Say something the above user would NEVER say

I'm not friends with Thomas and Friends
Roleplay and forum games are boring
I love only having my character themes be male
'Hey Lugigi hey about the corn tornado in the colored green spaghetti potato outside of the cockamammy pizza'

(tbf no one would probably say that)
Anime is the least interesting genre of fiction, I'll sure never make pfps with it
I should stop talking about mlp. I don't have any opinions on the episodes really.
Why would you install Linux Mint Debian Edition when you could just install Debian Stable with Cinnamon?
If people are older than me, then by logic that means they are wiser than me.
Ich hasse die "Hochzeit in Canterlot"!
My only character themes from now on will be from edgy melodramatic adult shows with no color in them
I've always been an extrovert.
I don't like scary stories.
They musn't eat any cake.
I'm Klinsy, and only have one adjective to describe myself.
I may play Good Idea, Bad Idea, but playing other forum games is only a bad idea, not a good idea.