Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, but the plate breaks and the nachos fall into the sewers where they become covered in ****
I wish I could not post in this thread anymore.
Granted, but you're spamming and get banned.

I wish that there were some more creatures in IC. you become like em and get banned.

I wish I had 1,000,000,000 posts that were NOT spam and that i did NOT get blocked for. Each were legitamate posts with good quality.

Snack said:
I wish... I dunno... Ummmm... I wish for Cheezbrger.

Granted, but the cheez in it is older than my grandparents.
I wish you guys would stay on topic >.>
Granted now its flies INSIDE of you.

I wish I was the President.
Granted but you you had to sell because you charged a lot of money for people to put up auctions and no one put any up.

I wish I was a Yoshi.
You are already, so you ASPLODE.

I wish I had a wonderful, unvarnished invincible piece of pizza.
Granted but you eat it so fast and it doesnt digest so you blow up.

I wish wish i had a fish on a dish for dinner!

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Granted, but no one bothers to read all those huge letters and you are ignored.

I wish I had a girlfriend.