The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

I'm leaving for vacation early Wednesday morning, so don't expect me to be on as much until maybe Sunday.
To whom it may concern, I will most likely not be online for the next two days because of a college orientation.
Have fun with that.
I'm not gonna post as often as usual. I will still be semi-active, just not as active.
My next inactivity will be on July 30th.
It isn't much, as I'll be gone to Nintendo of Belgium for only 3 hours, but that's excluding traffic (jams).
Going to be gone for the majority of the day, traveling back to Vermont for the weekend. If we get there early enough I should be able to update Omissions and TV Shows tonight (or tomorrow, depends if it's midnight when we get there). Seeya later bros! *brofist*

Sora said:
Going to camping trip for 2 days starting tomorrow and maybe I can have internet access there

Have fun!

Crackin355 said:
Going to friends house in 2 hours, won't be back until the next day.

Have fun as well!

New Super Mario said:
I'll be gone tonight for a Big Brother 14 party! I might be slightly inactive this weekend, but I'm not sure yet.

Aaaaaaand finally have fun!
Monobear said:
Have fun with that.

I did until I had to register for classes, which took four hours longer than it should have.
What is your intended major (if you've decided, of course)?
Byakuya Togami said:
What is your intended major (if you've decided, of course)?
(I'm about to be a freshman in high school so obviously I have absolutely no idea but I'm looking for a career in engineering sooo)
Well, I'm back from a pointless five-day break that I took for no reason.


wait crap i missed the poll chairperson debate didn't i crap crap crap crap
Yes you did.