You know those transparent blobs that are hard to see that float down when you stare at something blank, like the wall or a sky? And when you change your eye to try to observe them, they move to that direction where you pointed your eye to?
Finally the United States can have a real president again and not some orange pissbaby masquerading as one.
The war isn't over though. We still need to take back the Senate and boot out Mitch McConnell. And with how close this election was, we have to continue the fight for democracy.
Well, there's yet another fire relatively nearby in Irvine, Silverado fire (still not too close to where I live). Air feels total crap to breathe again, and it's extremely windy.
I followed your advice and read the Roleplay Rules and Guidelines. I will try to be a better roleplayer and not godmod or powerplay, so I dont ruin it for everyone.