
Bin Brothers - Green Bin (he/him), Blue Bin (he/him) & Red Bin (he/him)

Direct to you from the Waluigi Time Amusement Park's Recycling Center, it's the Bin Brothers! Their experience in keeping the park clean from untidy guests translates surprisingly well to cleaning up on the battlefield.

  • Sucks To Be You- The Bin Brothers are each armed with two powerful vacuum arms that can suck up objects from two feet away - including fighters! As long as they have enough capacity, the Bin Brothers can suck up and store anything about the size of Mario or Luigi. If they run out of space, they will have to eject some trash to make room.
    • A larger fighter, such as an average-sized human, could also fit inside with appropriate levels of bending and flexibility. However, they will not fit in the vacuum and cannot be trapped. This could be useful for allies as part of an ambush.
  • Trash Day - Anything the Bin Brothers are currently holding can be ejected from their vacuum arms at a high speed, potentially making for good projectiles. Of course, they'll have a strong urge to go pick it up afterwards.
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - As they clean up the arena, the Bin Brothers will happily collect and use any abandoned items they come across. If something can't be used (i.e. it's broken or incompatible with their physiology), they will try to repurpose it into something new.
  • Brothers in Arms - The Bin Brothers have exceptional teamwork skills and are very good at dividing up workloads in the most efficient manner.
  • Garbage Technician - Their familiarity with the Waluigi Time Amusement Park's complicated recycling machine makes the Bin Brothers adept at using technology, even if they've never seen it before.

  • Runt of the Litter - The Bin Brothers hate litter! If they recognize any abandoned items (i.e. they've already seen it used or it's somehow identifying), they will become laser focused on tracking down and eliminating the owner at the expense of just about everything else.
  • Fatal Attraction - The Bin Brothers are especially vulnerable to magnets.
  • Going Green - Green Bin's enthusiasm can be a bit much. He's much more willing to trust other fighters or try untested things than his brothers, which could prove dangerous.
  • Feeling Blue - Blue Bin is often unsure of himself and needs reassurance from Green Bin or Red Bin. If he's left alone, he won't be as effective.
  • Seeing Red - As the most aggressive of the three, Red Bin is likely to charge into battle without thinking. The presence of Green Bin or Blue Bin can rein him in somewhat.

Reference material: Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure




Death : "Oh, god no... I fucking hate this guy!"




Monokuma : "That means nothing to me. Or anyone."


Monokuma : "So, he admits it himself, he's a very honest guy."

Izuru : "A fool."

Monokuma : A total jester, those guys like that can do anything! "Wah hah, wah hah!" Or something like that.



Death : "I have seen your ass. *Labored breathing* So many times."

Monokuma : "But you just keeping letting him escape you..."

Death : "December 5th."

Afton : "He makes a good point, does he not? Why do I keep escaping your grasp?"

Death : "People forgot how to write ****ing stories."

Afton : "Who writes my story besides me, hmmst?"

Death : "Idiots that keep writing it! Didn't we learn this lesson already? Do I need to recite it again?"

Death : "Do I need another guy with red text to tell it straight to your face?"

Monokuma : "Blah blah, uh, shut up, that was like so long ago, bro, move on.

Death : "Don't sass me, don't you sass ME! These pink guys never lear--"

Afton : "Actually--"

Death : "Actually, everyone calls you the pink guy, shut up, you suck."

Death : "Never mind that, why do all these pinkies keep coming back from the dead? You aren't even the only one that participated in a murder party... at least HE returned to the grave, I guess."


It was me all along! SWEET! Surprise! Twist!

Death : "I don't believe it... What even was that? So out of character for Doofas, completely out of left field.




"Pointless, innit? Totally worthless, innit?"

Death : "The word repetition isn't doing you many favors."

"Shuddup! No one cares! I don't care! Nobody's cared! Ugh, I can't do this roleplaying thing anymore, too mentally taxing..."

Death : "It was YOU all along, when was the last time we met, young ditto?"

Ditto : "During some game nobody remembers I was a part of, I'm so forgettable. Urgh, makes my blood want to blow up and suffocate itself."

Death : "That was violent."

Ditto : "Well, prepare to see worse. I'm gonna sign-up to this brawl thing and do better than you and that d-d-dumb cat did."

Death : "Actually thinks she'll do a better job at not dying than me--"


Bunny Ditto

The prankster preteen mimic, able to physically transform into an exact physical replica of anything she sees. She can also try transforming into anything she remembers or imagine as well but usually less successfully leaving her rabbit ears poking out and generally having a less coherent form. She isn't as good at copying personalities as she is with bodies, she could probably fool someone for a bit, but the facade would eventually fade.

She isn't good at super complex mind games, but she can offer some pretty intense body horror. For example, she could take the form of the remains of fallen contestants and mix and match their parts, she could mold her face into that of her opponent's and distort it.

She has also done some symbiote shit before and would do it again, wrapping herself around another's body and taking control. She could hypothetically use her body to do some pretty graphic things, maybe wrap it around someone's head and suffocate them, morph into some sort of heavy material and snap their neck.

She's really only limited physically by her (and any writer's) imagination, and she's played some pretty disturbing horror games...

Mentally she's an angsty trickster kid lookin' to prove her maturity so, idk, she could get riled up easily or something.

Reference Material : I don't remember.


View attachment 49098

Death : "Oh, god no... I fucking hate this guy!"

View attachment 49099



Monokuma : "That means nothing to me. Or anyone."


Monokuma : "So, he admits it himself, he's a very honest guy."

Izuru : "A fool."

Monokuma : A total jester, those guys like that can do anything! "Wah hah, wah hah!" Or something like that.


View attachment 49100

Death : "I have seen your ass. *Labored breathing* So many times."

Monokuma : "But you just keeping letting him escape you..."

Death : "December 5th."

Afton : "He makes a good point, does he not? Why do I keep escaping your grasp?"

Death : "People forgot how to write ****ing stories."

Afton : "Who writes my story besides me, hmmst?"

Death : "Idiots that keep writing it! Didn't we learn this lesson already? Do I need to recite it again?"

Death : "Do I need another guy with red text to tell it straight to your face?"

Monokuma : "Blah blah, uh, shut up, that was like so long ago, bro, move on.

Death : "Don't sass me, don't you sass ME! These pink guys never lear--"

Afton : "Actually--"

Death : "Actually, everyone calls you the pink guy, shut up, you suck."

Death : "Never mind that, why do all these pinkies keep coming back from the dead? You aren't even the only one that participated in a murder party... at least HE returned to the grave, I guess."
Afton: "hey why did this pink fuck get in before me?"


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A New Challenger Approaches
Hey, boo! Did you miss me? Who knew you'd be contractually obligated to come back to after surviving one of their Awards Killing Games? I guess I should have read the fine print. Whoopsies!
Ya know, they really should remove the "Awards" part from the name. People freaking died! There's nothing awarding about that!
Anywhoooo, what do I have to appear in this time? MARIO BOARDS MEGA BRAWL 2, huh? Sounds right up my alley! I've been doing some soul searching since you last saw me...


Polly... BFFR.

*Sighs* Fine... Let me look over the application.

Polly Geist (She/Her)
Following her escape from Circitus Island, Polly decided to live her afterlife to the fullest — partying with her friends and relishing her second (third? fourth?) chance at a semi-normal life. She didn't leave the island with just her memories and good looks, though, she took an important artifact with her... Solomon DeMorge's cane! Now, alongside her general weapon mastery and spectral powers, she's a real force to be reckoned with — on and off the battlefield!

  • Boo! - As a ghost, Polly possesses all the stereotypical abilities you would expect ghosts to have — Levitation, Ghost Zone Teleportation, and Selective Intangibility included!
  • Forever in the Shadows - As a ghost and apparent former Yakuzu member, Polly thrives in staying out of sight —preferring to ambush her enemies before they even know she's there.
  • Weapon Mastery - Having honed her skills on Circitus Island, Polly has an innate understanding on how to use any weapon she comes across in a pinch (including Demorge's cane!). She still prefers to attack with a trusty knife or knuckleduster, however. Old habits never truly die.
  • I could really use a weapon right now! - Using DeMorge's cane, Polly can instantly summon weapons for herself or her allies.
  • Phantom Summoning - Using Demorge's cane, Polly can summon phantoms that take the form of her friends to change the tide of battle! She has to be careful, though. Each summon can only be used once during the Mega Brawl, and DeMorge's cane will have to recharge before she can use another one.
    • The Power of Friendship! - Summons phantoms that take the form of The Coven (AKGO) to do a powerful AOE light magic attack.
    • Talking Head - Summons a phantom that takes the form of The Narrator (Various) to narrate the Mega Brawl for a short period of time. While the phantom is narrating, all competitors can hear him. They can either use it as a distraction or use it to gain information about the other contestants.
    • Scrimblo Barrage - Summons phantoms that take the form of Vicia and an army of Scrimblos (AKGO; original characters by @GBA) to do a powerful stampeding attack.
    • You saved me, boo! - Summons a phantom that takes the form of a Cometstruck Storm (AKGO; original character by @GBA) to provide assistance on the battlefield for a short period of time. Like a smash assist trophy, Polly can either use this summon to quickly double-team someone, or tactically retreat giving her opponent something to deal with.
    • Substitution Jutsu - Summons a phantom that takes the form of MBK (AKGO; original character by @GBA) to take direct attacks meant for Polly for a short period of time. Polly got the idea after reading one of Zoe's Narufield fanfictions. Whether it works as the substitution jutsu from Naruto or as the substitute move from Pokémon is up to interpretation. Either way, MBK suffers.
  • Exorcism - As a ghost, Polly could get exorcised from the game!
  • Wasn't that a throwaway line?! - Yes. Yes, it was. Now Pollly is actually weak to vacuums. Be careful what you use as a throwaway line because you never know when it will come back to bite you in the a-.
  • Hey! That's mine! - If someone steals DeMorge's cane from Polly, she loses two of her abilities. Luckily, only a real meanie would do that! You're not a meanie, are you?
  • PRANK MASTERZ! - As one of the two members of PRANK MASTERZ, Polly is just as likely to prank someone as she is to actually throw down. Could be deadly, could be harmless. Just like real pranks!
  • Call for a good time ;)- Polly Geist. Polly Geist. Polly Geist. Can be used be friends and foes alike!
  • How do you use this thing? - Solomon DeMorge's cane didn't come with an instruction manual, and while Polly is mostly competent in using it now, it still occasionally does things she doesn't expect. She, uh, accidentally brought a refrigerator to life last week. Brings a whole new meaning to Smart Fridge.

References: AKGO; Shmaluigi Private Investigator "The Wildflower: Part 2"
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Kooshigo & Koohitsu (he/him & she/her)
The 'Shroom and Ashen Feathers

A pair of para-koopa siblings that run the Undercurrent, an underground newsletter that exposes the backdoor dealings of crooked business executives and politicians. Koohitsu fulfills the role of field agent who collects intel on-site while Kooshigo serves as the newsletter's editor and distributor.

See Koohitsu's intro post here for more info.

  • Koohitsu:
    • Quick-witted and sharp-tongued.
    • Personable and easy to talk to casually, but no-nonsense while set on a task.
    • A bit of a thrill-seeker, especially when it involves moving at fast speeds.
    • Likes to spend time outdoors, going camping, roughing it out in the wilderness.
    • Generally distrusts overly wealthy people.
    • A bit cynical, but retains a child-like admiration for old-school, grand-standing villains.
  • Kooshigo:
    • Reclusive and introverted. Does not like to stand out.
    • Analytical and precise. Good at organizing his thoughts and keeping things coordinated.
    • Appears humor-less, but his wit is actually so dry that it is hard to detect. Can come across as aloof.
    • Is happiest whenever he can sit in a secluded corner behind a computer screen.
    • Has no love for politicians.
    • Has some trouble overtly expressing his emotions and may appear apathetic, but has an appreciation for classical tales of valiant heroism and iconic heroes.

  • Koohitsu:
    • Good survival instincts and knowledge. Is able to live off of the land and stay alive in the wild pretty much indefinitely.
    • Sneaky. Knows how to get in and out of places unseen, as well as conceal her presence when necessary.
    • Trained in basic self-defense. Can put up a good fight unarmed, or using weapons procured on-site. Comes pre-equipped with a fillet knife and the stick part of a collapsible oar.
    • Has an oarsman's badge and is excellent at operating river boats and rafts.
    • Has a pair of feathery wings on her back that are totally there, the artist was just too lazy to draw them, trust me. Using them she can fly relatively freely for about 20 minutes before tiring out.
    • Very eloquent. Good at leading conversations and getting people to divulge secrets.
  • Kooshigo:
    • Very tech and computer-savvy. Can usually intuit how a piece of technology works by tinkering around with it for a few minutes.
    • Has a talent for solving logic puzzles and complex problems. If given enough time and access to information, he can generally come up with reliable plans to overcome all manners of difficult conundrums.
    • Good at multitasking.
    • Carries samples of a spice blend his grandparents used when they still owned their old family restaurant. It is a Sarasean powder with an unpronounceable name, so most just call it "Hot". Throwing "Hot" directly into an opponent's eyes or mouth will immediately incapacitate them with excruciating pain.
    • Can breathe fire after inhaling the smoke of dried fire flower leaves.
    • Has a pair of feathery wings on his back. They're retractable, that's why they aren't on the image. His don't have the 20 minute time limit, but he can not ascend higher than the point he took off from. His maximum height resets to his current position whenever he touches the ground.
  • Both of them:
    • As Koopas, they can do pretty much everything a regular Koopa Troopa can, including retreating into their shells and shell-slide.
    • As a pair of siblings, they are able to tap into the mythical concept known as the "Bros. Attack" and execute complex combination moves. This means that, when they are physically together, their martial prowess increases dramatically.
  • Koohitsu:
    • While her fighting competence is generally reliable against average opponents, she is just a normal person. Exceptionally skilled opponents, super-powered entities, or overwhelmingly large groups present a big problem for her.
    • She is not built for drawn-out fights. Her general strategy if engaged in open combat is to fight off the enemy until she sees an opening to escape.
    • Can be very stubborn. Often keeps pursuing an objective even if doing so becomes detrimental.
    • Has a phobia of horses.
  • Kooshigo:
    • Gets easily overwhelmed with pushy or annoying people, or large crowds. Utterly incapable of small-talk. Breaks out in a rash whenever someone tries to talk to him about the weather or sports (unless it is mission-critical).
    • Tends to smoke dried fire flower leaves to calm his nerves whenever he gets too stressed. Enemies may be able to locate him by the smell of the smoke or the glimmer of heat in the dark.
    • When by himself and thus cut off from using Bros. Attacks, he has no fighting ability whatsoever. His only means of defense rely on striking by surprise and escaping, so if an opponent knows where he is or can trap him, he can be easily dealt with.
    • He becomes pretty useless if separated from his technology.
  • Both of them:
    • The wings on their backs can pop off if their owner takes a significant amount of damage. They then need about one or two days to grow back.
Name: Known as "Scaran"



Hunched over robot, entirely of some kind of strange shimmery material. If confronted, will stand upright to over 7 feet tall.

No appreciable face

Personality: Appears like a somewhat humanoid robot, but acts more animalistic. Prefers to slink around without being seen to scavenge for scrap metals and other materials.

Avoids detection wherever possible, but if it comes to a confrontation it'll be much like a bear- it will assess your threat level by body language, tone of voice, if you appear to have a tool or weapon drawn and how sharp or angular your overall shape is. Meanwhile it will stand up straight to its full height and become very still. It can also choose to freeze in place if it thinks it can avoid a confrontation this way.

Doesn't necessarily strike to kill, but if it has downed its opponent and can maintain stealth it really doesn't care what happens either way.

Apparently fully capable of speech but simply doesn't

Moves as minimally as possible to conserve energy, making it look very eerie in action, almost like witnessing CGI in the real world

The scavenging appears to entirely be a means to support itself, by finding scrap metal and other materials it can replace it's lost "cells" and spent lubrication

Backstory: Very much a mystery. Clearly some kind of wickedly sophisticated technology, but exact origins are hard to specify now. It's anyone's guess whether the tendency to be stealthy was by design, or something it learned.

Skills/powers: Its greatest strength comes from how it's body is built up of millions of nano-machines, held together with minute magnetic forces and an unusual lubrication substance inbetween the nano-machines that it can manipulate throughout it's system. This gives it a fully amorphous body that can be stretched, expanded, and reshaped at will, though at the cost of stored solar energy. (Doing common reshapes, such as changing the feet to be quieter based on terrain, would cost less because there's no more figuring out to be done)

Despite the mechanical appearance, the structure of the body makes it quieter to move than one might expect. Aside from footsteps, motions only make a soft noise akin to a falling pile of sand.

Also with regard to sound, it can recall voices and manipulate itself to mimic them. It's not perfect and likely wouldn't fool anyone since the replications sound somewhat metallic (think of a voice from a FAITH game), but if needing to cause confusion or psychological warfare it's a helpful trick.

Behaves animalistically, but has human capacity for intelligence- it can remember faces and places, use tools, learn languages, and problem solve. Worth noting is that it will pick up whatever tactics might be used against it, such as firearms, and figure out how to structure itself optimally to be a potent aimbot (which it would recognize is vastly optimal in terms of not having to move in a fight), but this can backfire too. If it doesn't witness someone reload for instance, it might not figure out how without witnessing it or finding instructions somewhere.

In a fight, it would prefer to use whatever weapons or tools are available to it to conserve resources, but if none are available it's own body will work just fine. It can increase the magnetic bonds to become incredibly strong, reform to have sharper edges, or even launch limbs as projectiles that will need to be reclaimed later. The finger turning into a spear trick from Terminator 2 is possible too, but the extra mass needed would have to draw from the forearm or something.

Defensively, it can reduce the density of it's form to soften blows, or even allow projectiles or knife strikes to phase through. If the body is separated, it can magnetically pull itself back together.

The nature of it's body means it would fully survive dismemberments and be able to fully walk off some if necessary. It's very likely to survive flattenings or explosions, but depending on the damage and cells lost, it would be at a great resource cost.

As a last resort or to fully intimidate, it can fully disperse to become a sort of angry dust cloud. Or, if dismembered, hold floating limbs in place instead of letting them fall to the ground. These tactics would require a lot of energy, ideal environmental conditions and would be especially susceptible to the elemental weaknesses below.

Weaknesses: The strange nature of the body also contains numerous caveats and weaknesses. First and foremost, fighting, reshaping and even regular movement costs energy and lubrication, so if these are to run out then the body would essentially die.

Being held together by magnetic forces, an EMP or strong magnet would cause tremendous stress on the cells, or even breakdown the body's function to keep itself together. Electricity would have a similar effect, but the lubrication acts as a insulator/ground so these are less dangerous.

Extreme heat from the sun can be shrugged off by the nature of the shiny material, as well as drawing solar energy. Extreme cold will not wreck the body, but it will cause the lubrication to stop working. Extreme heat from other sources will harm the body itself.

The body is mostly water proof, but full submersions could cause havoc on the lubrication.

In the instance the head is separated into pieces, they could continue to live similar to an earthworm. The "brain cells" work similar to a hard drive RAID array, where redundant material is stored in numerous locations to fill in gaps that might arise elsewhere. Assuming the rest of the body is also split into pieces, this would cause a great stress if the two halves reformed as two separate functional units. It's also possible they would no longer recognize each other and become completely separate (hostile) entities.

And ultimately, almost any confrontation, no matter how well it goes, will result in the loss of at least some nano-machines

Roles: Whatever works best, but the bestial nature probably makes it not well suited for any protagonist role

Notes: If you find the abilities OP I would have no problem if other characters discovered the weaknesses early on

I also don't really have any thoughts on what exactly happens with the collected scrap materials. If it can ingest it somehow or if it has to take it to some facility somewhere, it doesn't matter to me
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~ When the safety of the modern world hangs in the balance ~
~ And the threat of cybernetic domination and karaoke looms on the horizon ~
~ Humanity must call upon their greatest heroes ~

A shrink, a sports coach, and an
inexplicably italian cat.


Dr. Alexander Wexlyn
as seen in Awards Randomizer KG, Killing Game 8 (Minus World)

A soft-spoken psychologist outcast from his ruthless, wealthy family, Alexander Wexlyn seems to have a penchant for ending up in Killing Games, though his quick wit and long-term thinking tends to result in the survival of he and (most of) his friends. Whether trapped in a medical facility, or forced into a (bad) reality TV show, despite his empathetic nature and hesitance to harm others, he's always willing to do what has to be done - including when he fought alongside Soccer Dad Vector and a strange Italian cat during the Rabbit Apocalypse War.

  • Possesses a deep understanding of human psychology, granting him +10 to Speech and the ability to form alliances even among his foes.
  • Much like the other members of his family (though he wouldn't like to admit it), Dr. Alexander Wexlyn excels at pulling off complex plans across a long period of time, plans that even his allies don't expect - though they are almost always altruistic.
    • Experience in tabletop games and other forms of roleplay both for therapy and leisure, Dr. Wexlyn is a skilled actor and can successfully pull off all manner of disguises to facilitate this.
  • As of Awards Randomizer KG, he possesses the ability to make fundamental changes to the workings of reality, provided the proposed changes pass a popular vote. It's unlikely that he'll get an arena full of people trying to beat him to death to agree on anything that will benefit him, but hey it's worth a shot.
    • Also possesses the ability to flip gravity in the area at will, but he can only do this once per night.
  • Has a near endless supply of soda, which can clear a status effect when consumed. Somehow.
  • Intelligent generally, he has a PhD after all.
  • His sense of empathy grants him the ability to read people fairly well, and he is unlikely to be tricked.
  • Strong sense of loyalty, will die to protect his comrades if necessary
    • Despite his kindness, he is willing to do whatever it takes to keep his friends safe - up to and including murder.
  • Passing knowledge of magic and the supernatural, potentially allowing him to identify entities and abilities.
  • Enjoys Garth Marenghi novels.

  • Prone to depression if one of his friends or patients is harmed unjustly, unlikely to defend himself much if this happens.
  • Despite his good intentions, his tendency to hide his plans from his allies can lead to suspicion and distrust.
  • Almost too empathetic, unlikely to harm anyone who hasn't done him or anyone he knows any harm.
    • Never the aggressor unless provoked or slighted.
  • Somewhat bad luck.
  • Enjoys Garth Marenghi novels.


Soccer Dad Vector
as seen in The Scribble Scrabble 2023

A big-mouthed, fast-talking bruiser determined to balance his demanding sports coach job with his responsibilities as an adoptive father. This iteration of Vector the Crocodile served as the host of the Scribble Scrabble 2023, wherein he drove the players around in his trusty bus and eventually got them sentenced to life imprisonment. Has a bachelors degree in social engineering and once fought alongside Dr. Alexander Wexlyn and a talking Italian cat in the rabbit apocalypse war.

  • Possesses all the powers of a middle-aged man, including the ability to legally purchase alcohol, as well as a full array of jokes nobody below the age of 30 finds funny.
  • Is also a crocodile, meaning his jaw can exert a crushing force of 16,400 newtons.
    • When he catches someone, he can violently spin around to break every bone in their body.
    • If asked about this, he will comment on the unit being called newt-on when he is a crocodile.
  • Taking off his wrist weights will increase his physical strength by 2.74%. He is not allowed to take off his gloves for legal reasons.
  • Is licensed to operate several motorized vehicles, such as motor scooters, motor cycles, cars, tractors, trucks, and busses. He also owns a Winnebago.
    • Said Winnebago is stocked with camping supplies that will allow up to 3 people to comfortably survive in the wilderness for around 2 weeks. Also comes with a first aid kit, a survival handbook in the glove compartment, one crate of toilet paper, and a machine that makes highly specialized cappuccino.
  • Very athletic for his age. Lots of upper-body strength.
  • Plays a variety of sports on a regular basis, including soccer, golf, and tennis.
  • Good at thinking on his feet. Skilled at procuring improvised weapons from his surroundings, as well as bluffing himself out of dangerous situations.
  • Surprisingly effective at intimidation and interrogation. Likes to play bad cop.
  • Absolutely uncrushable optimism. Remains a beacon of strength and morale even in the direst of circumstances. Immune to despair.
  • Good with kids.

  • Very reckless. May misread situations and endanger himself with a daring stunt if there aren't any level-headed people around to talk him out of it.
  • Shitty parenting is his pet peeve. He will go berserk and try to beat the offender into a pulp if he witnesses it, regardless of any prior plans or current circumstances.
    • This also happens if someone tells him that adoptive parents aren't real parents.
  • Bad at singing, yet incredibly likely to do so whenever he hears music.
  • Parenting has softened his heart. He is thus incapable of willingly endangering children under the age of 15.


as seen in Chaos Mafia 2, and on Tuesdays...?

A strange Italian cat of unknown origin, "Michele" appeared to assist Soccer Dad Vector and Dr. Alexander Wexlyn during the Rabbit Apocalypse War and vanished quickly afterwards. His relation to Michael, a cat owned by Q-Taro during the events of Nexus of Chaos, is undisclosed. Swears somewhat often, peppering his speech with an occasional "motherfucker" or "figlio di puttana".

  • Bilingual in English and Italian.
  • Capable of teleporting to any location, though with a very slow fade-in and fade-out time.
  • Can immediately discern what day of the week it is without needing a calendar.
  • Able to jump in to protect his allies to absorb damage meant for them and counterattack the opponent. This bypasses his teleportation speed, but this ability is entirely automatic and only triggers when he is within a close range of Vector or Wexlyn.

  • Slightly stronger if the match takes place on a Tuesday
  • Teleportation gives him great coverage at the beginning of a fight
  • Relatively tanky, despite his stature
    • His small size also assists with dodging attacks
  • Capable of appealing to the indomitable Italian spirit

  • Teleportation takes several seconds to pull off, and he is vulnerable while phasing in, so it cannot be used as an escape or for sneaking up against an aware opponent
  • High DEF, but low HP - size works against him here
  • Latent Italian rage impairs reaction time if he is caught off guard and angered
  • Because his guard and counterattack is automatic, it may trigger in unfortunate scenarios for him

Post is a collaboration between @Fun With Despair , @Turboo , and @Lin Beifong
24 hours remain to get your Brawlers submitted! Don't delay, act now!
Pyrokles and Kroop (and the Explainer)

Pyrokles (Pyro, He/him)
, Eighth Legend of Koopa Kingdom, is a magikoopa who possesses the power to bend reality by using a power which is called anti-logic and definitely not magic. He started to do these non-magic shows some time ago, which are usually comprised of him having a stupid idea and then making it into some kind of catastrophe while in front of an audience. He is a slightly quirky character who is usually optimistic, especially when he shouldn't be, probably older than this planet and who rarely does things that make sense. He is constantly accompanied by...

...Kroop (he/him), who is a talking dry bones skull surrounded by a flaming aura. He is Pyro's best friend since always, even though they argue almost all the time. Also, he is a lot more reasonable than Pyro and often tries to stop him from doing stuff that he hasn't fully thought through. He is often annoyed by Pyro's power and his restrictions, but the two always stick together in times of need.

And then, there's the Explainer (he/him). He was originally created as a side-effect when Pyro fully inverted reality, as a bodiless voice that likes to explain the situation to everyone - regardless of wether they want to hear it or not. But over time, the Explainer gained a stronger personality and is now even able of manifesting a glitchy body whenever he wants to. Similar to Kroop, he is usually concerned about Pyro's ideas and often proves to be correct with his apocalyptic predictions. He is usually pretty cheerful, and he kept his habit of explaining everything to everyone.


(Note: the Explainer is not present on this picture, as his physical manifestation is just reality glitched out to form a face and a pair of arms)


• Reality Bending
Pyro's limitless power of antilogic (it's not magic!!) is capable of achieving, well, everything. Kind of. He mostly uses this incredible power to put his hilariously dumb ideas into action during his non-magic shows, though, but when things get serious, he can summon deadly fireballs with ease, shapeshift into various mythical creatures, summon his pet dragon from its master ball, or entire armies of golems from out of nowhere. Meanwhile, Kroop and the Explainer don't do that much, but they sure come in handy - especially when, once again, one of Pyro's spells goes catastrophically wrong. In these rare cases, they often prove to be a lot more useful than their odd friend. But, they can also fight - Kroop can shower his enemies with flaming headbutts, spit fire and even absorb energy to shoot it back at them! Meanwhile the Explainer is a master of stealth and can glitch into existence right behind the enemy to attack them from behind and then vanish again.

• Multidimensional Expertise
Pyro and his companions are very experienced dimensional travelers - it doesn't matter if it was on purpose or not... They are used to all kinds of unbelievable things that a normal mind could barely comprehend and have incredible knowledge of past, future, and various parallel universes. Also, they have fought extradimensional horrors before and therefore know how to cope with aliens and more.

• All-powerful Advantage
As the magikoopa is able to create any effect of his choice, he can gain a strategical advantage by replicating his enemies' powers or by perfectly exploiting their weaknesses. Also he can, for example, find out relevant information by infiltrating their minds. And those are just a few of the possibilities!

• Triple Force
The three make a great team, even if they argue quite often. With Kroop's "being a flaming dry bones skull", the Explainer's "glitching in and out of existence and being a know-it-all" and Pyro's... "well, everything, kind of" combined, they are ready for any situation that might await them!

These strengths might sound a tiny, tiny bit overpowered... But of course, our favourite crazy genius magikoopa has also got quite a ton of weaknesses to compensate for his incredible strengths - because, um, logic and antilogic always need to be held at balance, I guess.


• Anti-logical Codex

As mighty as he is, everything Pyro does is still restricted by the rules of antilogic. Everything is possible, so nothing is possible. He often does the opposite of what he is expected to do (which is also the reason why he, as an all-powerful being, still hasn't conquered the multiverse), but sometimes he even does the opposite of the opposite. It's complicated. Also, as an antilogical creature, he has a huge cheese phobia - because, as everyone knows, cheese + antilogic always results in a catastrophe.

• Component Paradox
Despite his strong (-ly confusing) powers, Pyro's non-magic heavily depends on his spell components, which he keeps inside his hat. Strangely enough, that one time when his hat was stolen by space mammoths, he was apparently still capable of time traveling and more, so it is, in fact, possible that he did it all just for the dramatics - or that it had to do with his anti-logical restrictions. Who knows? Anyway, losing his hat will probably weaken him a lot.

• Show Business
Pyro has a flair for dramatics and will always try to put on a good show. Also, there are many people who visited one of his shows where things got out of control and are now out for revenge. These people will most likely focus on attacking Pyro's team (this also counts for all space mammoths and cheese monsters). Also, Pyro gets really angry whenever someone calls his antilogical power "magic", which may lead to unpredictable outcomes.

For further references, see "The Sorcery Show" section of the 'Shroom (to be found under Fake News as of Issue 200)
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Cosmo Neko (He/It)

Regular Form. Disguised Form
Cosmo is an esteemed writer and CEO of The Sunshine Travel Agency. He has won many (self given) awards for his travel guides. He is from the ancient times of Lake Lapcat, and wears a disguise to prevent his identity from being found out. He currently works in the Shroom'.


Uncanny Good Luck

Due to Cosmo being the main character of his own story, he has been gifted the legendary ability of PLOT ARMOUR! However, apparently the author The higher powers enjoy seeing him suffer so the only part of Plot Armour he gets to enjoy is uncanny good luck.

Cosmo descends from a long line of Mage Cats, meaning he has some magical abilities. These include ESP, limited element manipulation, and basic shapeshifting.

Cat Abilities
Due to Cosmo being a cat, he wields all cat powers, like surviving high drops, night vision, survival skills and agility.


Looks very, very cute

Heightened Senses

Great at lying



Avoids manual Labor

Easily panicked

Doesn't like to hurt people

Has little knowledge on controlling his powers

For more information: Read The Sunshine Travel Guide in the Shroom'.


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Meldspar the Treasurer
  • Pronouns: They/Them
  • Age: Unknown
  • Familiar, yet different.

An oracle who gave up watching the skies above in pursuit of earthen treasures, for they believe the sparkle of a single precious gem is more alluring than any star. As a shady, black-market treasurer, people only turn to them if they're desperate to obtain rare items, find precious ore deposits after a risky business gamble, or examine stolen weapons and objects for curses. They are exceedingly neutral in who they choose to assist, from the walled paradise's aristocrats to the outer wasteland bandits. Provided their client can cough up something that catches their eye upfront, anyone is worthy to receive Meldspar's wisdom, or their treasures. The phrase "Meldspar would know" is often whispered among the taverns of treasure-hunters.

They specialise in Telluric divination and magic, utilising sand patterns, runes carved into stone or fossilised bones, the ashes from burned sacred wood, and the reflected light from cut gems to cast spells, divine ore veins, and expunge curses. Typically this magic is drawn/channeled through their staff, a divining rod with a magic opalesque stone inlaid in its center, with multiple additional gems decorating the staff to amplify its power. Additionally, while they are an expert in identifying weapons, they are only proficient with daggers (but not obsidian ones, because we all know that's stupid).

They prefer to avoid combat, however. When meeting with a particularly risky client, they will often arrange a specified time and place to give them the chance to set up large magic circles and countermeasures in the event of an ambush to quickly dispatch adversaries, or at least buy enough time to escape. The sands are always made of quartz...

Their signature Giant Merchant Backpack is enchanted with lightweightedness, a spell Meldspar maintains while in contact with the bag. No matter how many rocks Meldspar carries, they only feel as if carting the backpack itself. Adversaries may find it difficult to carry the entire bag without it. Maintaining this spell is highly taxing, however. In a last ditch effort to protect their treasures and channel more magical energy into their combat, they will warp the bag to one of many locations in the desert, covered in sand. After defeating the adversary (or more often than not, fleeing), they will often spend days trekking to return to it. They keep a secondary pouch on their person for rations, stealth/invisibility/movement options, and the like for this endeavour. In spite of their growing collection, there is only one object within the bag that Meldspar treasures more than their own life, and if they cannot keep it, then no one shall. This self-inflicted, dangerous pilgrimage serves as their personal reminder.

Nonetheless, with their continued evasiveness, and willingness to work with anyone (so long as the price is right), they've remained alive and in neutral-positive standing with many, except for green-horned members of the authorities (the more corrupt ones keep them away from the stocks), or the particularly avaricious or bullheaded. Their perception of value is of course situational, and in dire straits they'll give themselves the worse end of the deal in order to replenish supplies or materials for spells. With preparation for social encounters, they can be a smooth talker, but can be caught off guard and turn mostly silent or offering single sentence, straight-to-the-point answers otherwise.

Of course, being willing to serve anyone means they're essentially serving no one but themselves, and this can cause a clash in ideals with those who value camradierie. Additionally, they are a large prescriber to the belief that the ends always justify the means, but they won't willingly pursue treasure out of their reach.

It is unknown how they arrived in this land, but one day rumors of a new oracle swirled around the desert sands. After being kidnapped by one of lesser-known groups of bandits, locked in a cell away from the night sky and only fed dried fish, they utilised their innate divination skills to identify cursed weapons and treasures in order to remain alive. Once they built up enough business accumen with the more susceptible members to begin trading and handling bandits on their own, they fled, and have remained in isolation ever since. Their goal is simply to live by the earth and for the earth, collecting precious stones and odd treasures and storing them on their person.

I don't particularly see Meldspar having a very large role, but go nuts.

  • True neutral nomad treasure collector who lives for all precious treasure, but only dies for one.
  • Offers their expertise in curses, treasure, and ore deposits to anyone who asks provided they can pay them in rare treasure, or something they perceive as valuable in the moment.
  • Social hermit. Often needs preparation before meeting anyone. Their reputation is what grants them this privilege. Else, they can be easily caught off guard.
  • Telluric magic specialist. Has a staff, daggers, and enchanted big merchant backpack they teleport as a last resort.
  • Hates the stars and dislikes fish.


[art to come]
Inspired by OC appearances in: Awards Killing Game Odyssey (Endgame), ???

A collective entity built from the remains of an ancient device and 5*5*5-1 imitation knockoffs from a fallen technomagical cult, it functions as 125 evil robot jackalopes in a cubical trenchcoat that can form a variety of defensive structures and shapes using blocked out forms and multi-dimensional movements.


- Violent and corrupted, it will lash out at anything that approaches.
- Its many cubes are comprised of a metal alloy used by an ancient magical kingdom, rendering it highly resistant to all forms of magic/esotera, and very resilient to physical attacks while imbued with magic and energy from the Source Cube.
- This physical resistance is weaker the further apart the cubes are from the host, so long, snake-like structures are less ideal against physical attacks.
- Its primary mind/controller is the central MBK Source Cube. This cube glows red, its interior swirls with false stars, and its outer face is marked by an eyeless, smiling rabbit visage. As the obvious weak point, if this cube is completely destroyed, the whole entity disassembles like a bag of loose dice.
- A secondary type of cube (marked with the former cult symbol) can shoot chaotic-aligned beams of magic. These cubes can be considered its ranged weapons.
- MBKube cannot see, utilising the astral plane instead to seek distortions of energy/magic/esotera in reality, almost like echolocation. It considers these distortions painful, and aims to either destroy the source or absorb the energy into its cubic matrix (either way, the ideal result for it is silence). It seeks electronic and magical opponents more readily as a result.
- It primarily attacks by morphing into polycubical structures it deems most optimal to destroy the magical source it finds, smashing things with its high physical and magical resistance, and utilising its secondary cube magic beams as ranged counterattacks if necessary. The shape it takes will adjust its combat ability, with some forms being much weaker and designed for evasion more than others.
- The cubes are held together through magical bonding that resembles tendrils of red, cosmic light. These cubes emit high frequency electromagical signals that allow them to be tracked by the source cube as it tracks distortions through the astral plane to maneuver itself. These cubes can be rettached to the source cube at a range of about 10 meters, so long as it has enough time to reassemble. The cubes have to be completely destroyed/melted/warped for this not to be possible. It is, however, easy to destroy the cubes with physical attacks when separated.
- Source Cube is about 0.25m length, Other cubes vary from 0.25 to 2m in length. Overall its about 5m cubed in size when compacted, obviously becoming larger with different polycubes

Example polycubes:
- Drill -
a spinning top drill that can pierce objects of high resistance or tear up the ground, with concentrated power at the tip of the structure and an obvious weakness at the other end.
- Coiled Snake - a wheel structure formed from concentric circles made of cubes, that allows for evasive, whip like movement with low attack strength, used for escaping and recovering
- Cage - a hollow cube used to entrap particularly evasive opponents, can be paired with lasers for a Saw-trap experience
- Giant Hand - a giant hand that can grab and crush something at random, the most mentally deadly of its attacks
- Large Horse - a giant horse than can horse and horse something horse
- Fighting polycube mech - oh shit

As previously stated, it has a very obvious, glowing weakspot in the Source Cube that will put up resistance to being destroyed and enshroud itself with other cubes in order to prevent being damaged. This spot is, of course, resistant to attack, but repeated and targeted shots to its core will rend the entity apart entirely.
- Preventing access to its cubes by destroying them will weaken its high power and defense over time.
- Susceptible to distortions in the astral plane, as it doesnt think, only reacts. This also means normal, completely non-magical/electronic entities are pretty much invisible to it unless theyre extremely close.

For more information look up Blockhead Bowser on mariowiki dot com
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Dexter Hexley and Spooks (the Magical Cat™)
as seen in Investigations 4, Killing Game 9 (Minus World)

A washed-up hack of a TV ghost hunter now working for the Bureau of Paranormal Investigation, Dexter Hexley was sent to investigate a certain Anomalous incident alongside Spooks, a robotic AI companion designed to facilitate the safety of all BPI employees - regardless of how effective he is at the task at hand. The duo quickly found themselves roped into a bizarre sequence of events as Trick Tower began to rise into the sky with them trapped in the parking garage below. After their ultimate escape from the crumbling tower, they then returned to the Central Facility and shortly after found themselves involved in perhaps the highest-stakes Killing Game yet.

...And you thought Dr. Wexlyn had bad luck...

  • Dexter is a minor celebrity, or at least he was when he was younger and had talent. Nowadays, he might be able to swing a bit of clout with anyone familiar with junk late-2000s to early-2010s television. Maybe.
  • Dexter is relatively skilled with firearms, being equipped with one as part of his role at the BPI. Though he possesses just a basic handgun, his aim is decent and he's not afraid to pull his gun if trouble arises.
    • Spooks is equipped with a built-in taser, specifically designed to register a high-voltage shock to dangerous paranormal Anomalies. When used against a human, this can pack a serious punch - though it serves to KO Anomalies as well just fine.
  • Spooks, as a robot, possesses a hard metal body and high durability. While his glass screen serves as a "face", it's just for show and he can function perfectly fine if it or any other part of his body is damaged.
    • Dexter is just a dude. He is somewhat durable, but in that pathetic sort of cartoonish way.
  • Dexter, despite his demeanor and reputation, is actually a fairly skilled investigator - even if he often fails to stick the landing in his theories. He is still quite competent when it comes to finding clues and analyzing opponents, and while his theories are unreliable, they often contain nuggets of truth that prove useful in taking down an opponent.
  • Spooks is programmed to identify paranormal entities and categorize their anomalous abilities and traits using the system of magical energies known as "Esotera", split into the categories of Stellaric, Thalassic, Liturgic, Occultic, Telluric, Somatic, and Chaotic. In conjunction with Dexter's investigation skills, the duo can systematically identify the weaknesses and strength of various creatures.
  • Familiarity with the supernatural across the board, unlikely to be frightened or taken off guard by any manner of magical power.
  • Dexter is sneakier than you'd think.
    • depends how sneaky you think he is
  • Spooks, due to his durability and status as a safety AI, is able to take a lot of damage and will absorb damage for Dexter whenever possible.
    • Spooks doesn't care about dying, his body is just a vessel and his AI can be transferred to a new body. He will happily die to save Dexter, and if this occurs, he can transfer to nearby discarded electronics - though he doesn't keep any of his physical abilities.
  • Spooks is completely waterproof and heatproof, nearly immune to the elements.
  • Spooks is capable of detecting magical presences in a radius, making the duo immune to sneak attacks using magic projectiles, teleportation, or invisibility
  • Dexter can be very determined and vengeful if someone he is allied with is killed, especially if it's done to save him or anyone else he likes. Is vastly more competent across the board if this triggers.

  • Spooks is an anxious wreck. As a safety AI, he tends to freak out over anything deemed unsafe and cause a fuss. He is unlikely to be stealthy at all, and too much stress can cause a brief vulnerability window as he crashes and reboots.
  • Dexter is stubborn and unlikely to admit he is wrong in any situation. Can get himself into trouble this way pretty easily.
  • Spooks is a pacifist unless someone assaults him or anyone under his protection.
    • He will never deal the finishing blow, Dexter will have to take the killshot, unless the death can be framed as an accident and therefore compliant with BPI safety outlines.
  • As a machine, Spooks is vulnerable to EMPs or other mechanisms that can interfere with electronics such as malware or technomancy.
  • Dexter has absolutely no outstanding physical characteristics whatsoever.
    • spooks is kind of cute though
  • Dexter loves ginger ale, and will likely drop everything to go pour and drink a glass if he sees one.

Tuxedo Mask and Brock (both he/him)
as seen in Murder Party/Shroom Mafia 4, and Waluigi Time Cereal Mafia

Abilities/strengths because I always merge that shit:
Tuxedo Mask:
-Great physical prowess; able to leap from buildings and windows and shit with his cape on
-Not just killed, but murdered people in both Murder Party and Shroom Mafia IV (the latter of which where he was the godfather)
-High natural charisma and the ability to get people to ignore him more than they probably should
--his attacks are just like throwing a rose or smoke bombs or some kicks or something idk

-Excellent chef who is especially skilled at making meat-filled buns, which may win people over to his side
-Women respecter and all around stand up guy
-Gives out the Pewter Badge to people who defeat him
--Uses his frying pan to attack. He also has his Onix in a pokeball with him

Tuxedo Mask:
-Will not check if an opponent was actually downed regardless of whether he or Brock defeated them, proclaiming his work to be done and then leaving
-Can be intimidated into just leaving outright (his reaction to Mistleteinn in Murder Party)
-Expends minimal effort on things
--did not do anything in Murder Party except kill ytssm by like kicking him a couple times or something

-Refuses to hit a woman regardless of who is the aggressor
-Gets distracted by women even in the midst of Fucked situations
-normal human man who, unlike Tuxedo Mask, does not have especially good reaction times or agility or anything. like he's literally just a guy

Submissions for the Mario Boards Mega Brawl 2 are now closed! Thank you to everyone for your interest and your lovely weirdo scrimblos!

With all of our Brawlers in, let's take a look at everyone we've gathered!

1Teller Vision & BhigwhigWaluigi Time
2The Bin BrothersWaluigi Time
3Miles "Tails" ProwerToadettefan
4Klonoa & HuepowToadettefan & Coco
5Wheezlie S. Puff & TimothyHooded Pitohui
6HekkiHooded Pitohui
7Donna QuiñonesSuperchao
8Quantum FiveSuperchao
9Kay FaradayRoserade
10Banana ManRoserade
12Zhen & MizzlebipTPG
13The StallionTPG
14Boo1268 & Specter StrikerBoo1268
15Agent 30 & Agent 47Revin
16Shia LeBeoufRevin
17Big Eelser Generboom V2Shoey
18Fearless FosdickShoey
19Box GuyMCD
20Satoru Fujinuma & EnbyInsaneBlathers
21The Grande CavalliInsaneBlathers
22Monokuma & Izuru KamukuraFlygon64
23Bunny DittoFlygon64
24Arle Nadja & ShmaisyCoco
25Polly GeistAuburn
26Kooshigo & KoohitsuGabumon
27Wexlyn, Vector, & "Michele"Gabumon
29Pyrokles, Kroop, & ExplainerLegend_8
30Cosmo NekoTheBlueCatMenace
31Meldspar the TreasurerGBA
33Dexter Hexley & SpooksFun With Despair
34Tuxedo Mask & BrockTurboo
35Mystery Brawler????

Total: 35 Brawlers

Another star-studded line up to duke it out this year! Truly, this is the Mega Brawl of the Mario Boards

You might have noticed, however, an extra addition at the bottom. That's right, this year we're introducing the host-curated Mystery Brawler. Who might this Brawler be? Only the hosts will know up until the Brawl starts! However, you can have the assurance that every year, the Mystery Brawler will be a community character who doesn't belong to any of the hosts, and who will serve as a fun, out-of-left-field choice that was unlikely to appear otherwise.

In addition, here's a clue to the identity of the Mystery Brawler…
Studying the ancient tomes

Think you know who it is? Have no idea at all? Either way, you're welcome to vote for the Mystery Brawler to win it all!

With submissions closed, this means…

Voting is now open!

Why vote, you ask? To influence our state-of-the-art weighted rng! We'll be using a randomizer to determine the outcome of the fight, and each submitted Brawler has one entry into the randomizer. However, by voting for who you'd like to see more, you can add extra entries into the proverbial hat! This will influence the outcome, but the winner will not be decided simply by popular vote. For instance, if Character A has two entries while Character B has one, Character A has a 66% chance of winning – but it's fully possible for Character B to come out on top! This allows us to keep things dynamic and surprising, and who knows what upsets can happen!

You all will help us out with this process by voting! Everyone will be able to rank-choice vote for seven Brawlers you'd like to see win the Brawl. Your #1 ranking will get seven extra entries, #2 will get six, so on and so forth. Like so:

#1: Gluttony
#2: Sloth
#3: Greed
#4: Pride
#5: Lust
#6: Wrath
#7: Envy

Except instead of the seven deadly sins, it's the community characters listed above! Feel free to have fun with it; many people last year had art to go along with their votes, or wrote one of their other characters presenting the votes. Getting creative is more than welcome!

If you are voting in the Brawl, you must vote for a full seven. Let's spread around the love!

You also cannot vote for your own characters in the ranking. Instead, you may Endorse one of your Brawlers. This will add an additional three entries into the randomizer! Even if you only submitted one character, make sure to post that you're endorsing them – we'll need that to keep track on our end.

EDIT: Not voting for your own character extends to situations where someone else's submission includes your character.

Voting will close next Monday, October 21st, at 9 PM PST/midnight EST. That's one week away! If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to ask! Excited to see your votes!
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Two questions
One do you need to vote characters together if they are in a team or can you vote for them separately?
Two is Mayonnaise an instrument?
Characters on a team submission are counted as one Brawler, so you'd be voting for both of them

Mayonnaise is an instrument if you can dream it to be
1. Box Guy
2. Polly
3. Kooshigo/Koohitsu
4. Wexlyn/Victor/Michele
5. Scaran
6. Zhen and Mizzlebip
7. The Bin Brothers

Endorsement and justifications to come later.... ✨🔮🎲🎋🎊
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1. Shia LeBeouf
2. Big Eelser Generboom V2
3. The Bin Brothers
4. MBKube
5. Dexter + Spooks
6. Bunny Ditto
7. Tuxedo Mask + Brock

I Endorse The Stallion.
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jonesy fortnite profile.png
Alright, listen up, everyone, Time Team Travelers are here, and we're ready to kick some serio-

...Mr. Fortnite. This is too early in the timeline... it's only 2024... And you got our name in the wrong order, too...
Huh? Oh... Oops! You're right! I guess my inspirational smackdown speech will have to wait. Ah, but 2024... that was a good year for brawling, wasn't it?

Heh, well, seeing as we're here, why don't we give the competitors a little helping hand?

...As a time traveller, you do know that any interference we do here will be canon for us, even if it isn't for others, right?
Ah, don't worry about it! I just wanna give some pointers. With a pool like this, they'll need 'em. Especially Donna.

...Hmm... I think your "rivalry" is clouding your judgement again... I doubt anything you have to offer will be able to help her out...
Nonsense! Alright, brawlers of the past, we're gonna give you some friendly advice... the top 7 most dangerous combatants, as determined by us! Here we go!

First up, it's Satoru and Enby. As any self respecting member of the Temporal Authority will know, time travel powers are no joke, and Satoru's ability to travel back to a few moments before his death is an incredible tool. Not only that, but teaming up with a being of cosmic energy means this team has a grip on elements of both time and space. Enby's abilities while connected to the rabbit host are no joke either, with big durability and strength to compensate for Satoru's regular human abilities. A pairing like this would only be able to be taken down by high level agents like myself... and even that would be a big struggle.

...Tuxedo Mask and Brock... they might not seem that dangerous... but I know from my own experiences... even the most innocent looking people can hide deadly secrets...

...I wonder what might be behind that mysterious mask...? ...And what the recipe for those meat-filled "buns" really is...?

Next, it's Arle and Shmaisy! Take it from someone who knows: Chaos energy is a real pain! I don't recommend getting anywhere near the stuff! Arle here got a real good heaping of it, so she's a force to be reckoned with. But to balance that out, she's paired up with Shmaisy, who can keep calm in even the weirdest of scenarios, creating a perfect combinations of chaos and calm, allowing them to come up with and execute some big strategies.

...If I know one thing... it's that murder and rabbits shouldn't mix... The MBKube... It must be eliminated at all costs.

Uhh... right, anyway... up next, the Banana Man! As someone who's had a lot of experience dealing with both Rulers of Everything and Banana Men, I can tell you that you'll need a lot of Rebellious spirit to be able to take this guy out. I mean, look at the size of those mechanical hands! They can mess with time and space, bring back spirits of the dead... They even made a bowling alley! So don't come crying to me if you underestimate him and get kicked to the curb.

...In my timeline... the Big Five helped me to escape to the past and build a new future... but these Quantum Five... it seems they let their evil intent and murderous ambition get the better of them... I know firsthand how dangerous they can be, even without the quantum powers... it took a miracle and a great sacrifice to defeat the being that gave them those powers... do you really think you'll be capable of pulling off the same thing...?

Well, this one doesn't really need explaining. Box Guy always has best odds to win this sort of thing
...I agree... you shouldn't mess with this man... trying to defeat him is a fool's errand...

jonesy fortnite profile.png
So there you have it. Some friendly pieces of advice that'll help you turn the tide of battle... or at least help you die less quickly. Oh, and one more thing.

That Shia Lebeouf guy? Maybe it's a little weird for an enemy of his to be "endorsing" him, but yeah, he's the real deal. A force of nature, who can't be reasoned with by the living and who's always full of surprises. The only reason anyone was able to beat him last time was because Yoshi the SSM changed the timeline and brought me over to fight him, as well as some help from crazy revival serum cookies causing all the ghosts to leave him. All I'm saying is: he's one tough dude, so watch out!

...If you're quite finished now... Can we please get moving to the correct timeline...?
Heh, sure thing! It's time for us to make like bananas, and get out of here. Good luck, challengers, and happy brawling!

...We'll see you all "soon"...​

"So the chief's fears were true there really is an underground pit fighting battle royale happening." Fearless Fosdick thinks to himself.
"These poor poor fools they have no idea what they're getting into! They could get hurt! I can't allow that!" He says to himself loading his gun.
For 35 years Fearless Fosdick had served as a detective sworn to protect the people. For the first 30 years he served in an unidentified crime filled city (possibly Chicago) before being transferred to the sleepier New Wikisburg. Still making $11. 75 with dreams to raise the ranks to $23.46 (where he would live like a king). Fearless Fosdick consoled himself that he wasn't in it for the money rather he prided himself on protecting the fair citizens even if he had to protect them from themselves. "Just like the poison beans" he thought to himself remembering when he killed 812 citizens to protect them from consuming a deadly poisoned can of "Old Faithful" Baked Beans.

Fosdick scanned the Ancient Ruins looking at all the people foolishly eager to make a name for themselves in this pit. To tell you the truth he was mostly unimpressed. In his 35 years on the force Fearless Fosdick had tussled with some of the most deadly villains the world had ever seen. Such as the explosive Bomb Face who Fearless Fosdick cunningly tricked into blowing up both his gang and himself. Or The Hat a merciless serial killer who for years escaped justice by being unhangable in a state where the only method of execution that was legal was public hanging. Fosdick beamed with pride about his victory over The Hat by driving him to Connecticut where the method of execution was the electric chair. Or even Fearful Fosdick, Fearless Fosdick's own father one of the few dastardly villains that ever escaped Fosdick's grasp or his shot!

Still Fosdick a veteran police officer knew better than to underestimate his opponents. He scanned the competition using his keen detective senses. Quickly identifying the top 7 most dangerous competitors in the field writing them down in his standard issue police notebook.

7. Polly Geist - A ghost! Hmmmmm this could pose a problem could she be able to possess people???? Do Bullets even harm ghosts???? Only one way to find out!
6. Tails - "A flying fox? Could pose problems it's always harder to hit a moving target especially if they're in the air! Also he said he's a mechanic???? Could possibly build a car giving him extra armor
5. The Grande Cavalli - Fosdick stares at the horse confused "It's dead right? Or is it? I really wanna investigate this horse...but it could be a trick to get me to let my guard down and then BAM the horse kicks me....better be careful for now.
4. Boo1268 The Fancy Phantom - Oh great another Ghost! Is he immune to bullets to??? Grrrrrr why didn't I bring my silver bullets. Also he's setting up a tea party! Oh look he's even setting down Issue 210 of the Shroom for his guests to read while he prepares it that's so thoughtful...OR IS IT. Is he planning on luring us in with his delicious tea and good stories and than BAM that skeleton friend of his hits us from behind???? Note to self don't accept Tea.
3. Pyrokles and Kroop - Wizard with a talking skull eh? Those are usually pretty powerful. Of course my bullets are way more powerful than any stupid magic spell...unless of course he's got an anti bullet those exist????
2. Cosmo Neko - Without a doubt one of the most dangerous creatures here. He'll lure you in with his cute looks and sweet meows. Than once you can't stand it anymore and you bend down to pet him BAM he slits your throat with his claws. Be very careful around him Fosdick.
1. Bunny Ditto - Wh-What the hell is that? I don't like it! No please stop moving like that.

As Fosdick finish's compiling his list of the most dangerous contestants...

We pan into a secret underground lab where Dr. Phineas J. Shoe tracks data gathered from the secret spy drone planted on BIG EELSER GENERBOOM V2!
"This data is fascinating Rose" Phineas says transcribing the data from his supercomputer (really an old windows 98).
"What do you mean sir?" Asks Rose.
"Well look at these spots Rose" Phineas says pointing at the screen towards a number of glowing orbs. "Do you see how some of them are glowing brighter than the others" he says.
"Yeah" Rose says flatly not sure what this has to do with anything.
"Those are the so-called contestants in this Mario Boards Mega Brawl 2 Rose. And if my calculations are right this glow represents how powerful they are. And if you look closely, you can see that some of them are still growing in power!" Phineas says excitedly
"Those are probably the votes sir" Rose tries to explain.
"What are you talking about Rose the elections not until January you fool! It's strange according to my figures this power boost certain fighters are getting isn't coming from their own strength. Rather it's being provided by other contestants. If my hypothesis is correct Rose these fighters are being boosted by the subconscious thoughts of other fighters. My guess is that the ruins cause the subconscious thoughts of the fighters to leak out powering up others. So, if you're impressed, afraid, or desiring to fight another fighter. The ruins are causing you to increase their strength in connection with your own thoughts! Although it appears it only works on exactly seven fighters no more no less which honestly Rose seems kind of arbitrary but it's still fascinating stuff" Phineas says engrossed in the data.
Hearing this oddly through and logical explanation from Dr. Phineas J. Shoe. Rose is shook. Rose knew about the ability to vote for 7 fighters no more no less. But if we're being honest Rose had no idea how it worked and was really hopping nobody would ask for an explanation. But now if somebody asks Rose could give them one!
"Sir that reminds me don't forget to endorse BIG EELSER GENERBOOM V2! because that will act like multiple votes and boost his-" before Rose can finish he's cut off.
"No thanks Rose I hate Dragon Ball Z" Phineas says curtly turning back to the computer.
"wh-wha" Rose says confused.
"Yeah this whole endorsement thing sounds like Spirit Bomb mumbo jumbo and I won't be participating in it" Phineas explains.
"But sir it'll strengthen BIG EELSER GENERBOOM V2!" Rose says trying to reason with Phineas.
Hearing Rose back talk him Phineas grows annoyed "Rose, BIG EELSER GENERBOOM V2! is the ultimate lifeform correct? The perfect fighting creation of destruction right?" He asks angrily
"Well uh yes" Rose says.
"Exactly Rose, BIG EELSER GENERBOOM V2! is already the ultimate lifeform, the ultimate destroyer. He doesn't need some dragon ball clap your hands to give it your energy power up!" Exclaims Phineas.
Rose wants to keep arguing but looking at the time he realizes he has to get to the Ancient Ruins before the Mario Boards Mega Brawl 2 starts. So Rose decides it's not worth it to argue with the brick wall that is Dr. Phineas J. Shoe and instead decides to simply slink away as Dr. Phineas J. Shoe engrosses himself in the data.

Hello, my friends! It is I, the famed pirate captain Hondo Ohnaka! Do not act like you don't remember me, no one could forget this handsome face! Ahaha!

So, this is the "Mario Boards Mega Brawl 2", eh? To paraphrase my sweet mother, if one Mega Brawl is good, two are even better, and three... Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we?

Now then, I am still working on rebuilding my crew after some, ehhh, shall we say, unfortunate incidents, and I am extending an invitation to the winner of the Mega Brawl to join me! Of course, as a loyal member of the Ohnaka Gang, I am willing to offer you a very generous 5% of the profits from our ventures!

As long as I am here, I may as well offer my predictions for who will come out on top, yes? If someone here would be so kind as to direct me to where the bets are taken...
I know the face of a man who knows how to make a profit, and let me tell you, Box Guy has it! What merchandise could be in those boxes of his? It truly sparks old Hondo's imagination!
I have not seen a horror like The Stallion since I was paid to haul rancors! What a remarkable beast this is, and one that would likely fetch a handsome price from the right client. This creature will go far through pure strength and terror!
Ah, seeing Boo1268 and Specter Striker reminds me of the time the esteemed Lady Bow took me into her personal confidence - she would deny it if you asked, of course! Why, she probably would act as if she had never even heard of me. But enough of that! These two will be a fearsome sight on the battlefield with their combined strengths, and I expect to see great things from them!
This tournament is filled with spirits, eh? Polly Geist may not look like much at first glance, but you should know that appearances can be deceiving! Ghostly powers and assassin training? I would not want to be on her bad side!
My next vote goes to Pyrokles, Kroop, and the Explainer. Those wizard powers remind me of my old friends Skywalker and Kenobi! Do you know what nearly limitless potential says to Hondo? It says PROFIT!
Now these two are interesting! Satoru and Enby! Satoru there may not be the only one in this battle with the ability to manipulate time itself, but to be able to cheat death with it? Very profitable! I wonder if he can reverse bad deals... And of course, he is accompanied by an emissary of the stars themselves! Hondo has seen stars explode before. You don't want to be near that.
As Hondo knows full well, it takes more than brute strength to stay alive in a dangerous situation. You must be clever and cunning as well! That is why my number one pick is Agent 30 and Agent 47. Their training and mastery of disguise will grant them victory in battle, just you wait! Not to mention, they would be a tremendous asset to my crew...

Ah, I almost forgot! I would also like to endorse Teller Vision and Bhigwhig. Between you and me, if one of them wins, I hope it would be the droid. That hairy creature probably sheds like a wookiee!