E. C. Koopa
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  • I'm going to be presenting some of my writing at an open mic event later tonight so wish me luck. I'm really nervous since I've never actually seen reactions to my writing from anyone who isn't my friends or my creative writing teacher.
    I think I need to text my landlord about my noisy neighbors when they've woken me up a few different times by yelling at each other and swearing constantly. Time to figure out a good way to word that text.
    just refer the neighbors to a good therapist
    Dear Words With Friends: if you want me to go back to using your horribly ad-ridden app, maybe stop dead naming me in the tens of push notifications you've sent me over the past few weeks.
    I have a total of 45 out of 120 undergrad credits to my name at college and I'm already trying to plan my way through grad school. The earliest I can get into grad school is 2025 so I don't know why I'm spending so much mental energy on this.
    All three of the main creative writing teachers in the English department at my school have profile pictures that are in black and white, which is a funny contrast to my profile picture that's very bright and colorful.
    Are John Lennon glasses back in style now or something? I swear I've seen at least a few different people around campus wearing them.
    its not that the glasses are back in style it's that... um
    hippies are back in style
    my friend has told me a couple times I look like John Lennon when I wear my glasses so probably
    Because of one day two years ago that YouTube decided to recommend a movie to a guy on an incognito tab, my ex is now holding the poster I got him for his birthday.
    I have this one commenter on YouTube who comments on literally everything I do, yelling at me and demanding I release a mod I made for myself that I had no immediate plan on releasing and I'm getting so tired of seeing him all the time. It makes me not want to be active on my community tab because this dickhead is the only person who interacts with me and he just spams all caps and swears at me to do something I'm not interested in.
    Pretend to release the mod but make it something completely different just to fuck with him
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    If only I could disguise a rickroll as a Gamebanana link.
    I utterly despise Twitter but I'm not going to let that stop me from logging in to continue my six year tradition of retweeting the same tweet wishing Allen Ludden a happy birthday.
    Something is wrong with one of my earbuds. It's completely silent, unless I grab the wire in just the right way. I can definitely make the right one work if I want, but it's too annoying and takes one of my hands out of commission entirely so I think it would be better to just get some new ones.
    One of my Discord friends who's changed his name four times is joking about how many times he's changed his name. If only he knew.
    One of the people I know from games club at school is so cute and I wish I could tell him I like him but I'm really shy and worry that I'll have no chance with him.
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    You can do the next best thing and write fanfics of him
    Just start out with boring small talk and stuff until you know him a little bit, then maybe you could ask him out for a coffee or whatever it's less straightforward. Think of convenient conversation starters like "haven't seen you around very much my name is x, your name is..." the secret to being confident is to believe you're confident. Probably my best advice tho is to not take my advice very seriously as "goddamn fam I do not know what I am talking about." 🙂
    Shoutout to the person on campus who got Fancy Like stuck in my head because of their license plate.
    Somehow, a conversation I started with my dad about mayonnaise (it makes sense with context, I swear) turned into a conversation about Mario Party 5.
    Leave it to Facebook to make an ad that you have to close four times if you want to make it finally go away.
    If my book is set in Maine, do you think anyone will notice that it's actually entirely based on my school in Illinois?
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    No we have schools here in Maine too. They just don't have air conditioning or college football
    Oops in the 2 1/2 hours between then and now I randomly learned Maine does have a college football team and I'm helping to run a tailgate at one of their games. Go UMaine!
    I got a message from my cousin today that my grandma only has a few days left to live and that they've said goodbye to her already. If I disappear again, it's because I'm most likely going through grief in my own life.
    Goddamn it neighbors, why do you have to vacuum at 9:00 AM on a holiday? I just want to sleep in today, man.
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    Reactions: Xiahou Ba
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    these people deserve fines. i've had neighbours who started drilling (i'll repeat: drilling) at 8:00 a.m. on weekends and stopped in the same morning, as if all of it was a deliberate attempt to disrupt peace across the block.

    i'd cut them slack if it they only drilled one hole for 30 seconds or something, but if they plan prolonged periods of renovations, spring cleaning, or whatever, the least they could do is acknowledge they may disturb surrounding residents, choose a reasonable time to work, and actually notify other residents via a piece of paper at the building's entrance or something.
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    My neighbors have lived here for the last six months and still haven't seemed to figure out that the walls are really thin and that I can hear basically everything they do.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    I really despise people who mow lawns at 7 in the morning on weekends.
    I want to commission a drawing of a Koopa form for myself but I don't like giving people bullet point lists of descriptions, so I have no idea what to do to help out whoever I end up commissioning.
    Meow Skulls
    Meow Skulls
    I have friends who do commissions, it helps if you draw the basic idea, having any kind visual aid helps
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