Would you rather?

$100 is typically wasted on junk food within a few days with me anyway, so I'll take the 5000 to spend in a day, where it'll probably go towards more worthwhile investments.

Sheriff Woody or Buzz Lightyear?
Right now? Super Mario Party.

Would you rather read a gripping novel with an unsatisfying ending, or a boring novel with a satisfying one?
They're clones technically so... both?

Ok nevermind just go with Mewtwo. I like both, tho.

Lucario or Zoroark?
Would you rather have an oyster to eat or some alligator to eat?
An oyster.

I actually like eating those.

Loöps or lämp? Or Calciüm?
Live a new life as the opposite gender.
Would you rather have a Christmas tree that is real or one that is man made?
Artificial Tree.

Watch a really bad sitcom that goes on for far too many seasons or watch a good one that jumps the shark?
The good one. One would just suffer through the other.

Swim through the Pacific Ocean or Climb till you reach Everest?
Since I can't swim and tend to sink like a rock, I guess I'll be climbing.

Would you rather tread through a long difficult segment of a game without any checkpoints or go through a game without saving once?
Basically like The Perfect Run or like the first ever Super Mario Bros. I'll go with tread through a long difficult segment of a game without any checkpoints. Even if it is generalized.

Would you rather play a Bumper level in Super Mario Maker or an automatic/one set input level in Super Mario Maker?

Would you rather swim across the River Twygz or get locked in the Creepy Steeple?
The Muppets... but only if it comes with the Wilkin's Coffee commercials.

Would you rather watch Ben 10: Alien Force or Generator Rex?
Grow up with a Playstation and then Switch to Nintendo.
Would you rather have a Nintendo Switch or a Nintendo 3DS?
I have both, but if I had to choose one, it would be 3DS because it has more games at this point in time. And VC. (no nah I'm really just choosing 3DS for Dream Team)

Would you rather have a wonderful dream and be sorely disappointed when it ends, or have an ultra-scary nightmare but be relieved when it ends.
Bah, why is it always Bowser? Give K. Rool a chance!

Would you rather sit on Sonic's back (spikes must be painful) or stick your head in Samus' gun while it's firing?