
Damsel in Distress
Forum Moderator
Core 'Shroom Staff
Awards Committee
Poll Committee

Written by: Roslind Bush (talk)

Ancient Ruins Under Remodel?

Confusion swept across the New Wikisburg research community this weekend when ruins uncovered last year beneath Pipe Plaza began going through a monumental change in appearance. Responders were first alerted to the change when a tremble was felt throughout the neighborhood, which was sourced to the sub-area behind the corresponding Warp Pipe. When access was granted by authorities, researchers were surprised to discover that the ruins looked far different than they had previously.

Archie Vist, a local archeologist, was one of the first to arrive at the scene, and described it in more detail.

Where there once were stone ruins, there were now modern buildings, the kind you'd see in your typical big city. Some of them were on their side, while others were standing straight up. You could still see some of the rubble underneath, from where the buildings seemingly erupted out of the ground. There were other fixtures of a big city, too. Street lights, pavement… It's as if the very nature of the space changed.

These ruins are no stranger to their oddities. Rather infamously, they were the site of a fighting event last year, which experts have labeled as "non-canon." Though a large amount of spectacle occurred, in the time since the event no other changes have been noted in the ruins. They had remained entirely dormant, until now.

We'll have to keep an eye out for what else happens with the 'ruins.' We don't know what force is causing the change, and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it continues changing for the foreseeable future.

Although he was one of the first allowed into the area, Archie Vist noted seeing multiple figures in suits walking the streets of the newly-created city. The 'Shroom has been unable to determine who these mysterious figures might have been, but it is this reporter's personal opinion that their identities might be revealed before long.


Hosted by Roserade, Hooded Pitohui, and Superchao
With support provided by Waluigi Time

Check out last year's event!

What is the Mario Boards Mega Brawl?

The Mario Boards Mega Brawl, or MBMB, is a meteoric clash between all sorts of community characters, submitted by you! It is a free-for-all fight where only one Brawler will come out on top!

The event will be a written tale, with small illustrations to accompany. Your hosts will write out the events of the fight, weaving a narrative up to its finale. The actual results of the fight will be decided through the power of weighted rng - this will be explained in more detail later on.

This year, our Mega Brawl will be taking place in Brawlopolis! A ruined cityscape crafted where the stone arena once stood, fighters will be navigating their way through cramped streets, demolished office buildings, subways and sewer systems, all in their pursuit of first place. More will be provided on our venue as we move towards the event!

The MBMB will be divided into three steps: the application phase, the voting phase, and the event itself.

The Application Phase

For the MBMB2 to occur, we need some combatants. That's where you all come in! Anyone in this community is welcome to submit up to two Brawlers. For your entrant, please include the following information:
-Name and pronouns
-Visual representation - does not need to be professional! Just needs to be something to give a sense of appearance
-General description and abilities
-Optional: referential material, such as posts or stories, where we would get a sense of your character's traits

Though we are generally lenient in submissions, here are guidelines to keep in mind:

-Your submitted Brawler must have relevance to your presence in this community. Whether you've written them into stories, played them in forum games or roleplays, or otherwise utilized them in some way, they should be connected to you. Characters who are made up only for this tournament will not be accepted. That being said, we are not looking for certain "degrees of relationality" for your characters - just as long as they've been around the block, they'll be accepted.
-You may put two or more characters as one team, treating them as one submission. However, careful consideration should be given to their connection as characters. A submission that results in four characters haphazardly tossed together on a team will not be accepted. Keep these questions in mind if you're considering a multi-character submission: what personal connection do these characters serve, and how will their abilities complement each other? You can think of this like submitting Ice Climbers or Pokemon Trainer from Smash Bros. We recommend keeping your submissions smaller - one or two characters will be just enough.
-You may not submit another user's character as your own. Hopefully this is straightforward. In hedge cases where characters are shared among users, we will lean in favor of permitting the submission.
You can, in contrast, submit another user's character as part of a multi-character submission, but you MUST have permission from the other user first. We ask that you use the same considerations as earlier when submitting a cross-user team. Permitting another user to use your character will not fill one of your submission slots, but if you care about this kind of thing, if that submission wins, it will count as the other user's character victory.
-Although we recommend submitting a new character for this year, you are welcome to resubmit a character from last year. Consider if there's any way you'd like to shake up their appearance this time around!

Lastly, this year, we are introducing the Winner's Encore rule, where the first-place Brawler of the previous year can be resubmitted without spending a submission slot! In this case, SGoW would be able to resubmit Gangsta Mario, while also submitting two additional Brawlers.

We reserve the right to deny any entry for any reason, including but not limited to if you don't follow the above guidelines. If we deny your entry, we will explain our reasoning to you so that you have a chance to alter your entry to make it acceptable.

There is no minimum and no maximum number of total submissions, so feel free to submit anytime through the deadline!

The Voting Phase

After submissions are wrapped up, we will move into the voting phase. The course of the Mega Brawl will be determined by rng, but users will be able to vote to add certain weights to characters' chances at placing highly. More details will be given for this process once we move into the phase. For now, know that you will be voting at some time in the future! There might even be another surprise or two in store...

The Event Itself

The MBMB2 will be posted in chunks throughout its day of release. In each chunk, more of the story will be told, more Brawlers eliminated, until only one Brawler is left standing! We will be aiming to release the event during the month of December - we will update on a specific date as we work through the writing process in November. Users will be encouraged to tune in during the live event and talk about it in the Awards Discord server!

This sounds fun! What now?

Now's the time for you to start submitting your Brawlers! Follow the guidelines up above, and give us some community characters that will throw down in the ring! Submissions will be due in two weeks, on October 14th at midnight EST. We were a bit lenient with it last year; this time around, we're keeping this strict to ensure we have the necessary writing time we need, so make sure you've submitted by then! Remember, you can make up to two submissions, so choose your characters wisely!

Thank you for your interest, and enjoy our second year of brawling goodness!
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Teller Vision (he/him) & Nett W. Bhigwhig III (he/him)

Just when you thought it was safe to go back on TV, the brains behind the Wheel of Misfortune Killing Game are back for another round of carnage! The charismatic host Teller Vision takes front and center, but his mysterious (and hairy) boss Bhigwhig is not to be underestimated either.

Thanks to a certain someone on the Mega Brawl's board pulling some strings, they also have the infamous wheel. Spinning it will cause something entirely random to happen, positive or negative! The wheel cannot be rigged and any attempt to do this will briefly summon a swarm of angry flamingos to tear the unfortunate cheater to shreds. Teller, of course, is fully respectful of the wheel's random nature, though Bhigwhig is more hesitant to use it. However, the wheel is not easily portable, so ten nearly-mindless Office Workers are here to carry it around for them. These Office Workers are not official fighters and will not do anything besides follow Teller and/or Bhigwhig around with the wheel. Without assistance, at least five Office Workers must be present to lift and move the wheel. If both Teller and Bhigwhig are eliminated, the wheel can continue to be used by other characters unless it is destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable.

  • Armed and Dangerous - Teller possesses some limited shapeshifting abilities allowing him to grow extra limbs made out of a mass of TV cables. This can also be used to replace limbs that have been severed.
  • Hair-Raising - Bhigwhig prefers to let Teller handle most of the fighting if possible, but he's a very formidable fighter in his own right. He is strong in physical combat and very bulky.
  • The Wheel Deal- Teller and Bhigwhig both come with a stock of one-use mini wheels to use as they see fit. When spun, the mini wheels will land on one of six options:
    • The wheel explodes
    • The user briefly falls asleep
    • The user temporarily gains boosted strength
    • A small wind vortex appears
    • A small frog friend is summoned who will listen to the requests of the user
    • A burger appears in the user's hand
  • Typecasting - As the masterminds behind Wheel of Misfortune, Teller and Bhigwhig are both well-versed in the abilities of any characters who appeared as contestants in Awards Randomizer Killing Game. It'll be harder to catch these two off-guard with those abilities, unless they're being used in particularly unexpected and creative ways. This does not apply to any additional abilities they may have that were not part of the game.

  • Follow the Light - Teller is in this more for the ratings than for actually winning. In the interest of keeping things dramatic, he may drag things out and toy with his opponents, giving them the opportunity to potentially gain the upper hand in a fight they would have otherwise lost.
  • Static Shock - As a robotic being, Teller is vulnerable to electricity as well as water as long as it's in sufficient amounts. Being exposed to lower amounts of water can cause some minor glitching but won't impede his combat abilities.
  • Receding Hairline - Being composed of mostly hair, Bhigwhig is especially vulnerable to fire and sharp implements.
  • That's Showbiz - Teller and Bhigwhig have very little loyalty for each other. If one of them appears to be in mortal danger, the other will simply abandon them to save themselves. Note that this is based on opportunity and self-preservation - they won't just betray each other on a whim.

Reference material: Awards Randomizer Killing Game

Name and Pronouns: Miles "Tails" Prower (he/him)

Description: Tails is the Car Wash's resident mechanic and chief engineer. He has a knack for inventing various gadgets and gizmos, which often benefits the workplace as a result. He's very intelligent for his age, and is a great listener who cares about his friends a lot.

Tails can twirl his tails like a propellor to hover in the air for a few seconds. This allows him to avoid close ranged attacks with ease, so ground-bound opponents might have trouble dealing with him. Tails can also use his inventing skills on nearby machinery, which can not only create makeshift weapons, but also cause technology-based opponents to be rewired to assist him upon their defeat.

In terms of weaknesses, Tails' flight only lasts a little, so opponents who are air-bound or use projectiles might take him down quickly. If his inventions malfunction, they might turn against him as a result, and this could cost him the fight if he doesn't think of a way to counter their attacks. He also isn't good at fighting up close, with only a few physical combat skills up his sleeves.

Source: Various Sonic the Hedgehog games, Mushroom City Car Wash.

Dorohohohackough! Do my eyes deceive me? What a stage you have erected, my good gentlesir! Little natural remedy is so effective at flushing superfluous black bile than witnessing a bout of bloodsport! Courage, wits, judiciousness, what finer way might there be to take measure of those qualities which all gentlefellows need display in abundance?

Thrills, riches, and merriment await us, Timothy! Let us make haste to this urban arena!



Wheezlie Stormyweather Puff (he/him) is a Poison Puff and an entrepreneur. Founder and now sole proprietor of Lakitaract's and Wheezlie's Curatives and Restoratives, for decades Wheezlie has offered a variety of tonics, remedies, and medicinal concoctions to the public… entirely oblivious to the fact that his "medication" is in fact toxic to species not made of concentrated poisonous gasses. Having raised himself out of the doldrums he found himself in after the death of his long-time business partner, he's now on the hunt for excitement and fortune in the Mario Boards Mega Brawl!

Timothy Downes (he/him) is a Spiny of few words with a long history of friendship with Wheezlie's former business partner. For years, he dutifully served Wheezlie and Lakitaract as a secretary and bodyguard, having to witness his old friend's health deteriorate from spending decades riding in a cloud made of poison. Now, he continues to serve Wheezlie in the same roles, but behind his quiet demeanor is a seething schemer…

As a Poison Puff, Wheezlie has abilities common to his species. He naturally floats in the air and can rise or fall through the air column as he pleases. He can gather toxins in his body, charging himself with a poison so potent it becomes painful to touch him directly. He can exhale a stream of toxic gas. He can also simply ram opponents. Additionally, he's quite knowledgeable when it comes to working with toxic chemicals.

Timothy likewise possesses the full suite of abilities common to Spinies. He can curl himself into a ball to significantly increase his sturdiness by protecting himself in his hardened, spiked-covered shell. He can float on water by assuming this form, as well. He is also able to crawl up walls and cling to ceilings. Additionally, having spent so much time in proximity to Wheezlie, he has absorbed so many toxins into his body so as to render himself a potential source of poisoning.


Speedy and Sturdy - As a duo, these two actually balance one another out fairly well. Wheezlie is light and airborne, allowing him to zip and zoom about the battlefield despite his age. Meanwhile, Timothy is incredibly sturdy and a defensive specialist, well and able to hunker down and take an attack.

Inventive Scavenger - Though an oblivious sort, Wheezlie is genuinely clever and inventive when it comes to solving a problem with limited resources. Only with materials like lighters and bedsheets, he was able to solve various dilemmas at the Waluigi Time Cereal Amusement Park alongside Kazooie and Charmy the Bee. In a city, there will be plenty of materials for him to scavenge!

Poisonous Persons - They're both able to poison their opponents. Avoiding direct engagements with powerful foes and instead letting toxins drain the health and vitality of their opponents over the course of the battle can be a real boon in a battle royale as long as these.

Spiteful Spines - Timothy has spent years pushing himself onwards on spite alone. When he sets his mind to some task, he will do it with nearly-unmatched dedication and nary a word of complaint.


Fairweather Friends - Timothy quietly loathes Wheezlie and has for years been trying to lure the old man into some form of comeuppance. It wouldn't be difficult to break this alliance up, especially if someone were to offer Timothy aid in seeing Wheezlie taken out.

Light and Slow - While Wheezlie is speedy, he's also an unanchored lightweight who is easily blown around or away. Even a strong gust of wind can send him flying across the battlefield. Meanwhile, for all his sturdiness, Timothy is quite slow unless he's spinning in his shell, but if he's spinning, he can't flip back over on his own…

Terrible Tonics - If he can find materials to work with, Wheezlie might offer to make medicinal salves or restorative tonics to any allies he recruits. This is a terrible idea, as he will end up poisoning and weakening his own teammates.

Fetch Me My Monocle! - Wheezlie is an old soul. He's been around since the mid nineteenth century, and, while he has made efforts to keep up with the times in some respects, he still has an admiration for the days of high-class industrialists that can be exploited.

Quiet Brooding - Timothy hardly speaks a word to anyone. It's quite an event where he'll say more than a word or two. Even if someone tries to forge an alliance with him, this behavior may prove off-putting.

Reference Material

You'll find Wheezlie and Timothy on their debut outing in the Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure.

"Oho! A grand spectacle of weaponry and battle. The perfect place for the Temporal Committee to showcase our true dominance over time itself!"


"Let us venture through the past and the future, to the destination of victory!"

Donna Quiñones will turn the clock to a win!

Name: Donna Quiñones
Pronouns: she/her
Description and abilities: Donna is a member of the Temporal Committee, one of the organizations that works to oversee the proper flow and treatment of time within this particular multiverse. She's a bit arrogant and stuck-up about it, with a tendency to think she's better than others thanks to her time manipulation.

For her weapons, Donna is bringing her Temporal Armor, along with her Time Pickaxe and Time Chainsaw. The temporal armor and time pickaxe, combined, let her move freely through time, while the time chainsaw has no special powers beyond being a chainsaw.

Strengths: Donna is able to travel through time on her own timeline. This, alone, confers plenty of advantages, from being able to collaborate with Past Donna and Future Donna to ambushing people from time itself. Just because you have Donna at gunpoint doesn't mean Donna from another point in time can't show up to bail herself out!

Besides that, the armor and weapons are strong on their own, letting Donna hold up well in a big knock-down drag out fight.

Weaknesses: Donna's time travel works on stable time rules. All of Donna's travel to the past and future has always happened, meaning that she cannot avert a bad future result or prevent her future self from getting in a bad situation. Most of all, if Donna witnesses her own future defeat, she has no way to prevent it - think of Donna's travel as moving in a linear, unchanging fashion, just at weird angles to our main flow of time.

Also, she's largely dependant on her armor and weapons to fight and time travel. Take those away and she's left with very little.

Reference Material: Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure (2024)


"Well, gentlemen. I believe it is time we properly sponsor our entry into this beautiful bloodsport."

"Of course, it'd be a conflict of interest to enter ourselves. And stupidly dangerous!"

"Which is why we've searched for other timelines. And we found a very interesting timeline... one where we were just a little more selfish, and that made all the difference."

"I'm surprised it turned out cooperation made us better. Then again, I suppose forced cooperation is a good learning experience."

"Behold! Traveling from another world, where the killing game in the future ended far differently!

The Quantum Five!"


Name: The Quantum Five. The individual personalities are Gansley (bald, tan), Crump (bushy-haired, green), Johnson (glasses, blue), Nesbitt (regular-looking, dark blue), and Leichter (spiky-haired, purple). The body they're possessing is Tristan.
Pronouns: All individual personalities and the body use he/him. They/them is acceptable for referring to The Quantum Five collectively.

Description and abilities: In the prime timeline version of AKG4, The Big Five were able to reach an understanding with each other, the executives, and Beedle, Vera, and Ernest Fine. In another world, however, they chose a more selfish path, allying only with Big Changes. The quantum AI returned this favor by granting them a measure of quantum power, creating The Quantum Five.

With their new quantum abilities, the Quantum Five are capable of sorting through alternate outcomes of an interaction, allowing for things like a lethal bullet to become a near miss or a successful ambush to be a failed attempt at stealth. This also grants the inherent ability to perceive alternate outcomes, which could be useful for information.

Strengths: Quantum bullshit is incredibly useful. The Quantum Five can undo injuries, force their own plans to succeed, or even change the outcome of a battle outright. As long as an alternate outcome exists that's more beneficial to them, they can grab it and impose it on the world, and they've had more than enough practice with alterating what happened into what didn't happen to use it on the fly.

Additionally, being five guys (burgers and fries) gives them a lot of tactical planning and coordination thanks to their combined intelligence and knowledge.

They're also very good with business knowledge. Unlikely to be very useful here, but who knows what five expert businessmen can cook up?

Weaknesses: As seen with the fall of Big Changes, quantum bullshit doesn't mean every possible timeline can be accessed! And as only a quantum-powered human, the Quantum Five have much less than he does. They have about a hundred alternate outcomes at any given time, and if none of them avoid a bad outcome, it becomes about the least bad outcome. Box them in a corner enough and it could be a hundred options for defeat.

The Quantum Five never achieved the full consensus of the Big Five, meaning that they're still prone to disagreements and power struggles within in the one body. That could cost them in the long run.

If you can somehow put Tristan back in charge of the body he has no idea where he is or what's going on. That's basically a guaranteed loss.

Reference Material: Awards Killing Game 4 (2020)

"Even in the depths of night, when no other bird dares to take flight... alone soars to shine the light of righteousness on the world's blight!
And that one is me!"

kay pfp.png

"For I am the Great Thief, Yatagarasu!
But my real name is Kay Faraday. Just call me Kay, 'kay?"

Kay Faraday Steals the Spotlight!

The self-proclaimed Great Thief Yatagarasu, Kay Faraday (she/her) is a spunky girl who has trained herself to become as nimble and agile as can be. Although she doesn't mind acting as a petty thief here and there, her primary interest is in the greatest treasure of all: the truth. Infiltrating businesses, discovering their dark dealings, and exposing them for the world is her m.o.... and of course, she'll have some fun along the way!

This might lead one to wonder why she's joined the Mega Brawl. Is there some deeper dealing she's attempting to uncover?

Kay's greatest strength is her physical ability. With her role as Great Thief, it's a necessity for her to get around with ease, and she can do just that! Her stealth can be remarkably well-honed, when she's not being her talkative self out in the open. She's an expert on scaling, and can land on her feet or tuck and tumble on higher falls. Slipping through constraints, backflip kicks... her agility and nimbleness will be her greatest tools as she navigates the areas of Brawlopolis.

She is not just a hand-to-hand fighter, though! She brings with her a number of gadgets for utilization during the fight, including:
Little Thief: A pocket-sized gadget that can produce accurate holographic imagery around her of any scene she has the information to input. Usually she uses this for investigative or planning purposes, but in the case of the Brawl, she can use this to disorient and distract others.
Reflectinators: Stolen from the Waluigi Time Amusement Park, Kay can use these devices to reflect any incoming attacks in another random direction. She cannot fully control which direction the reflection goes in, however, and they can break after enough use.
Prototype Watch: Stolen from a tech start-up in Neo Bowser City, the watch on her wrist allows her to track coordinates of those on the battlefield, as well as send short messages to other Brawlers who might be linked to some kind of communication frequency.
With these gadgets by her side, she's certain to be an evasive, cunning fighter.

She is not a perfect tactician, however. Being under heavy pressure could cause her to get hot-headed, leading to mistakes or uncertainties in her plans. In addition, though she can put up a physical fight, she's not a particularly strong punch or kick. Finding openings is her game plan, and if she's going up against someone without a clear defensive weakness, she'll likely struggle to take them down. None of her gadgets really assist her in nailing a K.O. either. Finally, despite her training, she is only human. Expected durability applies.

Reference material: Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure

Name and Pronouns: Cayde (she/her)

Description and abilities: On the outside, Cayde is a normal girl, just living day to day in Mushroom City. However, inside she is powerful and strong willed. She would knock anyone to the floor for insulting her boyfriend, Zerris. Despite her average physique, Cayde can overpower even the biggest combatants. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. She returns this time as a veteran of the first Brawl, where she defeated the Smackdown champion Grunt. She may have placed 15th last time, but perhaps this time she'll go all the way…

Strengths: Cayde is fast and can distract her opponents, striking when they least expect it. She uses her smarts to figure out what an opponent will do and anticipate their next move.

Weakness: Cayde is lightweight and has only a little bit of muscle, leading her to get knocked around a lot. She also might let her emotions get the better of her, making her decisions a bit haphazardly and not thinking clearly.

Sources: Mushroom City Car Wash, MightyMario's Short Stories

Zhen and Mizzlebip
She/Any + She/

Pokémasters Mafia
Investigations 3

Zhen and Mizzlebip are a duo of militant clowns hellbent on the destruction of the United States through prank-based warfare. Zhen, under guidance from an ephemeral muse from beyond the stars, leads a growing carnival of activists against the western world, whilst balancing her unsteady forces of wit, whimsy, and wrath.

Mizzlebip is Zhen's familiar second-in-command, a silent and resourceful mime who deeply understands the true meaning of Pranxis. A logistical master at heart, she administrates the Jubilites (the name given to Zhen's followers) and is in charge of all fronts except for military and press. To support Zhen and her allies, she quickly learns the art of warfare herself.

In their original story, Mizzlebip realised Zhen was unfit to lead. Playing both the Jubilites and the United States Government, Mizzlebip masterfully set up Zhen for a defeat that caused her to give up her duties and safely go into hiding. Mizzlebip, the true understudy of the ephemeral muse, then takes over and propels Pranxism into a major global movement.

However, in this instance, Mizzlebip was able to look past Zhen's weaknesses and remained a truly loyal friend. Never being able to grow their forces beyond Nantucket, they live as international fugitives, fighting the good fight and seeking out new allies.

  • Zhen and Mizzlebip are both experienced combatants, both using armed weaponry by default (and preference). Combined with basic acrobatic prowess from the circus, they are nimble and effective sharpshooters.
    • Zhen's weapon of choice is an automatic rifle, though she also carries a basic pistol for emergencies.
    • Mizzlebip's weapons of choice are two army pistols (with silencers).
    • Both carry ammunition with them, though this of course can run out.
  • Zhen is an experienced strategist in both combat and wider conflict. When unconscious, she receives guidance from Riotus, a brilliant conqueror from another world who attempts to spread his empire by inspiring revolutions on other planets. At her most effective, she acts almost as if the spirit of this great conqueror has possessed her.
  • Zhen is an accomplished and inspiring leader, and will be keen to forge alliances with worthy combatants. She has experience in rallying her troops through inspirational speeches, and specifically whipping people into a frenzy.
  • Mizzlebip is an extremely fast learner, and is keen to master any new tools she comes across. If she finds or loots someone else's weapons, she'll have them figured out within minutes.
  • Mizzlebip is fiercely loyal and attuned to Zhen's whims, being able to silently back her up and execute team-up manoeuvres without exchanging words.
  • Mizzlebip is an adept underdog - she is known to disappear in the middle of a battle, only to come back having scavenged for a weapon or strategy that will surely turn the tides of battle.
  • In dire situations, both will be carrying hunting knives as a last resort.

  • Zhen has Terrible Mental Health. While she has learned to keep a cool head in the battlefield, too much stress or too many unfavourable outcomes may just make her lose it, lashing out and potentially even attacking allies.
    • Zhen is also very harsh on those who disappoint her. If an ally isn't living up to her expectations, she may try and order Mizzlebip to get rid of them, or just tell them to fuck off forever.
    • To that end, her schemes can be prone to downward spirals once she loses her grasp of the situation.
  • Mizzlebip's fierce loyalty can be a curse. If she fears Zhen is taking too many risks, she might try and momentarily incapacitate her to prevent her from getting into further trouble.
  • Mizzlebip can only speak in Emoji, which Zhen has learned to parse. However, she will have trouble trying to communicate with anyone else.
  • While they will both carry guns and knives, they will be pretty useless without weapons, knowing very little about hand to hand combat.
  • Their strength also lies in their strategic prowess - they assume they will be too smart to ever risk getting shot, so they don't carry any defensive gear. Any decent bullet wound will take them out.
  • They are codependent - one dying will surely spell a timely death for the other.
    • If Zhen is defeated, Mizzlebip will get confused without her leadership. In this particular scenario, she will likely try and go into hiding, hyperfocused on picking off anyone who comes near. This doesn't sound so bad, but she will be incredibly easy to ambush or sneak up on in this state.
    • If Mizzlebip is defeated, Zhen will lose her sense of control and go on a rampage. This may also sound pretty good, but Zhen will lose any sense of strategy and will likely pick fights with people she cannot simply outgun.
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Boo1268 The Fancy Phantom He/Him

A kind sometimes pompous gentleman ghost but don't underestimate him he severed in bowsers army and has a lot of fighting tactics under his hat which he can throw like a boomerange at his enemys and along side that he's a ghost so he knows how to be stealthy and sneak up on people he also has his battle hat for when he served in king Kero koopas army and isn't afraid to use his knowledge to his advantage and some times plays dirty
Strengths: Combat Knowledge and has vast knowledge on many different topics is a ghost who can posses people and pass though walls is very good at sneaking up on people has a darkmoon sceptire and can cast a few spells with it (if he has time to prepare) he is also a kind careing indevidual who loves to make friends and he drinks tea
Weaknesses: would rather talk than fight but will resort to violence if nessesary he is a minor spell castor so he does not know many spells cant be killed like normal boos but is weak to mystical spells and charms he is very kind and careing but his kindness can be use against him but can still sniff out unruly indeviduals (such as pompus billionares)
Optional: From Multiple Roleplays the Spectral lens and the hunger games

Specture Striker him/it

A Skeleton (Mainly a dark bones) with chains attached to a metal Coffin he is the guardian of the lich yard and hunts down way ward spirits and mortals who disturb the lich yard
Strengths: In battle is very quick on his feet and can always magically summon the spirit Striker his scythe and as all dry bones can he can rebuild him self and throw bones wrap his cains around his foes to putt them in or entangle them and can also summon all manor of the undead spirits zombies etc (however he is under the command of Boo1268 since he controls/owns the lich yard)
Weaknesses: he is for the most part slow thanks to the Coffin since its metal only fire and holy objects like holy water can kill him he may seem powerful but his lack of speed and his Achilles Heel make him very vulnerable truly a glass cannon he is also very anti social and distrusts anyone at first glance unless boo says there good he also gets very iritated/annoyed with people.
From: Shroom Reporters and hunger games

The Bout of the Lich Yard
Boo1268: How about a round of fisticufs!
Specter: Lets just get this over with
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the dream team.jpg

Agent 30 and Agent 47 (both he\him)

For the first time ever, the top two members of the Investigation Contract Agency are teaming up! Due to an ill-advised wager suggested by 30's handler, devised after a few too many drinks at the local bar, the two of them are being made to work together to settle their "rivalry" once and for all, by seeing which of the two can eliminate more of the competition. Now these seasoned investigators will be using every trick up their sleeves to deceive, gaslight, and "accidentally" eliminate the competition.

Immaculate Investigators: Thanks to their prior experiences, both agents are quite adept at investigating their surroundings. Agent 30's investigation and deductive skills are a bit stronger, while Agent 47 is more prone to picking up items to use for later. Both of them are exceptionally good at casing a joint, familiarizing themselves with the layout of any given location and being able to quickly figure out what in the environment can be used to their advantage.

Masters of Disguise: Both agents are adept at disguising themselves. They are able to pick up disguises from unconscious or deceased people, allowing them to pass themselves off as that person and blend into environments they normally wouldn't be able to get to. Agent 30's disguise skills are particularly strong, allowing him to pick up a disguise from practically anyone, becoming completely indistinguishable from the original person, which also allows him to take on their powers and abilities when wearing the disguise (e.g. when dressed as a mime, he has access to arcane mime arts such as putting up or taking down invisible walls). Additionally, he has recently developed his skills even further, being able to change into generic disguises with no powers without the need for knocking someone out, allowing him to change his identity quickly if the situation requires.

Killer's Instinct: Due to his skills in a previous job at the International Contract Agency, Agent 47 is highly skilled in the art of assassination. His trained instincts as a killer allow him to see limitless opportunities for eliminating his opponents. This can range from simple attacks with ordinary weapons such as guns, blades and explosives, to more indirect methods such as traps, "accidents" and even using information he has picked up during his exploration to set into motion unlikely scenarios where someone else enacts the killing blow on his target for him. His biggest strength, then, is his resourcefulness, and the longer he has to roam around in the shadows gathering information and items, the more options he will have available to him as time goes on.

A Fragile Alliance: Both are used to working as solo operators, so their teamwork is lacking. In particular, the wager that led to this team up in the first place means that there is even some friendly competition taking place between the two, meaning they may sometimes prioritize getting their individual kill counts up rather than working as a team, which means that opponents could take advantage of their complacency to take them down individually.

The Weaker Link: Unlike his counterpart, Agent 47 is a bit worse at disguises, being able to only take on their appearance and not their skill sets. Additionally, people who have a connection to the person he is disguised as are more likely to see through the disguise if they get a good look at him (e.g. if he disguised himself as Link, he probably wouldn't be recognised by Mario but Zelda would likely see through it once he got close), and he can only get disguises from men.

Stuck in the Shadows: Both agents are masters of stealth, but this also means they don't do so well in the limelight. Even with his years of training, Agent 47 can be easily overwhelmed by large groups gunning for him, so being in a direct confrontation will likely end disastrously. Although Agent 30 has never been compromised during his career, this also means he is so committed to whichever disguise he is in that he is completely incapable of breaking character, and he cannot change disguise while people are watching him, meaning that if he ends up in a bad match-up he will not be able to change his powers without escaping - and finding another disguise - first.

Agent 30 reference: Midnight Hotel, Marioboards Investigations series
Agent 47 reference: Hitman series, Marioboards Investigatory

Names and pronouns: Klonoa and Huepow (Both He/him)

Description: Klonoa and Huepow are best friends who've been together since the day Klonoa obtained his Wind Ring. Before arriving in Mushroom City, they used to help people in the Dream Worlds of Phantomile, Lunatea, and Leljimba. About two years ago, they came to Mushroom City and helped Prince Dreambert save Pilo Island from Antasma and Wart/Mamu alongside new allies Cream and Tails. Since then, Klonoa and Huepow have been keeping themselves busy at the Car Wash, while also learning about the many forms of normality.

Abilities: Klonoa can use his Wind Ring to inflate nearby objects. After he lifts them up, he can throw them at enemies or use them as a double jump to avoid attacks or get to high platforms. He can create a whirlwind with his Wind Ring as well, which will slow down his enemies if they get caught up in it. He can also flutter using his big ears, which can be useful if combined with the double jump.

Huepow usually hides inside Klonoa's Wind Ring during combat, so he can act as amunition for it. This allows Huepow to avoid attacks with ease, but if Klonoa's Wind Ring is broken, he will be forced out. While outside the Wind Ring, Huepow can fling himself towards enemies like a ball, as well as transform into his human form for increased strength and access to physical attacks.

In terms of weaknesses, Klonoa is prone to losing his memories of certain events. This can cause him to lose sight of the battle at hand if Huepow doesn't make him snap out of it. He's quite naive, and doesn't take insults too well. Klonoa also has very little ways of defending himself if Huepow is knocked out. He might resort to fisticuffs when alone, which usually doesn't end well.

Huepow's tendancy to hide inside Klonoa's Wind Ring might make enemies target him in an effort to force him out as soon as they can. Once he's released, he can hover quickly to avoid attacks, but could get concerned about Klonoa's safety if his Wind Ring is broken. Although he's more capable of fighting by himself compared to his partner, if he's separated, he might lose faith in the battle if things aren't going well.

Sources: Various Klonoa games, Mushroom City Car Wash, Cocoa's Shroom Adjacent Writings.

Note: This is a joint submission of @Cocoa and I. I'm not just getting permission to use their character for my devices, we are both sharing equal credit and are each expending one of our slots for this.
Slight rules amendment incoming!
Permitting another user to use your character will not fill one of your submission slots, but if you care about this kind of thing, if that submission wins, it will count as the other user's character victory. Additionally, each user is limited to one cross-user submission total, for both corresponding parties.
After receiving some questions about this and having conversations with hosts, we're making changes to this ruling. The main reason for this rule was to dissuade anybody from insisting that other users submit their characters in their teams. However, that hasn't happened! Instead, it's been entirely positive mutual exchanges between users. In the spirit of allowing this to continue and see more interesting submission dynamics, we're lifting this one cross-user submission restriction.

That being said, this is with the caveat that nobody suddenly goes SUBMIT MY CHARACTERS and starts creating pressures for that. If this happens, we will be taking some kind of action, and we will reconsider reinstating the rule. Still be mindful of how many characters you have in the Brawl, too; if seven cross-user submissions involve your characters, we're going to request that something change.

In short: have fun with your characters together, don't be rude!
Last edited:

"sup lol"

Banana Man Peels Away from the Pack!

Once abandoned skinless in the Italian Alps, Banana Man (he/him) has made his grand reappearance! ...Again. At his sides are the massive Mechanical Hands, two weapons engineered by a mysterious Organization in an attempt to create cross-dimensional dominion and become the Rulers of Everything. With them stolen and claimed, and their reality-warping abilities his to harness, he has ascended to a new level of power. Will it be enough power to take him to the top?

The Mechanical Hands are comprised of all sorts of magical artifacts and gadgets, sculpted together using the fierce alloy mysterium. The limited truly becomes limitless with these hands, and the true scope of their power is not known. However, with them, Banana Man has done the following:
-Retrofitted an entire tower first floor to look like it's decorated after him, including yellow walls and bananas all over the paintings and desktops
-Lifted an entire tower up into the air with himself inside
-Held off an attack from Nadie, a fourth dimensional being, by causing the attack to disintegrate and shrink out of existence
-Peered into alternate realities
-Conjured a bowling lane
-Warped himself and other characters from one place to another
-Summoned chaotic apparitions of previously-deceased individuals

Presumably, this is not the full extent of his power - but none of this is without drawback.

As a comedy foil character, there are a number of weaknesses that Banana Man has, including:
Slow Start - The Mechanical Hands take a long time to reach their full power. Universal collision is possible, but not without some notable charge-up. For a while, expect many of Banana Man's abilities to be more trivial or cosmetic, with his strength increasing as the fight continues on.
Mysterium - The Mechanical Hands' primary conduit is mysterium, a metal that loses power when a mystery is solved around them. If a mystery is solved in his vicinity, his hands are certain to falter and eventually crumble. Without the hands, Banana Man is just a banana, with absolutely no combat abilities whatsoever.
Cosmic Irony - Banana Man is entirely susceptible to the natures of irony, and will likely sustain a few blows while commenting on the likelihood of sustaining those blows. Be on the lookout for when he starts monologuing.
Kitchen Sink Weaknesses - With his newfound classification of Ruler of Everything, anybody with a strength against Ruler classes will have an advantage. He is also susceptible to the Delaying status effect, particular from Delaymos. Lastly, he has a particular vendetta against the girlbosses that wronged him, so if any of them appear, he'll likely become laser-focused on them, for better or for worse.

Reference material: Marioboards Investigations 4

We pan in on an underground sub-lab where Dr. Phineas J. Shoe working through the night analyzing some plans. When Rose curious as to why Phineas is working at such a wee hour (perhaps even this very wee hour) enters the lab to investigate "Sir what are you doing" he says with a yawn.
"Isn't it obvious Rose I'm perfecting the ultimate lifeform" Phineas says presenting a familiar set of schematics.
A tired Rose puts on his reading glasses before realizing that Phineas is holding the plans for BIG EELSER GENERBOOM. "Sir wasn't Big Eelser Generboom a-" he starts to say before getting cut off.
"A horrible failure?" Phineas says returning to his plans.
"Y-Yes" Rose says astonished that Phineas is seemingly admitting one his plans could have failed.
"Yes Dear Rose it's true that BIG EELSER GENERBOOM was a disappointment. And yes it's true that my original design could have been less than perfect. But I have figured it out Rose. I've found the singular flaw in the design! And with this new design BIG EELSER GENERBOOM will be the ultimate fighting lifeform!" Phineas Exclaims.
"And what exactly is this flaw sir" Rose asks skeptical that a creature built out of the worst features of the worst bosses the Mario Series has to offer could have a singular flaw.
"It's it obvious rose? It's the feet! Goomba feet may be the perfect evolutionary feet. But the ones we gave him were too small too unstable BIG EELSER GENERBOOM could hardly walk let alone fight! But after tonight that will no longer be a problem! Now Rose fire up the taffy maker" Phineas commands.
This is all very confusing to Rose from Phineas working so late (or early) to the fact that Phineas is insisting on perfecting his awful hideous monster. But still as long as the check clears Rose is willing to not ask questions so dutifully he fires up the Taffy Maker. Quickly however Rose wishes he never did as he bares witness to Dr. Phineas J. Shoe's horrifying plan. He watches on in terror as Phineas throws BIG EELSER GENERBOOM into the taffy maker. Forced to watch as the Taffy maker crushes and pulls on the creature stretching out the poor beats legs. Finally after what feels like hours of bone crunching stretching (It was probably like 15 minutes tops) the Taffy Maker beeps.
Rose looks on at this quite frankly horrifying homunculus "Sir don't you think the legs are a little long? Wont he constantly have to bend over to attack? And wont that leave him open to the same problem he had last time where he tips over and isn't able to get up because of his always spinning arms or the intense pain he feels from his rotten teeth. Also his fish body seems Top Heavy especially with how just weirdly long his legs are. And that ax is just for show right? I mean with those legs how is he supposed to be able to use it? Rose asks doubtful over the supposed improvement of BIG EELSER GENERBOOM V2
"I can't sir nobody has seen him in months" Rose explains.
"Huh really well hmmmmmm how can I prove BIG EELSER GENERBOOM V2 is truly the ultimate creation if my mortal enemy is MIA" Phineas ponders to himself.
"Well you could enter him in Mario Boards Mega Brawl 2 this fighting tournament m-" Rose begins to explain before getting cut off by an excited Phineas.
"Mario Boards Mega Brawl 2??? This is perfect a giant fighting tournament. Not only will everybody can see my brilliance on display but we'll also win the big cash prize Rose! Make the arrangements Rose and I hope all those who enter are ready to BE CRUSHED BY BIG EELSER GENERBOOM V2 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Cackles Dr. Phineas J. Shoe.

Shia LeBeouf (he/him)

Rising from the grave yet again, everyone's favourite hollywood superstar is back, and he's out for blood. Surely, this won't end badly.

Animal Instinct: Unlike most movie stars, Shia has no concerns about his public image. If getting on all fours and breaking into a sprint will bring him to his prey faster, he has no qualms about doing it. He is an apex predator, able to sniff out blood and find his target again quite easily even if they manage to shake him off.

Master of Weaponry: Shia has many weapons at his disposal, from smaller items such as knives, to larger blades such as his sharpened axe. He also has a gun. And he is also known to place bear traps in his vicinity. All that to say, there are a lot of different ways he knows to kill you.

Typical Tuesday: Lurking in the shadows? Killing for sport? Getting stabbed in the kidney? Engaging in a legendary fight? It's just another normal Tuesday night for Shia LeBeouf. You should see what his Fridays are like.


Muted Menace
: Shia is incapable of written or spoken communication, making it incredibly hard for him to reason with people. His drawing skills aren't so good, either, so if he ends up in a situation where diplomacy is required... well, the only thing he has to fall back on is trying to kill people, which may not work.

Losing His Head: What it says on the tin, really. He can survive a lot of damage, even to internal organs, but decapitation is his greatest weakness.

The Dead Cry Out: Shia's greatest curse is his uncanny ability to hear the voices of the dead. Those who have been wronged by others, killed in cold blood... their anguished cries fill his head, and he feels compelled to listen and follow what they say to him. In particular, he is more susceptible to suggestions from Rulers, but generally only the voice who gets the most agreement from their peers will have their will enacted. Whether this is a strength or a weakness depends entirely on the nature of the ghosts that haunt him. Will they guide him to aid their living comrades, or force him to enact bloody vengeance against their enemies, even at the cost of his own life? It's hard to know, especially as more and more voices struggle for control over his actions as the brawl continues and more fighters are eliminated. Alternatively, he may die early, rendering his whole gimmick pointless. :dry:

Reference: Shia LeBeouf Live, Nexus of Chaos

…okay. Alright, this isn't too different from fighting a psychotic living television on live TV. Nobody's dying this time. It's only a few dozen more people… and, uh, a few thousand more viewers. No big deal. It's… fine. You've got this under control… Remember what you learned from them…

Satoru's resolve, Enby's courage, Wexlyn's brains, they'd make it through if they were here, soooo… No doubt, no hesitation, just go for it!

...if I win that prize, I'm never taking dish duty again.


Hektate "Hekki" Magica Blotte (she/her) is a young, introverted Magiblot woman and artist. She ran away from home the moment the opportunity arose and she became an exile to her clan, ensuring she had nowhere to go but onwards. Rejecting the study of dark, occultic magicks which she had been guided towards, she instead pursued art and struggled to hold down a job. Struggling to make ends meet, Hekki signed on to compete on a reality television show which turned out to be a Killing Game hosted by Teller Vision. In the process of escaping from the clutches of the game, she formed new bonds with a group consisting of Enby, Dr. Wexlyn, LEGO Joker, Satoru Fujinuma, and Big Wheel; defied the goddess Mother Luma; opened up about her past; and found new confidence and inspirations to carry into her future.

Now, having overcome the obstacles of Teller's Killing Game, she steps up to try her hand at claiming victory (and that sweet prize money) in the Mega Brawl!

Though she is a Magiblot, Hekki does not actually possess the full suite of Magiblot abilities. Like others of her species, she is made of magical ink, and can "dissolve" into the shadows, traveling somewhere else to reappear in a form of teleportation. Unlike others of her species, she can't fling magical cursed blots of ink around.

On the other hand, she has picked up a few magical abilities of a different kind:
  • Anything she sculpts from clay will come to life, gaining agency of its own. What she creates will not necessarily obey her commands or even listen to her, however…
  • Any object smaller than a human body, she can transform into a playing card.
    • She is able to have six transformed cards at one time, all of which act like normal playing cards.
    • At will, she may revert a playing card to its original forms.
    • If damaged in such a way its integrity is compromised, a playing card will eject its stored item.
    • Playing cards cannot contain other purpose-made storage containers with items inside.
  • For some reason, she is extremely charismatic in the eyes of goblins and can lure them out of hiding and gain their loyalty.
  • She can convert items into inedible chocolate, Midas Touch-style.
  • She's quite effective at punching metal.


Card Counter - Though it may seem simple, Hekki's ability to transform objects into playing cards is perhaps the most powerful skill in her arsenal. She can easily move about and conceal all kinds of weapons and supplies, and even throw them over to an ally in need. That the cards can eject their contents if damaged makes them even more versatile, allowing her to use them in time-delayed traps or in other tricky maneuvers. She could be carrying the perfect tool or counter for a battle without her opponents even knowing.

Now A Troop A Million Live - While she may not be able to control her clay creations, they can still serve as distractions or overwhelm through sheer force of numbers. They can serve various niche roles, such as being released onto a narrow street to trip any traps as forward scouts or even carrying a transformed playing card away somewhere.

Shipmates To The End - Hekki may just have some ready-made allies, depending on who enters this fight. If any of Enby, Satoru, LEGO Joker, Dr. Wexlyn, or Shippy appear, she'll fight alongside them to the bitter end. She'll even work with Jackson Wheele should he appear.

Defying Divinity - While Hekki has befriended a Star and made peace with the emissaries of light she was once told were her enemies, she has no fondness whatsoever for gods and other divine beings who lord their powers over others. No matter how much strength a god may have or how lopsided the match-up, she will not be intimidated or cowed by divinity.

Black, White, And Red All Over - More broadly, despite her anxious and shy demeanor, when Hekki is pushed to a point of genuine anger or feels that a situation is unjust, she displays incredible resolve and determination which have allowed her to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles in the past.

Not Spelled In Ink - Overall, Hekki is an unusual fighter. She's limited when it comes to direct offensive options, except perhaps when facing an opponent made of metal, but she has a variety of versatile techniques which make her relatively unpredictable. Will she tear open a playing card and eject a trash can onto your head? Where will she pop up around you? Is that card she holding useful, or just a bluff? Why'd she make that clay rabbit, and where did it hop off to? Where'd the goblin come from? She excels at trickery and confusion and will keep her opponents guessing.


Holy Water - Her nature as a shadowy being of ink gives Hekki a number of vulnerabilities. Intense, concentrated light can pierce her body, harming her. Pure, holy energies are able to tear through her body, as well. Finally, while water isn't harmful, she doesn't do well in it, and she can't exactly swim…

Mage-or Problems - Hekki lacks in directly offensive options and is in some ways a standard "squishy mage". While she has the cleverness and abilities to engineer lethal traps, she does not possess a reliable finisher to score the KO (unless her opponents are made of metal). Her physical strength and durability are rather low, as well.

Crowded Out - By her own admission, she's not great with crowds, strangers, large parties, or loud events, aaaand… you can see why that's a problem here. While having some close friends around will alleviate this, her anxious and introverted nature may make it hard to get going if she finds herself alone near the start of this shindig.

Technically, No. - She struggles with electronics. In fact, they have a strong tendency to glitch, breakdown, or otherwise stop working completely when she tries to use them. This will preclude her from effectively using any sort of electronic devices in the MBMB.

Signed In Blood - Hekki's experience in Teller's Killing Game has left her with some heavy emotional weights and traumas. The deaths of Not Shane, Penn, and Satoru by her hands, directly or indirectly, continue to burden her greatly. Her guilt can be exploited, and if Penn or Not Shane show up, she'll be reluctant to battle against them. Additionally, the presence of Teller Vision himself brings up unpleasant memories which may rattle her if they arise at the wrong time. Finally, while not a full-on phobia, she gets queasy around butter these days.

Black and Blue - The color of Hekki's hands and eyes change with her emotional state (for example: yellow = fear/surprise, red = anger, purple = exhaustion/resignation, blue = sadness). It's not impossible that any opponent could glean useful information from this trait. For instance, seeing her downtrodden, they may assume she and her allies are in rough shape and choose that moment to attack.


You can find Hekki's exploits primarily in 2023's Awards Randomizer Killing Game (Lounge Thread).