Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, it's a fictional location.

I wish T. rex's arms were as big as those of Deinocheirus
Granted, their new arms bring about their extinction much earlier than normal.

LeftyGreenMario said:
Their tips all break when you try using them.
you evil person

I wish that Shy Guys were playable in Smash Bros.
Granted. They're playable only in Smash Tour and are treated like bottom-tier roster fodder.

I wish I put up my bird feeder again.
Granted. Ants now crawl all over you and you have a cockroach problem.

I wish for all top sirloin to be cooked medium-rare.
Granted. You can obtain it only by winning luck-based minigames.

Grunty Industries said:
Granted, Gordon Ramsay will tell you "IT'S RAW!!!".
Steak tartare works for me too. :)

I wish to actually try steak tartare.
Granted. It sucks.

I wish I could play Super Mario Odyssey instead of just watching a demo video.
Granted. It also sucks.

I wish midterms weren't so hard.
Granted. Everyone else becomes louder, so she's not that loud by comparison.

I wish Metal Mario wasn't considered a separate character from Mario.
Granted, now she looks really ugly.

I wish my Star Road data hadn't gotten deleted.