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Aw, man. It's definitely not going to be the same without having you around. It's kind of ironic; I was glad when you retired from Userpedia, but I'm actually a little sad about this.

Oh, well. I appreciate you leaving me "in charge of the forum"; I'll do my best.

Also, since I don't know when the hell I'll ever see you around again -- if I ever do -- I hope life treats you well. Goodbye, Mr. Ninji. :)
Stooben Rooben said:
It's kind of ironic; I was glad when you retired from Userpedia.




Nevermind the fact that I was happy to retire there, too.
Hah, and now it's really bad there. I think there's, like, 1 new post every two weeks.
Bye Ninji! It was fun while it lasted! Anyway, since he's leaving, we should find out all of Ninji's old names and make a list. It'll be like a "We remember you" card!
Yoshario said:
The forum won't be the same without you.
No, it won't... it'll be a whole lot better.
How happy neutral I am about this. I will be honest and say this is probably the right move, though, based on how I and others often feel about you. :posh:
Attn: Wayo & Scarecrow. I don't care if you dislike me. Don't pretend that you know anything about what is good for the forums, though, because, frankly, you are both retarded when it comes to the forums. You build y-our opinions on second-hand accounts of stories from the least trustworthy people on the Wiki.

Wayo, the fact that you had the gall to say that my retirement was best for the forums because of people's opini--ons of me proves that you really know jack shit, so if you don't want to seem like a total idiot, you should stop wi-th the bullshit.

I should note that I am proud that I was able to write this message completely on a phone. :)
ChaosNinji said:
I should note that I am proud that I was able to write this message completely on a phone. :)
Congrats, although you put some excess hyphens, I don't know if that was intentional, or not...
ChaosNinji said:
Attn: Wayo & Scarecrow. I don't care if you dislike me. Don't pretend that you know anything about what is good for the forums, though, because, frankly, you are both retarded when it comes to the forums. You build y-our opinions on second-hand accounts of stories from the least trustworthy people on the Wiki.

Wayo, the fact that you had the gall to say that my retirement was best for the forums because of people's opini--ons of me proves that you really know jack shit, so if you don't want to seem like a total idiot, you should stop wi-th the bullshit.

I should note that I am proud that I was able to write this message completely on a phone. :)
Your rage shall be missed.
Fighter said:
ChaosNinji said:
Attn: Wayo & Scarecrow. I don't care if you dislike me. Don't pretend that you know anything about what is good for the forums, though, because, frankly, you are both retarded when it comes to the forums. You build y-our opinions on second-hand accounts of stories from the least trustworthy people on the Wiki.

Wayo, the fact that you had the gall to say that my retirement was best for the forums because of people's opini--ons of me proves that you really know jack *bleep*, so if you don't want to seem like a total idiot, you should stop wi-th the *bleep*.

I should note that I am proud that I was able to write this message completely on a phone. :)
Your rage shall be missed.
I bet Uniju might miss it, he used to get Ninji's rage all the time.
Are you leaving the forum, Ninji? Or are you just not in charge anymore?
ChaosNinji said:
Leaving the forums. I'm staying today to take PMs and such.
Damn you.

My life...IT'S IN SHAMBLES! ;__;
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