Would you rather?

I'd rather never play Shadow the Hedgehog, but in reality it's Sonic 06 I'll never play because I only own Nintendo consoles.

Would you rather do 200 pushups nonstop, or run on the treadmill at 40 mph for half an hour?
I'd take the treadmill. I can't so even 2 push-ups.

Would you rather have Adam Conover ruin your favorite thing or be the night's biggest loser on "Impractical Jokers"?
Sonic 06. From what I heard, that game is trash.

Would you rather get the ability to spindash or the Master Sword?
Yeah the monster would *taste* me, so I'll go with aliens.

Would you rather meet E.T. the extraterrestrial or Baymax?
The list of games from the Wikipedia list, only 'cause of Fallout 76.

Would you rather have meat for breakfast or a buffet for breakfast?
Buffet rules!

Would you rather be able to become tiny or be able to become giant?
Giant. I don’t want to speak in third person like Tiny from Crash Bandicoot.

Would you rather stay in a cocoon forever or become a butterfly and escape that same cocoon?
Yeah no I'll stay at my place.

Would you rather be King K. Rool's trampoline or be in a wrestling match against Incineraor?
Like an AC character.

Would you rather be in Smash or star in a Marvel Movie?
That is a hard one.

I'll say that I would be in Smash. I would be effectively God tier.

Would you rather be rich or be famous?
Riches > fame.

Would you rather be famous, but then have your name tarnished by a mistake you made in the past, and be hated by all of society; or would you rather sit in jail 30 years for a murder you didn't commit, after which the law realizes you were innocent after all and promptly releases you?
Take 10, I might need them someday

Would you rather have your cellphone ringer set at an endless loop of Daisy saying “Hi, I’m Daisy” from Mario Kart Double Dash forever or have that same ringer set at an endless loop of Shulk saying “I’m really feeling it” from Xenoblade Chronicles forever?
Have the ringer set to the endless loop of Shulk saying I'm really feeling it.

Would you rather have your vocal range or J. D. Sumner's vocal range?

For reference here is his vocal range.

J. D. Sumner's vocal range:

My vocal range

Would you rather delete your Animal Crossing: New Leaf save file and start all over again or continue with your existing save file, but never be able to pull weeds again?