The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

Well, 1, I'm back, and 2, the holidays have started, so you'll probably be seeing a lot more of me.
Welcome back, Purple Yoshi.
G'day PY, enjoy your holidays because I certainly won't enjoy mine.
I have 3 months of holidays, which is 1 month more, than anybody else here.
It's just because I was done with all of my tests, one month early.

But I don't think I'll have some planned inactivities, for a while.
The next one is probably Gamescom 2012, but that's in August.
Leaving for a vacation in Florida in 30 minutes or so. Driving straight down (it's an 18-24 hour ride ._. ) and I'll be there for about a month. I'll have a laptop available, but I won't be online nearly as much as I usually am.

I'll also be turning 21 down there, so I'll be hittin' up the clubs and bars 8) (very reluctantly, though).
I got a message from Anton:

"Ok, so people decided to be dicks and be all "SURPRISE! There's no Internet here!". I have (personal) shit to do and other important things."

Then I also got:

"I might be able to get some minor access a few hours on a few random days, but that's about it."


"Ok, so, I might be able to get Internet a bit this week, but not too much after."
double posting because the last post was me speaking for anton

I'll be on a road trip from Sunday morning through the 9th. I'll probably only be on a few of the days, and not a lot at that, and past the morning of the 5th I can't guarantee I'll be on at all until I get home on the 9th.

CvC is on hiatus, while Smasher and Crash are helping to take care of V2W: Rocks.

Seeya soon!
I'm going to need to take a break from this forum. I'll still post, just not as often as I used to. I don't know when I'll continue posting like I normally do, or if I ever will.
Nabber said:
Why are you leaving?
I may have over-exaggerated.

Here's why. Up until now, I've been spending a lot of time on this website. Some people are becoming concerned about it, and say I should get out more, so I won't be spending as much time as I usually do. Sorry if I made it sound like I was leaving forever or something like that.