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Written by: Roslind Bush (talk)
Ancient Ruins Under Remodel?
Confusion swept across the New Wikisburg research community this weekend when ruins uncovered last year beneath Pipe Plaza began going through a monumental change in appearance. Responders were first alerted to the change when a tremble was felt throughout the neighborhood, which was sourced to the sub-area behind the corresponding Warp Pipe. When access was granted by authorities, researchers were surprised to discover that the ruins looked far different than they had previously.
Archie Vist, a local archeologist, was one of the first to arrive at the scene, and described it in more detail.
Where there once were stone ruins, there were now modern buildings, the kind you'd see in your typical big city. Some of them were on their side, while others were standing straight up. You could still see some of the rubble underneath, from where the buildings seemingly erupted out of the ground. There were other fixtures of a big city, too. Street lights, pavement… It's as if the very nature of the space changed.
These ruins are no stranger to their oddities. Rather infamously, they were the site of a fighting event last year, which experts have labeled as "non-canon." Though a large amount of spectacle occurred, in the time since the event no other changes have been noted in the ruins. They had remained entirely dormant, until now.
We'll have to keep an eye out for what else happens with the 'ruins.' We don't know what force is causing the change, and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it continues changing for the foreseeable future.
Although he was one of the first allowed into the area, Archie Vist noted seeing multiple figures in suits walking the streets of the newly-created city. The 'Shroom has been unable to determine who these mysterious figures might have been, but it is this reporter's personal opinion that their identities might be revealed before long.
Hosted by Roserade, Hooded Pitohui, and Superchao
With support provided by Waluigi Time
Check out last year's event!
Hosted by Roserade, Hooded Pitohui, and Superchao
With support provided by Waluigi Time
Check out last year's event!
What is the Mario Boards Mega Brawl?
The Mario Boards Mega Brawl, or MBMB, is a meteoric clash between all sorts of community characters, submitted by you! It is a free-for-all fight where only one Brawler will come out on top!
The event will be a written tale, with small illustrations to accompany. Your hosts will write out the events of the fight, weaving a narrative up to its finale. The actual results of the fight will be decided through the power of weighted rng - this will be explained in more detail later on.
This year, our Mega Brawl will be taking place in Brawlopolis! A ruined cityscape crafted where the stone arena once stood, fighters will be navigating their way through cramped streets, demolished office buildings, subways and sewer systems, all in their pursuit of first place. More will be provided on our venue as we move towards the event!
The MBMB will be divided into three steps: the application phase, the voting phase, and the event itself.
The Application Phase
For the MBMB2 to occur, we need some combatants. That's where you all come in! Anyone in this community is welcome to submit up to two Brawlers. For your entrant, please include the following information:
-Name and pronouns
-Visual representation - does not need to be professional! Just needs to be something to give a sense of appearance
-General description and abilities
-Optional: referential material, such as posts or stories, where we would get a sense of your character's traits
Though we are generally lenient in submissions, here are guidelines to keep in mind:
-Your submitted Brawler must have relevance to your presence in this community. Whether you've written them into stories, played them in forum games or roleplays, or otherwise utilized them in some way, they should be connected to you. Characters who are made up only for this tournament will not be accepted. That being said, we are not looking for certain "degrees of relationality" for your characters - just as long as they've been around the block, they'll be accepted.
-You may put two or more characters as one team, treating them as one submission. However, careful consideration should be given to their connection as characters. A submission that results in four characters haphazardly tossed together on a team will not be accepted. Keep these questions in mind if you're considering a multi-character submission: what personal connection do these characters serve, and how will their abilities complement each other? You can think of this like submitting Ice Climbers or Pokemon Trainer from Smash Bros. We recommend keeping your submissions smaller - one or two characters will be just enough.
-You may not submit another user's character as your own. Hopefully this is straightforward. In hedge cases where characters are shared among users, we will lean in favor of permitting the submission.
–You can, in contrast, submit another user's character as part of a multi-character submission, but you MUST have permission from the other user first. We ask that you use the same considerations as earlier when submitting a cross-user team. Permitting another user to use your character will not fill one of your submission slots, but if you care about this kind of thing, if that submission wins, it will count as the other user's character victory.
-Although we recommend submitting a new character for this year, you are welcome to resubmit a character from last year. Consider if there's any way you'd like to shake up their appearance this time around!
Lastly, this year, we are introducing the Winner's Encore rule, where the first-place Brawler of the previous year can be resubmitted without spending a submission slot! In this case, SGoW would be able to resubmit Gangsta Mario, while also submitting two additional Brawlers.
We reserve the right to deny any entry for any reason, including but not limited to if you don't follow the above guidelines. If we deny your entry, we will explain our reasoning to you so that you have a chance to alter your entry to make it acceptable.
There is no minimum and no maximum number of total submissions, so feel free to submit anytime through the deadline!
The Voting Phase
After submissions are wrapped up, we will move into the voting phase. The course of the Mega Brawl will be determined by rng, but users will be able to vote to add certain weights to characters' chances at placing highly. More details will be given for this process once we move into the phase. For now, know that you will be voting at some time in the future! There might even be another surprise or two in store...
The Event Itself
The MBMB2 will be posted in chunks throughout its day of release. In each chunk, more of the story will be told, more Brawlers eliminated, until only one Brawler is left standing! We will be aiming to release the event during the month of December - we will update on a specific date as we work through the writing process in November. Users will be encouraged to tune in during the live event and talk about it in the Awards Discord server!
This sounds fun! What now?
Now's the time for you to start submitting your Brawlers! Follow the guidelines up above, and give us some community characters that will throw down in the ring! Submissions will be due in two weeks, on October 14th at midnight EST. We were a bit lenient with it last year; this time around, we're keeping this strict to ensure we have the necessary writing time we need, so make sure you've submitted by then! Remember, you can make up to two submissions, so choose your characters wisely!
Thank you for your interest, and enjoy our second year of brawling goodness!
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