Ok. I remembered the complicated thing I was gonna say. I was pondering the matter of things, as one does, and I came upon a question. Out of the five human senses, which ones exist quintessentially throughout the universe? For instance, are smell, texture, or taste basic qualities of all matter, or are they simply the way we perceive our environment? And, to the same extent, does sound actually exist universally? All I know is that light definitely exists universally.
Ok guys I'm back. Kind of. Turns out the laptop charger I bought is a counterfeit but whatever. I can't afford the oem one. And I have a bad cold so I can't think straight. Such is life
My parent's dog chewed my laptop charger into oblivion today so i had to buy a replacement (she destroyed my expensive sunglasses as well today). I managed to get on the internet on another device just to let you know about this but you probably wont see me on here for a week or so until i get my laptop running again
After spending 5 minutes typing up some basic feedback to Microsoft about the Windows 11 taskbar, I signed in to my account to send the feedback only for Microsoft to delete my paragraph and tell me I'm too young to tell them anything
In the midst of an internet where you constantly run into things that are depressing or misleading, Mario Boards, somehow, is consistently constructive and cheerful, in a matter-of-fact sort of way. That's one of the reasons I'm happy to call it home.
You know you're dangerously bored when you resort to sitting on top of a freestanding pool ladder with dry clothes on and walking it across a 12 foot long above ground pool to pass the time
Riding your bike 5 miles to a convenience store to buy a drink and then immediately turning around and going back home = best timewaster ever (and yes there is also a convenience store within 2 minutes of my house)
I'm not usually one for sweepstakes, but given that I was able to get 2,107 entries in this particular Mountain Dew sweepstakes (with an estimated 10% chance of winning), I though I would give it a shot