Xiahou Dun
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  • Games that grade you on your performance after you clear, I tend to burn out faster probably from morale and pressure to do perfectly rather than enjoy the game. Can't hold my attention on Sonic, Bayonetta, GTA V's story mode, Kirby Mass Attack, etc.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    I'm not a fan of those games because...why the heck I'm being graded, I'm not in school.
    I wasn't aiming for one, but I somehow got a hole in one in Mario Golf World Tour as Mario. Too bad it was a match play so I didn't get to see the fancy eagle animation.
    Some of terrible Spongebob's episodes during Season 4, 5, 6, *aka the infamous seasons) would've made for a pretty great horror parody of Spongebob. Episodes I had in mind: "To Love a Patty" Spongebob horrifically rips clams apart over a rotting Krabby Patty. "Skill Crane": Mr. Krabs exploits gambling addicts and the episode overall paints a weirdly mature and uncomfortably too-close-to-home picture of addiction. "Gone" has Spongebob going into psychological breakdown for finding no one around for extended amounts of time. "One Coarse Meal" is just thoroughly messed up as Plankton contemplates suicide. "Squid's Visit" dials up Spongebob's creepiness to 11 and there's real psychological horror elements that that does feel genuinely horrifying at points. IMO they could've made for good, memorable episodes if they weren't part of, y'know, Spongebob.
    9/11 Truther responding to me said:
    You bizarrely claim to be on the political left, yet here you are touting a right wing conspiracy theory, proliferated by the same right wing government which let the attacks happen, and which is contradicted by almost all of the available scientific research. Indeed, most of the fallacies you have been using to attack me have been pulled directly out of the Joseph Goebbels Handbook For Aspiring Nazis, such as mockery absent argument, bullying, distortion and Freudian projection. At this point it is abundantly clear that if you are not wingnuts you are simply idiots with no understanding of Hegelian dialectic. However, I am fairly certain it is the former. The Nazis themselves falsely claimed to be on the left, which I pointed out last night (before you removed that entry too, on top of all the others).
    CTR Mario Karts harder than Mario Kart. If first is far ahead, you can kiss your 1st goodbye since the rockets are worse than red shells in nearly every way.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Oh my god it's like the garbage racing game Mario Kart 64 all over again.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Unlike the game form of soiled Chinese takeaway carton, however, you can still get really far ahead if you take shortcuts consistently. Also, easy and normal difficulties are very easy for me, it's just hard that exacerbates the item problems.
    Microtransactions in premium games are NOT player choice. If you believe this, you are wrong. Cosmetics DO matter in games, they're treated like status symbols, industry already puts value in them, they give players a degree of control and personalization, etc. I'm saying this right now because I've been arguing with people on GameFAQs and the appeal to "choice" appears to be a common mentality.
    Ha, they should be putting the rare items behind difficult challenges like the Golden Toothpick in Splatoon 2 (although that was technically part of the $20 DLC, but I digress). Then you get a real "sense of pride and accomplishment", and you can show off your item to everyone to brag about how good at the game you are!
    or you could pay money as "an option" to skip that grind that the developers purposefully put there.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Yeah! Such a radical idea of designing rewards that are rewarding isn't it?
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    Reactions: winstein
    SNES Wario's Woods is way better than NES Wario's Woods, and it's a shame this version never got to see the light of day.

    Thank you for reading.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Can you say why? The graphics are the immediate thing that stands out, but anything else?
    1) CPU battles, the biggest one. This basically means that the single player component has one extra content over the NES, where only VS is available (which is also in the SNES version). Just defeating CPUs is quite a satisfaction. On that note, the CPU contains quirky characters that are only seen in that game.
    2) Round Game being able to be saved over level 100. In the NES version, you cannot continue past round 100 (105, 110, and so on) but in the SNES version, that is possible. This is notable because Round 100 is extremely tough.
    3) In my opinion, the music for SNES is more melodious, and probably the only track I like in the NES is the Time Attack's Wario portion (which is the same as the SNES version).

    The only thing NES has over SNES is the boss battles in Round Game (B), but that content is actually 90% identical to the other Round Game (A), so on that front it's not that terribly exciting.

    Thank you for reading.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Backwards R is a "Ya", sis, not an "ee", that would be backwards N.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    These Russians are crazy! Next thing you're going to tell me is that they spread fish eggs all over their bread.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Well their favorite cuisine is eating burnt bread (black bread) covered in salt, as well as drinking carbonated bread juice.
    I hate to say it, but Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is officially better than Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled. Don't blame my opinion, blame it on Activision deciding to Activision by continuing the appalling trend of including microtransactions (which is purchasing in-game currency with real money, supposedly to "fix" the low turnout of in-game currency needed to purchase neat items at the shop) in a later update, right after all the positive reviews have settled. They made it grindy by design to begin with, inventing a problem they made, and they now offer a "solution".
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I usually steer clear of them myself, but Crash is that one exception and I just hated them more.
    Crash Team Racing is a fantastic kart racing game, and the remake hold true the quality of the original. It's fun, fast paced, and has more depth to its mechanics then Mario Kart. It's a shame that Activision had to come in and screw it up like this, and to make it happen post launch too.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Yeah, I loved this remake, I love the racing and boosting mechanics, and I haven't played the original because I didn't follow the Crash scene. To be fair, I had my guard down because it's Crash and Activision somehow avoided being Activision on the recent Crash and Spyro remakes. But it's been pointed out that the Pit Stop storefront eeriely resembles the Fortnite storefront, and that one's addled with microtransactions. I think it's fair to predict that microtransactions were coming because Activision did this before with other remasters like that Call of Duty one, and grinding coins, particularly offline, is already a pain to begin with. Still, there's some sense of betrayal of trust here, and it's a disgusting feeling. Screw Activision for being manipulative greedy bastards.
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    You got a higher reaction score than me and I'm jealous.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    That's because I spammed more questions like "Why does Mario enjoy cable television?"
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