Never thought I'd see what appeared to be a nerdy college student pull into my neighbor's driveway, get out wearing Kanye West shoes, take out what appeared to be a sniper rifle, plop it on the ground, fiddle with ammunition, and yell a greeting at me in the nicest and politest way possible. I haven't heard any gunshots or police sirens yet so I think he's cool.
Posting this from Firefox for the first time. @Lynn Minmay got me interested in it and I can confirm it's a good experience. I normally use Microsoft Edge, but might eventually switch Firefox to my default.
I hate how the general sentiment of social media is that we're never good enough and that somebody is always going to be "better" than you. Things would be a whole lot easier if we just woke up one day and realized we actually are good enough just being our normal selves
The dilemma of not wearing a bicycle helmet and receiving complements for my helmetless self from loitering peers, or wearing a bike helmet and not dying all over the place
Edit: nevermind, I checked on my loitering peers and they were wearing bike helmets too
You know how one day we'll run out of natural gas and have to eat frozen corn and stuff? Well one day Mario Boards will run out of usernames and well have to call each other by 12 digit numbers