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  • It only took a month and a half but I finally broke my writer's block and I'm back to writing my book. I was at 57,202 words for that entire time but I'm really hoping I can cross the 60K mark tonight.
    I just woke up from a surprisingly vivid dream about being back in Illinois on today, December 26, where I somehow thought it was early January and that I was going to school. What gave away that it was a dream just before I woke up?

    I had no memory of flying to Charlotte like I'll be doing on my real trip home.
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    Reactions: MegaBowser64
    You saying that made me remember a dream I had last night. I think it was where I was pretty much living my everyday life, but I noticed a few things that were off, I can't remember what they were. I couldn't understand why my life didn't seem right, it was like reality was broken. Then I woke up and realized it was only Just A Dream.? unintentional song reference whoops
    I'm listening to Isolation through my brand new Sony isolation headphones. Fun.
    Hollaback Girl has never sounded so thumpy.
    The fact that Geometry Dash 2.2 has actually released feels like we've found a real life cryptid.
    • Wow
    Reactions: MegaBowser64
    wait. it ACTUALLY CAME OUT?!?!? WOW. It's been in development for like, what, more than 5 years?!? and it was FINALLY RELEASED?!? At this point I had assumed they gave up on the update. 2.2 is so massive and took so long to develop it's practically like a GD 2
    Rob just kinda casually dropped it yesterday after we waited almost seven years. I haven't played much of it yet since I'm away right now but it's still crazy that it actually released.
    I have a flight tomorrow morning but I haven't been able to get myself to start packing. Help.
    At first I misread it to be "I have a fight tomorrow" and I was like "holy cow that's too bad" lol. Hope the flight goes good tho!!
    I've managed to get a new hardest in GD down to only three runs (56%, 38-70, and 70-100) but at the cost of eye strain and a headache.
    Once I'm done with this theme, I'm probably just going to use my name as my username so I can change between avatars as I please. I keep finding myself being impatient by locking myself into a theme for a month so it's about time I don't do that.

    I do have a fun idea with this theme though so it has to last all month.
    What could I have possibly done overnight that could have led to one of my blankets, which was originally covering my entire body, being bunched up on my neck when I woke up?
    I listened to Never Gonna Give You Up on loop while I was asleep to see if it would show up in my dreams. It unfortunately did not.
    • Haha
    Reactions: merriexmas
    Saiki Kusuo
    Saiki Kusuo
    Imagine the Internet getting so bad you can't even escape memes while asleep.
    I had full intentions of going to class today but when I slept for two hours, woke up and had a panic attack, slept for three more hours, and got woken up by my alarm (with another panic attack!), today just wasn't going to be it. I'll definitely go in tomorrow though.
    I love King Boo. I don't love dreaming about being placed in the intro to Luigi's Mansion 3 where he's chasing me down and trying to kill me.
    It's now a brand new month and today is even my transiversary. I'm definitely feeling better than I was a couple weeks ago, but it hasn't exactly been sunshine and rainbows because the day after I left, I got the flu and missed a whole week of school. Besides that, I've mostly just been dealing with my body, gender, and voice dysphoria recently. I nicknamed last month No Nice Things November because it was just that bad and didn't feel like it ever got much better.

    Thankfully, this month is off to a lot better start. I'm basically recovered from the flu enough that I'm going to be going back to school on Monday, my depression has been leaving me alone for a little while, and I have a name that fits me really well and that I'm going to try to use for a whole semester. Finals are coming up in less than two weeks and then I'm flying back to Massachusetts for winter break, so I think this month will easily be better than November was, even if it's hard to get lower than rock bottom.

    All in all, I know I've only been gone for like a week and a half, but it was well needed time off and even if I'm not super active, I'm looking forward to hanging out around here again.
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    I hope things keep going uphill for you. It always is good to peg when low points are in your life to compare and contrast them to the present.
    This has been maybe the single worst month of my life so far so I'm going to disappear for the rest of it while I try to recover from my mental health being in shambles.
    I refuse to let myself do that thing I do a lot where I assume that my teacher is going to hate the paper I submitted just because I wrote it close to the due date. I'm going to assume that he will like it because he's like all the other analyses I've done on the readings he's assigned.
    Man, this month has been horrible. I had to miss something I was looking forward to because I got sick, my literature paper is probably going to be a flop because I just can't get it to come together well, I'm going to have a week and a half with absolutely nothing to do, and now my guest speaker booking got canceled. I don't think I've ever been so close to crying in the middle of school than I am right now.
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