Say something the above user would NEVER say

I am a froot loop
I don't like anything to do with France
I prefer the real Luigi
I did not post a reply to the Marioboards 'say something the above user would never say' forum roughly 42 minutes ago
technically it's not true that I'd NEVER say that because as of the time of my writing this post, it is true that I didn't post to Marioboards "say something the above user would never say" 42 minutes ago

Diddy Kong is the most funny and cute character of any video game ever
If you think a cartoon is getting worse then good, it needs to die anyway.
It is slimy how much people put slime in everything
I have an extreme dislike of puppies
Let them eat health food such as brussel sprouts and edamame
The 70s were better than the 80s
I'm a fly
All puns are bad
I loathe ribs