N New Super Mario Ghirahim Oct 29, 2010 #303 can't tell because emoticons are just floating faces Are they relatives?
Toad48 Dry Bowser Oct 29, 2010 #304 can't tell because emotions are just floating faces. Why is mini-golfing awesome?
U unit4545 King Bowser Oct 30, 2010 #305 Can`t tell because emotions are just foating faces. Why am I awesome?
WigglerWhoopinWarrior135 Chuck Norris runs Windows 7...On his Etch-a-Sketch Oct 31, 2010 #306 Because you facepalm other people but not yourself. Why am I awesome?
Toad48 Dry Bowser Oct 31, 2010 #308 Can`t tell because emotions are just floating faces. Why do oranges taste good?
N New Super Mario Ghirahim Nov 1, 2010 #311 They do because you poisoned them Why does look fat in that picture?
YamiHoshi Nintendo 3DS Developer Nov 1, 2010 #312 Because he got his brain in his belly, that's why he's so fat. Why does it rain, and why it's so dark outside?
Because he got his brain in his belly, that's why he's so fat. Why does it rain, and why it's so dark outside?
S SpinyMaster347 ..and with that, pow! I'm gone Nov 2, 2010 #315 Because all your base are belong to us. Why do I have your base?
WigglerWhoopinWarrior135 Chuck Norris runs Windows 7...On his Etch-a-Sketch Nov 2, 2010 #316 Because you are CATS (Meme reference) Why did I go to Target today? (For people not in the US, Target is a chain store in the US)
Because you are CATS (Meme reference) Why did I go to Target today? (For people not in the US, Target is a chain store in the US)
King_boo_X i cant move...i am hungry D: Nov 4, 2010 Thread starter #318 Cant tell because cuponk is just a floating face What is the meaning of life?
Toad48 Dry Bowser Nov 4, 2010 #319 Cant tell because Life is just a floating face. Why are sports awesome?
N New Super Mario Ghirahim Nov 4, 2010 #320 Can't tell because they're just a floating face. Should we stop saying that?
King_boo_X i cant move...i am hungry D: Nov 4, 2010 Thread starter #322 because yes is ugly. Why i just post like every 2 month?
N New Super Mario Ghirahim Nov 4, 2010 #323 You aren't dedicated enough Why did you say your question with bad language
Toad48 Dry Bowser Nov 4, 2010 #325 You use bad grammar. Why do they have dr.pepper cherry when the normal one tastes like cherry.