Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Ambush Bug said:
Granted but you get the wrong flavor
I wish for q to appear in every word

Granted, but you find it odd.

GLaDOS said:
I wish for bacon. I don't lose anything as a result of eating the bacon. No one else gets bacon. I don't gain or lose weight before, during, or after the bacon-eating. There is no shortage of any food of quality before, during, or after the bacon. It is NOT turkey bacon. There is nothing other than a small amount of salt on the bacon. The bacon is cooked properly. I don't have to risk my life to get the bacon. The bacon was cooked properly five minutes ago, and I don't have to wait to eat the bacon. It tastes perfectly delicious. I don't die any earlier or later than the average life expectancy of a human male in the USA circa 2011 would imply I would. No one gives up on this game after this wish. It does not get destroyed in any way, shape, form, or fashion before I eat it. Everyone reads this wish. I do not lose my ability to taste. I don't become a vegetarian after watching a documentary on killing pigs. I do not soon die from an unrelated illness.

Granted, but you only get one slice.

My wish: My last wish about my female friend, since nobody corrupted it.
@nabber you get one slice of haypenny. that is all. no dollars, no riches, nothing to go with the haypenny, just one perfectly shiny haypenny and nothing else. enjoy the rest of your life without wishes and only perfectly shiny haypenny.

Baby Time said:
Ambush Bug said:
Granted but you get the wrong flavor
I wish for q to appear in every word

Granted, but you find it odd.

GLaDOS said:
I wish for bacon. I don't lose anything as a result of eating the bacon. No one else gets bacon. I don't gain or lose weight before, during, or after the bacon-eating. There is no shortage of any food of quality before, during, or after the bacon. It is NOT turkey bacon. There is nothing other than a small amount of salt on the bacon. The bacon is cooked properly. I don't have to risk my life to get the bacon. The bacon was cooked properly five minutes ago, and I don't have to wait to eat the bacon. It tastes perfectly delicious. I don't die any earlier or later than the average life expectancy of a human male in the USA circa 2011 would imply I would. No one gives up on this game after this wish. It does not get destroyed in any way, shape, form, or fashion before I eat it. Everyone reads this wish. I do not lose my ability to taste. I don't become a vegetarian after watching a documentary on killing pigs. I do not soon die from an unrelated illness.

Granted, but you only get one slice.

My wish: My last wish about my female friend, since nobody corrupted it.

@baby time you only see your friend for five minutes as you are passing by in a car and you never see her again. Enjoy.

I wish for infinite pizza nothing wrong with it that tastes great.
Granted, you keep on slipping on oil.

I wish that Mario Kart 7 had a VS Mode.
Granted, but is only available in another universe.

I wish to do.....things. Things people have never done before.
GutsehMan said:
Granted, but is only available in another universe.

I wish that you made a wish.
Granted, it was an easy one.

I wish that I could see 8 of my friends again. I have not seen three since August, four since June and the last one back in October 2008.
Granted, we post ta;dr (Too annoying, didn't read).

I wish for my mom and dad to live with me.
Granted.But it just doesn't stop.

I wish that Mario would stop hogging Nintendo games.(No offense Mario fans) We Should have :luigi: Instead of :mario:
Granted, only Mario and Mario clones (Fire Mario, Ice Mario, etc.) appear in the series.

I wish that I was a girl.
Luigi Bandicoot said:
Granted, your male enemies love you for some reason and you are in big trouble.

I wish for something good that doesn't kill or harm me or my family.

You receive 1 slice of bacon or 1 potato, your choice.

I wish I had a years supply of soda, that wasnt flat, wouldnt run out, didnt go bad, and wasnt dangerous to me or my family, and wouldnt disappear before I could drink it.