Yes, I have a computer now! Only thing that irked me is that they stuffed all the cables into the part where the HDD is supposed to go, and I have no idea how to rewire this.
What's left is the return of my data drive and maybe some reinstallations and I could probably go back to normal, but with a better compy now.
Bad news. I pretty much have to entirely replace it, since the CPU is dying and it is recommended I have to pretty much replace everything else due to their age and that they would probably fail eventually and the Windows installation is corrupted on top of that. The graphics card is salvageable as well as the wifi card but considering everything else, might as well just upgrade to a new one entirely.
The hard drive should be at least salvageable though which is a relief.
So yeah I'm probably going to be computerless for longer.
I do not have access to a computer right now, because I'm experiencing technical difficulties, specially getting the thing into post on top of my data drive which decided to start to fail.
I wont get it back until around next week so my activity will dip until I get it back.