Gen V Pokémon game names revealed - Pokémon Black and White Versions

Maybe it should have ended at Gold and Silver.
From a business perspective, it's a cash-cow.
From a gaming perspective, Gen III and IV revolutionized the battle system.

No reason to end it there.
Poké site has updated with some new screenshots. Some are clearer ones from CoroCoro.






Everything seems more industrialized. Heck, there's even a highway. Too bad they took away the walking with your Pokémon feature. That was pretty cool.
I know, but normally atleast some of the stuff in prerelease screenshots make it into the final.
And for all we know, the option to have your Pokémon follow you can be toggled on and off.

sticky plz
I always thought that the fact that really big Pokemon like Gyarados could still follow you was strange...
Lot's of size inconsistency.

Like how Onix is like 28 feet tall and it can fit in a Pokémon Center. or maybe Pokémon Center's just have really tall ceilings
4th gen will be ruined because og zorua and zoroark and new pokemon glitches...
i wish theyll make a pokemon dpp hg ss internal memomry update....
and there back at the colors..again....
whats next....?? pokemon orange?
this pokemon titles were once in a hack game for gba
pokemon black (DS) = pokemon black (GBA)
pokemon white(DS) = pokemon white (GBA)
pokemon orange(DS) = pokemon naranja (GBA)
Re: Gen V Pokémon game names revealed - Pokémon Black and White Versions

I think we've explained this to you before, but it's not going to create any memory glitches. The 5th gen probably won't even be able to directly connect to the other gens.
Lyra said:
The 5th gen probably won't even be able to directly connect to the other gens.
Says who?
Looook at the Footage! (Pokemon Black and White)


Anyway, here's some actual gameplay footage for the first time.!

The way the camera angles work is actually pretty cool, in my opinion. The way the scenery and the way you can see buildings from multiple angles is something that hasn't been done before.
Re: Looook at the Footage! (Pokemon Black and White)

B-but, there already is a topic about Pokémon Black and White. :'(
Re: Looook at the Footage! (Pokemon Black and White)

There's also a topic about a Mario Party 9 rumour despite the fact there is a Mario Party 9 topic.
Re: Looook at the Footage! (Pokemon Black and White)

That was because the topics were totaly different. One was asking people what they want in MP9 if there ever was one, the second thread was about how Nintendo might actually be currently working on the game. I'm merging this thread with the main Black and White thread.
Re: Looook at the Footage! (Pokemon Black and White)

Lyra said:
That was because the topics were totaly different. One was asking people what they want in MP9 if there ever was one, the second thread was about how Nintendo might actually be currently working on the game. I'm merging this thread with the main Black and White thread.
Hold on, that thread was supposed to be everything related to Mario Party 9. My comment in the opening post was just a discussion starter. Notice the thread topic does not say "What do you want in MP9 if there ever was one?" It says "Mario Party 9." If you're merging this one with the Gen V thread, please merge RAP's thread with the MP9 thread. Thanks.
Yes, but there's a slight difference, this thread is pinned. The Mario Party 9 ones, (afaik) aren't.
Re: Looook at the Footage! (Pokemon Black and White)

Marcelagus said:
Lyra said:
That was because the topics were totaly different. One was asking people what they want in MP9 if there ever was one, the second thread was about how Nintendo might actually be currently working on the game. I'm merging this thread with the main Black and White thread.
Hold on, that thread was supposed to be everything related to Mario Party 9. My comment in the opening post was just a discussion starter. Notice the thread topic does not say "What do you want in MP9 if there ever was one?" It says "Mario Party 9." If you're merging this one with the Gen V thread, please merge RAP's thread with the MP9 thread. Thanks.
Well, the thread has become more of a discussion about the Mario Party Series and fan ideas of features in a new Mario Party game. While RAP's thread is about if people would buy the game if it turns out to be real, speculation, etc. I don't think they would exactly fit together well, despite what you planned. :-\
Lyra said:
a discussion about the Mario Party Series and fan ideas of features in a new Mario Party game

if people would buy the game, speculation, etc.

Sounds somewhat similar to me.

Also, here are a few posts from RAP's thread the fit very well into the description you gave of my thread:

Sharks Territory said:
Maybe another new fad will be sparked, like Pirate Goomba.

Crackin355 said:
I just hope its good enough to keep the series running. It's a good idea for a series and way more fun with friends. Better minigames would be good too

Well, actually, almost every post in that thread fits the description. So I don't see any misfit there.

But to be back on topic, what are memory glitches exactly?
I think it's when the memory of the game glitches up causing freezing, corrupt Pokémon, and things.
@Garlic: Ralph's post is just him being Ralph and nothing else. You're kinda right about Crackin's post, but he's leaning more on just saying how he likes the series and excited for the game. The two threads have different focuses, and might be confusing to have people talking about them at the same time. It's the same reason we don't merge the "Brawl Characters" threads with the Super Smash Bros. Discussion.

Meatalsnake (in his broken english) thinks since Missingno. was formed from missing memory in Gen 1, Zoroark and company might cause glitches if traded to Gen IV because Gen IV doesn't have them in it's memory. Though Meatalsnake's not exactly the brightest bulb on the Hannukkah Tree. :P
Lyra said:
Meatalsnake (in his broken english) thinks since Missingno. was formed from missing memory in Gen 1, Zoroark and company might cause glitches if traded to Gen IV because Gen IV doesn't have them in it's memory. Though Meatalsnake's not exactly the brightest bulb on the Hannukkah Tree. :P
MissingNo. wasn't formed by missing memory. (I don't think)
Bulbapedia said:
Missingno. appears due to an oversight in the programming of the Old Man's tutorial in Viridian City on how to catch Pokémon. When the game sets up the battle between the Old Man and a wild Weedle, it needs to change the player's name (temporarily) to "OLD MAN" so that it will display that name, rather than the player's entered name, during the battle.
Due to the limited space in the Game Boy memory, the programmers decided to use the space where data for wild Pokémon found in the grass is stored (which is completely blank in Viridian City; only Surfing and Fishing data is used) to save the player's name temporarily. Normally, this would cause no abnormal activity, as this data is overwritten when the player moves to a different area.
In all cities, however, this data remains blank, and so the data is never overwritten (as there is nothing new to overwrite it with), and thus, the data that was last entered (be it the player's name or the wild Pokémon data from another area) remains in place. This itself still causes no harm; however, an oversight in the programming of the tiles used to denote the shore of an island marks them as equivalent to grass. As all water routes have no real grass on them, likewise, the data is not overwritten, and so whatever data is in the slots for wild Pokémon found in the grass is used, be it the player's name or wild Pokémon found elsewhere, such as the Safari Zone.
The name of the player has six hexadecimal values in it. The game needs only three "slots" of wild Pokémon data to store this.
The species of wild Pokémon the player encounters along the coast are determined by the third, fifth, and seventh characters of the player's name, while their levels are determined by the second, fourth, and sixth characters, respectively. By knowing which letters and symbols correspond to which species and levels, through the use of certain calculators and charts (such as [1]), it is possible to set the name of the player at the start of the game to find specific Pokémon at specific levels.
I'll be darned if the American tag-line isn't "They're as different as Black and White"