The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

Have a grand Infrit's Dawn, lad
Thanks guys
Even tho I'm at home (A L O N E) my friends (irl and in Mario boards) celebrate my birthday
Truly, thanks guys
ok sorry for reviving this thread (if this was even old and no one hasn't respond to this in 6 months) but i'm just letting you know that by birthday is july 3rd
Mine is in June 8.
ok sorry for reviving this thread (if this was even old and no one hasn't respond to this in 6 months) but i'm just letting you know that by birthday is july 3rd
Six months? Last post, September 27, 2020.
I just wanted to tell you that. I'm sorry. I didn't know I made you feel that way.
I was born May 11, 2002. Call me in the list of dates as The Shadow Prince.
My birthday is in 10 days everyone 🥰
My DOB is on the 19th of January!
Happy Bday!