Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, but wouldn't that be difficult to make?

I wish that a Blu-Ray set of every season of Mythbusters was released.
Granted. There are no CDs inside any of them.

I wish for delicious ice cream.
Granted, but what would it taste like? There are so many ice creams that taste delicious.

I wish for a tasty sandwhich with ham and cheese on it.
Granted, it doesn't work.

I wish Blue Coins in Mario Sunshine weren't so dang annoying to collect.
Grunty Industries said:
Granted, but how are you going to get the money for it?

I wish for a new Wario Land game.
Granted, but Wario is the only character in the game.

I wish for a new jar of peanut butter.
Granted, you have to clean up the graffiti and collect 120 Shines.

I wish Robbie Nevil's music weren't so underrated.
Granted. It rises to have the worst fandom ever, outdoing even Sonic Passion levels.

I wish that vanilla Mario doesn't suck.
Granted, every other Mario sucks more.

I wish Jim Perry hadn't died.
Granted. Shops get destroyed from being trampled and run out of money because they cannot earn profits over a sustained period of low prices, and the supply-demand balance would get so out of wonk that the standard of living would drop pretty damn sharply. You still can't get your damn PS4.

Oh, that's not even corrupted. It'll probably just be reality.

I wish Disneyland wasn't so boring and tiring.
Granted. They are portrayed like complete idiotic wusses.

I wish the Spinosaurus left more and better evidence.
Granted, no one believes it.

I wish Star Rush had more good content.
Granted. Their tips all break when you try using them.

I wish I ate more fruits and vegetables.