What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

Goddammit it Best Score category! I'm already pressured enough with Interstellar and The Theory of Everything I don't need you to stress me more!

Scent of a Woman

Good if you are a fan of Al Pacino.
Mario4Ever said:
I did like it, since I like Pacino.
He was great but I don't know if he deserved that Oscar or the Academy just said "We're very sorry we didn't give you one before", but he would be my second choice next to Robert Downey Jr
man i wish people would pay me to watch movies

supermariofan said:
Goddammit it Best Score category! I'm already pressured enough with Interstellar and The Theory of Everything I don't need you to stress me more!

the theory of everything had a good score but i really don't see how anyone can compare it to the scores of gone girl and interstellar, which are so creative and unique and perfectly used. desplat's score for the grand budapest hotel was also pretty great. i don't really remember the imitation game's score but i don't remember it being too amazing

also i don't really think studios are thinking about random user's top 2014 youtube videos when they release movies

you should probably just wait until you've seen all the movies you feel you need to see to make the list
It was at Sundance 2014. I just watched it last night, and it's a great movie, you should definitely watch it and tell me your thoughts about it.


Watched Se7en today. Even though I knew the ending, that was intense.

Worth watching in my opinion, but definitely doesn't deserve like a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Tomoko Kuroki said:
Jurassic Park

it was fine

I know somebody whose favourite movie used to be Jurassic Park until he saw Watchmen (yes that movie by Zack Snyder), and he would probably kill you for just saying 'fine'.