a particularly harsh review, Ernest found himself trapped in a deadly game. Unfortunately, he would lose his life, after being found guilty of killing another player in self-defense.

However, his lifeless body was retrieved from the wreckage by a force unknown - and, years later, he was rebuilt as the cyborg Ernest Clineborg. Then something happened to him but I'm not sure what it was and I think it was just a dream. After that, he decided his true calling was stand-up comedy, and has been planning to record a Netflix special. He has just been chilling since then I guess.

Ernest Fine is Ernest Clineborg's incredibly attractive cousin. While trying to discover the truth about what happened to his cousin, he was dragged into a different killing game, many years in the future. However, Ernest FIne survived his ordeal, and even inherited a large business company. He then travelled back to the past and finally reconnected with his cousin, and now the two drive around in his flying car, saving the future from an evil JPEG of a bunny rabbit.

- ERNEST CLINEBORG, being a cyborg, has very high intelligence. This is how he remembers all of his references.
- Parts of his body are made of metal.
- He has an arm cannon which can fire off blasts of energy, which can be charged to increse power (basically like Samus)
- His Terminator eye allows him to scan his surroundings.
- He has a very good throwing arm.

- ERNEST FINE is absolutely ripped and very athletic.
- He is the most attractive man you have ever seen. Others may be dazzled by his sheer good looks and charming nature.
- He has a flying car which he can call to his aid, full of Buff Hammers from his company.
- He knows Dr. Ernest Fine. Could come in handy?

- Ernest Clineborg is a strong long-range attacker but may struggle at a closer range, whereas Ernest Fine's attacks are basically all close-range, so their strengths/weaknesses complement each other well.

- ERNEST CLINEBORG has a fairly cold and robotic manner, and can be quite rigid.
- He is very quick-tempered.
- If he expends too much power (for instance, by firing off a huge beam from his arm cannon), he will be forced to go into sleep mode and recharge.

- ERNEST FINE sometimes struggles with directions.
- He is not always the smartest fighter and his style of fighting is largely close-range.
- No pop culture knowledge.
- Sometimes he can be too nice and slightly naive.

- CLINEBORG: Awards Killing Game 2 (pre-cyborg), Awards Killing Game 3 (post-cyborg), C14 from last year is a good source for his abilities
- FINE: Awards Killing Game 4
To dance again!
I've been waiting all these years,
To dance again!
And now at once a chance appears.

Everybody make way,
for a pas de bourrée.
It's time to dance,



Herlock Sholmes &
Dr. Reginald Bushroot

The Brains of Baker Street

The dynamic union of a legendary London detective and a botanist turned plant mutant. Once, the two of them found themselves embroiled in a vicious rabbit-themed death game aboard the alleged luxury cruise liner S.S. Circinus. With the help of each other as well as several allies--likely and unlikely alike--they emerged alive and victorious, as friends and business partners.

-Impeccable perception and deductive abilities. Takes in even minute details even at a glance and is able to quickly draw accurate conclusions from them.
-Can intuitively pick up if he is being lied to, and is not fooled by disguises or most other attempts of deception.
-Due to his familiarity with such deceptive tactics and how to thwart them, he knows what it takes to fabricate convincing falsehoods in turn.
-Master-level practitioner of Bartitsu, a mixed martial arts style developed in England which he insists is actually called "Baritsu". His fanbase agrees completely and cannot be swayed.
-Well-educated on a variety of different subjects, including but not limited to chemistry and engineering.
-Disarmingly charismatic and eloquent.
-Knows how to play the violin.

-Danteleon, the Rabbit-Slaying Blade, a broadsword and gauntlet combo linked together by a sturdy chain. The gauntlet includes a mechanism that can pressure-launch the sword forward like a projectile, and a mechanical winch to retrieve it after firing. The golden part of the blade can also extend a set of barbs, enabling the sword to be used as an unwieldy emergency grappling hook.
-Goggles and chemical pouch. A set of chemicals that can be used for forensic or tracking purposes.
-Gun. A gun that shoots rubber bullets.


It's called Baritsu.

-Virtually unmatched intellect and confidence, able to easily take control of situations and command attention without wavering.
-Very spry and animated, does not tire easily.
-An outgoing socialite who knows how to navigate conversations and get people to think in ways he wants, including purposefully misrepresenting himself as a witless buffoon to disarm his adversaries.
-Generally in-the-know with regards to people of moderate to high profile, due to his line of work.

-Is HIGHLY eccentric. If given a choice, he will usually favor the most theatrical and spectacular approach that still accomplishes his goal.
-Though usually unflappable, will get irritated if the answer to a mystery turns out less interesting than the hypothetical scenario he cooked up in his brain. Especially if cannons are involved.
-Catastrophically bad with money.
-Stalked by BBdori.
-Can imbue plants with sentience and the ability to move around autonomously. Is able to talk to them and give them commands, and though he generally carries authority when doing this, his plant minions aren't always guaranteed to be obedient or intelligent enough to perform tasks efficiently.
-Can hasten the growth of plants and guide that growth at will. This requires the presence of enough nutrients in the ground.
-Can rub the petals on his head to produce a cloud of pollen that irritates eyes and respiratory systems.
-Can grow fruit on his head (they look like pink turnips).
-Is not debilitated by pain or dismemberment. Can regrow lost limbs with some effort.
-Is virtually immortal, as he can regrow his entire body from a single fiber if shredded or otherwise destroyed. Regeneration on such a severe scale usually takes a few months though, so I don't expect it to come into play as an asset here.
-Can cure vampirism by being shaken if the person shaking him chants "Potato backwards" three times.
-Learned fencing from a magical time-travelling frog spirit given to him by a middle-aged italo-american plumber/fratricidal murderer/restaurant entrepreneur. Fighting style is very light and evasive, with emphasis on feints and swift, precise strikes against weak points.


Rapid growth.


Command plants.

-Replica of the Grass Sword from Adventure time. It's a living plant shaped into a sword, so Bushroot's plant-melding abilities synergize with it. Can be used as a whip, can be thrown and bent in mid-air to adjust its flight path, can turn limber and slither back to Bushroot like a snake if lost. Turns into a snug wristband when not in use.
-Round wooden shield

-Has a very organized and capable mind that grasps information easily. Well versed in chemistry, botany, and mycology.
-Remarkably un-squeamish. The sight of blood and other horrifying displays does not faze him at all.
-Looks very good in a dress.

-Years of being bullied by his peers and co-workers have somewhat stunted his social development. Very introverted and withdrawn, large crowds and prolonged socializing with strangers leave him mentally very quickly, ESPECIALLY when forced to make meaningless small talk. Prone to get flustered and is easily irritated by annoying behavior.
-Secretly scared of reverting to his criminal roots and alienating his friends, thus will not resort to excessively violent acts unless Sholmes is present and able to give his blessing.
-Has a phobia of lawnmowers and weed-whackers.
-Does not have a sense of smell.

This is a joint submission of @Punished (Real) Luigi and I. I am not just getting permission to use his character for my own devices, we are both sharing equal credit and are each expending one of our slots for this.
Rainbow Dash (she/her)


Based on her appearance in Awards Killing Game Odyssey

A pegasus pony representing the element of loyalty who has also helped save her world countless times. Equestria has been pretty peaceful for the last few years, so things were pretty calm for Dash for a while...until one day she woke up on a strange cruise ship. Once she found out the truth of her situation, she wanted as little part of it as possible, but the thought of not being able to see her friends and home again was too much for her, and she made sure she matter what it took.

Not only did she survive the ship, she lived through the same ordeal on the island, even making some new friends during her nightmare, especially getting close to Cel and ENA. Though she remains haunted by what she was forced to do back on that ship in order to survive, Rainbow's life has otherwise returned to normal, and she is very grateful. She's gone back to her jobs as a weatherpony and a member of the Wonderbolts, and she very recently married her long time girlfriend! But it seems as though she can't rest just yet, as she's been called back into action for some sort of massive battle...


- Incredibly fast. Self explanatory
- Can fly. Again, self explanatory
- Great swimmer thanks to her time on the island
- Now knowledgeable about mechanics and etc thanks to her friendship with Cel
- Very proficient with projectiles and can hit anyone with anything so long as she gets a clear shot; furthermore she can also generally dodge or even return anything thrown her way with ease, provided she's not distracted or incapacitated


- Not humble, prone to getting too cocky, etc
- Doesn't really plan things out much of the time and will just kind of go into it
- A small horse. While pretty strong for one, she still runs the risk of being outmatched by a larger opponent in close combat if she can't escape
- Surprisingly not that great under pressure, will panic if things start getting too stressful
- Despite her competitive nature, she's protective of her fellow survivors from the dreaded island and will largely be unwilling to hurt any of them should they show up, especially ENA
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finally, the marioboards version of this classic

Contestant 1: The Erudite Goose! He has his signature pipe and, of course, his trusty beak.

Contestant 2: Beedle! He has a few rather curious playing cards, a few bottles of poisons (begrudgingly, I might add), a few bottles of normal pharmaceuticals, and a turtle plushie.

more info to come later. shout-out to christina applegate perch for reminding me to sign up

You all dance with me once more?

Why the fuck does the cat have a glock? I hate felines. Never know when to stop.

A cat. The shitty cherry on top of the revival cake.
I hope you understand inevitability.
Your little odyssey will end.

You've knocked on my door.

Death (He/It)

Ever present. In AKGO the spirit of a pathetic man was to enter the mortal realm again. That was until Death sent the man off to face the consequences of choice. Death took his place and stood as a reminder to all. It decided to destroy a building on an island too. He was kinda pissed.

Strengths : You and I and them are fated to meet it. He's got this really cool scythe too.
Weaknesses : People who prolong the time before they meet it by staying healthy and happy. Also cats. If you're a cat it might just shed a tear.
Signing up BB & Rei (or, together, BBdori) (BB: she/her, Rei: he/him, weird Circitus BBdori merge that idk if I will include in the powerset: he/she/they)

more info soon i just want to swoop them in under the deadline
In the desolate ruins a buzz is in the air as several fighters enter a mysterious tournament. Suddenly entering the ruins are a small shoe wearing Goomba followed by a very large turtle. Looking over the crowded scene of fighters the Goomba begins to smile before exclaiming.
"SO Y'ALL THOUGHT YOU COULD HIDE THIS LITTLE FIGHTING TOURNAMENT FROM US? You thought you could have yourself a fighting tournament without and not include the undefeated champion of Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown Grunt? Grunt the, 8 foot 5, 450 pounds of sheer Koopa power That Grunt? Well unfortunately for everyone in this tournament you might have been able to keep it secret from Grunt but you weren't gonna be able to keep this secret from me Mr. Colonel Shoey O'Dell. Now don't get me wrong I understand why you did it, after all you must know that there ain't a fighter alive that can take down Grunt the Grunt, 8 foot 5, 450 pounds of sheer Koopa power. The man of the hour, the man with the power, too sweet to be sour. Ya know the second he steps in that ring anyone he faces might as well forfeit in the face of Grunt's power. Now Grunt's power its unmatched but his mind ain't exactly a strength and normally id be okay sitting on the sidelines shouting strategy at him. But it looks like this tournaments gonna be a little more chaotic then that pathetic Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown. So this y'all in for a treat for me Mr. Colonel Shoey O'Dell is coming out of retirement to help my boy Grunt take down everyone in this here little tournament.

Strengths: Very Strong with a high resistance to pain.
Weakness: Very stupid like just so stupid!

Colonel Shoey O'Dell:
Strength: Sharp strategic mind.
Weakness: Very physically weak.
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I guess I'm doing this too and I'm hosting this thing!

Formally tossing in Prince Peach and Seam, with Seam borrowed from Pitohui. Will complete a full write-up for them tomorrow

One tomorrow later...


Prince Peach & Seam Step From The Shadows!

He/her and they/them respectively

The two rulers of Underwhere, and an unlikely set of partners in crime. Though their paths first crossed during the event in the Waluigi Time Cereal Factory, they have since become companions down below after their deaths, in business and in friendship. Prince Peach is proud and majestic, willing to put himself at the forefront of his thoughts and see every opportunity as a place to rule. Seam is much more nihilistic about the world, but they are prone to bantering and bartering. Though it can be hard to tell how much they truly like each other, with how much bickering they participate in together...

Prince Peach and Seam are both spellcasters. Prince Peach's magic is much newer to her, having awakened with the discovery of a Shadow Crystal in the Cereal Factory. His abilities are not quite versatile, but he is able to tap into dark magics to create damning flames and dark energy waves. He cannot use these powers without Shadow Crystals accessible to him, but thankfully, Seam is bringing along a supply of them. Seam is the much more rehearsed spellcaster, and in their prime was revered for their magic. Nowadays, they can still tap into this training, so they can summon and manipulate elemental magical energy, using electricity, fire, ice, light, and toxic clouds, as well as manipulating shadows.
Additionally, Seam brings onto the battlefield their seam ripper. Though primarily a stave for their magical arts, the blade is not just for show, and can be used as a weapon. Seam also brings with them a pair of Shadow Crystal spectacles, which will allow them to see through any illusion. Prince Peach does not bring any more gear with him into the fight, but he does bring a full willingness to batter and stomp on anyone who's upset him.

Prince Peach
-He is remarkably charismatic, or at least pretty. His conversational skills can be superb at both boosting somebody's ego and tearing them down quickly.
-Her transformation into her Shadow self has attuned her quickly to her new magical capabilities, meaning that she hardly handles her powers like a novice.
-Doesn't know when to stop.

-They are extremely magically-attuned, and were skilled and feared enough in their prime to seal away great threats.
-Their plush body makes them surprisingly resilient. Blunt force blows won't really do much, and they can go on even if they're pretty ripped and torn - after all, they're already pretty torn up!
-With a little sewing thread and a needle - or substitutes - they can even patch up damage they've taken.
-They play a mean game of cards.

Together, the two of them act succinctly well... if their heads are in the right place, anyway.

Prince Peach
-He is much more overzealous and confident than he should be. Pompous, arrogant, all of those other descriptors still apply, even after he was revealed to be the entire circus.
-He cannot stop that bartering spirit within him, and would likely seek out a "business relationship" with other combatants. This could be bad if he enlists a backstabber.
-She is also just as likely to backstab, which can be just as bad! And she would do all of this without telling Seam, until the very last moment.
-He cannot cast magic without a viable Shadow Crystal to cast from, so once his power's gone, it's gone.
-Doesn't know when to stop.

-For all the talk about how great they were in their prime... Seam is old now, and worn-down. They're still very powerful, but they don't have the stamina to use that power for too long, at least not without considerable breaks.
-Plushes tend not to do well when set on fire, and, while they can survive being torn and ripped, tear and rip them enough, and they're going to lose too much fluff and cotton to move, effectively TKOed!
-They do like to barter, and could get drawn into some kind of dealings and distracted from the fighting.

Together, the two of them will bicker. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. Not always the best thing to be doing in the middle of a fight.
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I'm signing up Wright Forde 'Shroom.

Wright Forde 'Shroom
WFS Happy2_20230430170227.png

he / him

Wright Forde 'Shroom (also known as W.F. 'Shroom, W.F.S., Mr. 'Shroom, the 'Shroom, or 'Shroom) is a writer and journalist for the famous newspaper, the 'Shroom. He grew up in Toad Town, in the Mushroom Kingdom, and studied in Mushroom School. Although he, like most of the other Toads, was geared towards studying mushrooms, he found the subject uninteresting, and didn't want to pursue it. He was more interested in reading books and newspapers. One of his favorites was the 'Shroom, a monthly paper written by a community of members. His childhood dream was to become a writer for the 'Shroom when he grew up, and he pursued it with a passion. He went to study journalism in college, and once he graduated, he submitted an application for the paper. He was accepted, to his infinite delight. Since then, he passionately advertises the 'Shroom to anyone who is willing to listen. As a hobby, he goes mushroom picking, which has ignited an interest in mushrooms which he previously didn't have.

Wright Forde 'Shroom is a Toad with a dedication to writing. He may not be the strongest Toad around, but what he lacks in physical skill, he makes up for with his sense of memory, for his vocabulary is expansive, and his memory is massive. In a fight, he focuses on defense. He is also a master at shilling.

+ W.F. 'Shroom is equipped with a newspaper, which he can use to rebound small objects, such as small rocks.
+ His eyes are sharp and he has an excellent sense of timing, which allows him to react quickly to an opponent's actions.
+ He can dodge attacks fairly well, depending on their range.
+ His cap is bouncy and removable, meaning that any objects aimed at it will likely bounce off, and although sharp objects may pierce through the cap, they won't cause any damage to W.F. 'Shroom himself.
+ He also has items stored in his cap in case of an emergency, which are a pencil and paper, a first aid kit, a camera, scissors, tape, and other office supplies.

- W.F. 'Shroom is poor at brawling, since he is light-weight, and his fists don't do much damage.
- His physical movement is limited, for although he is nimble, he can't run fast or jump high.
- He has minimal skill with weapons, and so has to primarily rely on defense.
- Without his glasses, he is as blind as a bat.
- He can get distracted when the 'Shroom newspaper is brought up.
Well, we're finally closing signups, friends! And oh boy, what a lineup do we have for you! Let's see everyone who entered!

7Surge the TenrecCosmic Cowboy
8The DoctorCosmic Cowboy
10Glitz YoshiYoshi the SSM
11O'ChunksYoshi the SSM
12TPG2 & KingsbournesTPG
13Candice ??? CandiceTPG
14Cornelius C. CorniferRevin
15Mister XenahortRevin
16El Presidente & AdvisorSuperchao
17Renne & BrennanmanSuperchao
18Scottish MarioSiFi
19Shmwario & ShmwaluigiWaluigi Time
20Perry the PlatypusWaluigi Time
21Honio PitokiHooded Pitohui
22VirovirobunHooded Pitohui
24Prince Peach & SeamRoserade
25RimiPower Flotzo
27Punished LuigiFWD
28Sholmes & Dr. BushrootGabumon & FWD
29Marge Simpsonfantanoice
30Franziska von Karmafantanoice
31Sirius & Dr. AcramanGBA
33gangsta marioSGOW
35The Ernest Fine BrothersMCD
36Rainbow DashSmasher
37The Erudite GooseLuigi 64DD
38BeedleLuigi 64DD
39BB & ReiTurb
41Wright Forde 'ShroomGoombuigi

A whopping 41 entrants! Hot damn, that's what I call successful!

Now for the important part. You see, we aren't going to just throw them all into a randomizer and see what winner falls out - that wouldn't be very fun, now would it? Nor do we want to make this a predetermined popularity contest. So now we're going to explain the benefits of weighted RNG. This is a system where every character starts with one point on a randomizer. More points are added, and then the randomizer is rolled based on the points - for example, if character A has 3 points to character B having 2, they have a 60% chance of winning. It's a clear influence, but cool upsets can still happen!

As for where those points come from, that's you guys! You'll provide a list of seven characters you vote for, ranked 1-7, and they get points accordingly - seven points for your #1 vote, six points for your #2, and so on down to #7. Like this:

#1: Fern
#2: Mazza
#3: Cel
#4: Captain Fairbanks
#5: Vicia
#6: Storm
#7: Garett

But instead of various AKGO NPCs, you put down the people you want to see win the deathmatch! Descriptions and justifications for why they would win a huge brawl are encouraged, and can net your picks more points, as well as any general kind of support you make (cool art? cool stories? any of that is welcome!). You cannot vote for your own personal entrants, but everyone else's are fair game!

I hope I explained everything well enough. Voting closes in two weeks, at ! If there are any questions, because I know I just pitched a lot of info at you, please do not hesitate to ask!!

E: Thanks to Gabumon for the table layout!
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Hey there! Quick few things to add on before you vote!

If you are voting, you must vote for a full seven. Make sure you're fully spreading out the love!

Additionally, while you cannot vote for your own submission in the ranking, you may choose to Endorse: one of your own. This will essentially give them the equivalent of three votes, so feel free to use it on your entrant that you want to give an extra boost!

Okay that's all happy voting!!!
Battle Prognosis:

7 points

Can assimilate technology, and there are at least 5 combatants out there that are robots or cyborgs, some with very deadly weaponry. The number of potential victims may be even higher depending on whether Rainbow Dash, ENA, and Bushroot still have their cybernetic enhancements from the Circitus Island arc. This thing will either be taken out in the first five minutes, or survive to become the robot apocalypse.
Perry the Platypus
6 points

The semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal of action is in a similar boat as Virovirobun, but targeting organics instead of synthetics, and is limited to only taking over one person. Still very dangerous if it's the right person.

Woe be to everyone if the symbiote gets its mitts on Bushroot and unlocks the mythical power of Duckbill². The cosmic sea will quake at the possibility.
5 points

Landed the killing blow on the final boss of AKGO and thereby became a full-fledged practitioner of black magic. Commands fire, wind, lightning, and surely some other elemental nonsense. Plus, very confusingly animated and thus difficult to hit. May summon strange creatures and it's gonna be a whole thing.
Surge the Tenrec
4 points

Kind of similar to an ENA with less type coverage. Commands lightning. A lot of these combatants are made of materials that conduct electricity very easily. In fact, I think out of all the fighters, Perry the Platypus is arguably the only one not vulnerable to electric attacks. Too bad nobody submitted a giant rubber monster.
Marge Simpson
3 points

Not exactly very scary, but being married to Homer must mean her mental fortitude is unmatched. Plus, she hard-counters GamerCat (vacuum wielder), Bushroot (access to gardening equipment), and TPG2 (oven proficiency).
TPG2 & Kingsbournes
2 points

I have faced this man on the battlefield before and he is a formidable opponent. I could not defeat him and had to retire in shame. Then I started dating the entity that killed him. All in all, very confusing for everyone.
The Erudite Goose
1 point

Never underestimate the bird.

GC : www
Death : You laugh at me again. If life were just, you'd be dead.
GC : H4H4H4 >8D M4D >8?
Death : Don't talk like that.
GC : Angry?
Death : Furious
GC : Furryious nyo ho.
Death : And here I go crying again.
GC : Oi, for whom does the bell toll?
Death : It tolls for all of you clowns. Leave me alone!
GC : When noobs lose, victory draws nearer.
GC : Let's separate the noobs from the pros yo.
Death : Stupid damn catboy Donne...


Okay so like politics.

Vote 1 :

New Piskel (9).gif
GC : Can instakill like 5 people... Double check your wills robots and cyborgs.
Death : An artificial parasite. The murderer, the survivor.

Vote 2 :

GC : This one was the other member of my crew. MASSIVE. Could probably crush most of the competitors by stepping on them. Has punching and firepower. A force to be reckoned with. Unless you splash water on it. Then you've already won. I wonder how it reacts to MTN Dew. Oh, yeah, probably won't survive if it goes up against Virovirobun.
Death : I won't spoil anything.

Vote 3 :

GC : He's edgy and immature as hell but he's a homie. There was this whole other fighting thing and he was part of my crew. He's got two guns so he could like shoot people to death or something. Yeah that's about it. But respect yo.

Vote 4 :

GC : Wizard majyyks.

Vote 5 :

Perry The Platypus
GC : Prolly immune to electricity so rofl lmao Surge. Can easily dodge attacks and counters hard just sort of a pain in the ass. So yeah. But with persistence could get totally owned

Vote 6 :

Bushroot and Shlomes
GC : Swords.

Vote 7 :

Wright Forde Shroom

GC : Shroom writer, highly intelligent.
Last edited:
Rainbow Dash
7 points

RD is very fast and can fly in the air, meaning that opponents who are ground-based or can't jump very high will have a tough time with her. She also is great with mechanics and swimming due to her time on the island, which might surprise opponents who've seen her before. Additionally, she has none of the bad qualities that her G3 counterpart possesses, meaning that anyone who makes fun of her for being from a female oriented franchise will get a run for their money!

6 points

Though Cayde might not have much going for her in the eyes of the other competitors, in my eyes, she's got lots of skills that outmatch the other fighters. Not only is she good at predicting an opponent's strategy before the fight even begins, but she is also agile when it comes to dodging attacks. Those who underestimate her will surely meet their demise if they happen to get knocked out by her in battle.

5 points

Not only is she good at negotiating with people due to once being the secretary of the player's town, but she also has plenty of amazing abilities that a lot of her opponents seem to lack expertise in. This makes her a very unique person to go up against. Additionally, she doesn't seem to have a lot of weaknesses, meaning that a lot of opponents might have a tough time fighting her.

4 points

Her interactions with the astral plane can make her very unpredictable against opponents who have a clear strategy and aren't expecting any surprises. She also has access to a wide range of elemental attacks thanks to her interactions with the Invoker, which means that physical-focused opponents might have trouble dealing with her.

Wright Forde Shroom
3 points

Wright Forde Shroom uses a lot of items that most people wouldn't utilize in a proper fight, such as pencils, erasers, and scissors. He also has good durability and can dodge his opponents' attacks quite well thanks to the foresight his glasses give him. And if he can't dodge attacks, he can also block them with his newspaper, which only increases his defences further

2 points

Fawful's capturing technique could make him very unpredictable, especially against fighters who are expecting him to act like the character who inspired him. His hat also contains plenty of unorthodox items that most people wouldn't expect to see used as weapons, like toasters and other random things

Prince Peach and Seam
1 point

Seam is not your average cat who is curious about everything, and those expecting Prince Peach to be just as kind as his female counterpart might want to zip their lips the next time they encounter him. The two seem to make a formidable pair in battle, though their true nature is unknown at the moment.

View attachment 35636
GC : www
Death : You laugh at me again. If life were just, you'd be dead.
GC : H4H4H4 >8D M4D >8?
Death : Don't talk like that.
GC : Angry?
Death : Furious
GC : Furryious nyo ho.
Death : And here I go crying again.
GC : Oi, for whom does the bell toll?
Death : It tolls for all of you clowns. Leave me alone!
GC : When noobs lose, victory draws nearer.
GC : Let's separate the noobs from the pros yo.
Death : Stupid damn catboy Donne...

View attachment 35638
Okay so like politics.

Vote 1 :

GC : Can instakill like 5 people... Double check your wills robots and cyborgs.
Death : An artificial parasite. The murderer, the survivor.

Vote 2 :
View attachment 35644
GC : This one was the other member of my crew. MASSIVE. Could probably crush most of the competitors by stepping on them. Has punching and firepower. A force to be reckoned with. Unless you splash water on it. Then you've already won. I wonder how it reacts to MTN Dew. Oh, yeah, probably won't survive if it goes up against Virovirobun.
Death : I won't spoil anything.

Vote 3 :
View attachment 35641
GC : He's edgy and immature as hell but he's a homie. There was this whole other fighting thing and he was part of my crew. He's got two guns so he could like shoot people to death or something. Yeah that's about it. But respect yo.

Vote 4 :
View attachment 35646
GC : Wizard majyyks.

Vote 5 :
View attachment 35647
Perry The Platypus
GC : Prolly immune to electricity so rofl lmao Surge. Can easily dodge attacks and counters hard just sort of a pain in the ass. So yeah. But with persistence could get totally owned

Vote 6 :
View attachment 35656
Bushroot and Shlomes
GC : Swords.

Vote 7 :
View attachment 35649
Wright Forde Shroom

GC : Shroom writer, highly intelligent.
@Flygon64, Daytona is no longer in the tournament. Please vote for someone else if you can.
Vote #1
Paillassan Isabelle


Vote #2
Gangsta mario


Vote #3
Sholmes & Bushroot

organic construct generation + sword's

Vote #4


Vote #5


Vote #6


Vote #7
Cline Brothers

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