Would you rather?

no money

would you rather live watch dic cartoons for eternity or watch rapsittie street kids: believe in santa on loop
The SMBSS and AoSTH are actually guilty pleasures of mine, so DIC.

Would you rather have the gold Nintendo World Championship cartridge or the remains of Earthbound 64?
Donkey Kong.

Would you rather have a Super Mario Sunshine remake/sequel/whatever or a new Mario strikers?
mario 1 is my favorite platformer

would you rather be in a room full of the rapsittie street characters or in a room staring at my avatar for eternity
Staring at your avatar.

Would you rather have poison mushroom omelette for breakfast, or having to play baby games for the rest of your life?
Play baby games for the rest of my life, after all there's people who consider Mario a "baby game" so loopholes

Would you rather become immortal but as a ghost (unable to interact with anything that exists, beyond retaining your sight and hearing) or cease to exist permanently?
I'd rather live in a mansion. Being alone can sometimes be bad.

Would you rather live in the Mushroom kingdom for a week, or have a real Mario kart tournament with THE Mario characters?
Is that really a question? Nintendo Switch.

Would you rather drink a glass half full or drink a glass half empty?
Full glass

Would you rather have Daisy as the main character in the series, or having back Bowser's ugly design from the show.
You didn't say his ugly design had to stay permanently so I choose Bowser's cartoon design used in a joking way in a game.

Would you rather have the ability to survive underwater or in space?
Space, since the civilization will once have to go to the space to search another home.

Would you rather eat three knives or support being burned with fire for 10 minutes WITHOUT protection?
Burned with fire.

Would you rather have a Rabbid version of Rosalina or Bowser in kingdom Battle?
You forgot to ask a question.

Would you rather getting an Oscar, or being the star in a movie?
With that much money, I'll be able to buy lotsa Nintendo games, so I wanna be rich.

Would you rather be one of Reggie's friends, or being one of Miyamoto's friends?
Be one of Miyamotos friends because I want to ask him lots of questions about Mario!

Would you rather be able to breathe underwater, or be able to go through lava without getting hurt?