Toka Hebizuka

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  • I just realised that my theme fits into the doctor name change fad before the change to XenForo.
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    Reactions: LeftyGreenMario
    Toka Hebizuka
    Toka Hebizuka
    Attempt to stop my evil schemes to take over the world obviously. I'm honestly surprised they aren't widely hated when that blue one called "Sonic" has stopped me so many times.
    How come you don't just build your secret bases underwater or in a water planet?
    Toka Hebizuka
    Toka Hebizuka
    I did use this underwater base somewhere in Kingdom Valley back in '06, but Sonic just waltzed right in. I didn't make that base however, so if it was made by me then he wouldn't have been able to get in.
    Should Mr. Game & Watch's parachute be used as an attack again?
    Parachute is a simple strongish attack that has a wide range. Has some start up lag compared to the fish bowl, but it's stronger and great for offstage offense or just general offense rather than racking up damage. It's also a combo tool iirc, so it's a versatile move, just probably more of a finisher than a damage racker, though.
    Toka Hebizuka
    Toka Hebizuka
    Considering the state of Game & Watch in Ultimate, another kill option would be nice.
    Oh yeah, he needs kill options. Only fsmash does really anything. Game & Watch is supposed to fill the archetype of a glass cannon, everything about that just seems nerfed after Barlw.
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