My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Luna the 45th Nazgul of the Turbotastic Sith Lords said:
yes master
An awesome video about Magical Mystery Cure:

And an equally as awesome video about season 3 and being sure of your opinions:

I actually did see the fanboying one hehe. And I loved hearing his thoughts considering most if not all his thoughts were similar to mine on the episode. I'm going to get into rewatching the episode tonight after I've downloaded it on a thumb drive. Because god damn, I loved that episode.

I also can't wait until the extended version of Twilight's sad song "I've Got to Find a Way" is released. That was a short song in the actual episode, but I loved it the most out of all the songs in the Finale. May even beat This Day Aria for my favorite song of the series.
Kyouko Kirigiri said:
Celestia's Ballad and Morning In Ponyville is great too.

I think all the songs were good in their own right.

It's just that I've Got to Find a Way and Celestia's Ballad get extra points for the emotion it shows.

I've already praised the former, but the entire scene of Celestia's Ballad is just so touching especially if you found yourself invested in Twilight's episodes and everything she's done throughout the last 3 seasons. Celestia's Ballad can also be more tearjerking if you listen to it from the perspective of a parent before their son or daughter move away
Apologies for double posting, but we already have Season 4 info thanks to a recent Con panel. I'll just list some of the highlights.

*Magical Mystery Cure was written originally in November 2011 while Season 2 was going on. That includes Alicorn Twilight and the plan for it to be a Musical episode. Even if it was mandated, it surely wasn't a last minute thing.
*The Season 4 Opener will focus on Twilight's fears and questions about being a Princess.
*Reason why there wasn't a Rarity episode last Season: She was originally going to be the pony that Spike had a life debt to in Spike at your Service, but they thought Rarity got too mean to Spike in the initial version.
*Possibility of seeing Trixie yet again.

For what else was said, go here

Despite seeing it all over my twitter feed last night I forgot about that Las Vegas con, gotta check out all the interviews when it comes up.
I saw the season finale (I'm slow to this) and, no offense, but it sucked. Seriously, after this episode, I wouldn't be surprised if they changed the name to MLP:Twilight and Friends, because that's what this whole episode was. It put Twilight on a pedestal above all the other ponies even though the point of the blasted show, aside from friendship is magic stuff, is that nobody is superior, at least for the main 6. I've already shown my distaste with Twilight being the "one and only hero who can save the day" (see my rant on the S3E1) and this just says "fuck the other ponies, twilight is the best". This episode was so contrived and it was a jumbled mess, really. The pacing was atrocious, really. People thought that the pacing in Keep Calm and Flutter On was bad? They have to see this.

Don't even get me started on the music...

The only way you could fully enjoy this episode is if your favorite pony is Twilight, and well, it should be obvious that she's not my favorite. Sorry, but this episode came off as bad fanfiction, honestly. I'm going to agree with what Gummy said and brush this off as another ploy for Hasbro to make money selling toys. I wouldn't say this is the worst episode of the season, that's a tie between Too Many Pinkie Pies and One Bad Apple.

Gummy said:
It was honestly too packed, which killed any tension or drama, and had far too many songs (I liked maybe 2 of them, honestly). Twilight's "destiny" came suddenly, had no foreshadowing, and if anything goes against what the series was supposed to be in the first place (you can be a girl without being a pretty princess!) The episode was clearly directly commissioned by Hasbro to sell toys. Not to mention that it's basically a giant middle finger to everyone whose favorite character isn't Twilight. Season 3 was doing a good job at making it about six main characters, and then one of them gets pegged above the rest? Given that my favorite character is a [pegasus], I couldn't help but resent that.

Gummy said:
I think this would have worked great as a series finale, maybe at the end of say Season 5 or Season 6 or something. There's a good chance it was originally meant as such. But for Twilight to be an alicorn among earth ponies, pegasi, and a unicorn for however long the show continues to go on just seems a little strange and, dare I say, a little unfair to the 5/6 of us who like some other mane cast member most.
I'm pretty much agreeing with these statements.

Another Twilight-centric episode as the season opener? Yaaaaaaaaaaawn.
Northern Verve said:
Apologies for double posting, but we already have Season 4 info thanks to a recent Con panel. I'll just list some of the highlights.

*Magical Mystery Cure was written originally in November 2011 while Season 2 was going on. That includes Alicorn Twilight and the plan for it to be a Musical episode. Even if it was mandated, it surely wasn't a last minute thing.
*The Season 4 Opener will focus on Twilight's fears and questions about being a Princess.
*Reason why there wasn't a Rarity episode last Season: She was originally going to be the pony that Spike had a life debt to in Spike at your Service, but they thought Rarity got too mean to Spike in the initial version.
*Possibility of seeing Trixie yet again.

For what else was said, go here
that's it I'm not a brony anymore
Are you being seorious Nabber. Why did that change your mind.
Gundam Tanaka said:
Northern Verve said:
Apologies for double posting, but we already have Season 4 info thanks to a recent Con panel. I'll just list some of the highlights.

*Magical Mystery Cure was written originally in November 2011 while Season 2 was going on. That includes Alicorn Twilight and the plan for it to be a Musical episode. Even if it was mandated, it surely wasn't a last minute thing.
*The Season 4 Opener will focus on Twilight's fears and questions about being a Princess.
*Reason why there wasn't a Rarity episode last Season: She was originally going to be the pony that Spike had a life debt to in Spike at your Service, but they thought Rarity got too mean to Spike in the initial version.
*Possibility of seeing Trixie yet again.

For what else was said, go here
that's it I'm not a brony anymore
Really, Nabber? Really?
I think I'll also step down things a little. The first two seasons were good, but then ... ugh. Too much focus on one character made this show so dull. While Twilight Sparkle is a good character, the main reason I liked "Lesson Zero" that much was because, from that point and on, Twilight Sparkle could take some rest from some episodes. I really liked that.

NSY and Reversinator, you two aren't better than what Nabber is. He clearly stated his reasons (albeit in a much less conventional way — he quoted something and said that he wouldn't watch the show anymore) why he would stop watching the show. Sometimes, shows just ... die out, and there's usually nothing that can revive it. I have to ask though, why are you suddenly reacting like this? Is this show really such a hotly discussed thing? Can't it just be ... an opinion in the sea of every other opinion? Why is this show so sacred?

I'm not here to troll or anything like that, I just want you to open your minds a bit; see things with different eyes and whatnot.
RandomYoshi, it's also is a little dull to change your mind over the event of one episode. If you really want to be open about this situation, then give it a chance.

Watch Season 4 before completely deciding that this is the worse decision and that the show died. We don't even know if we are going to love Season 4 or not. Heck, this change could make the show so much better, who knows? We cannot just make decisions before testing it out. Isn't that how we all came to love this show - testing it out and giving it a chance.

Which is why I find that you should not judge the book by the cover when you've only read the first page on this new book of events to come.
man, i watched the last episode, and


this is really weird
Yes, but I've also read the past book, and I know the last book wasn't that great and had some really bad parts.

I'm not going to stop watching the show, but if Season 4 can't renew my interest, I think my fandom days are probably over. Hasbro has forgotten what made this show magic. Which was not making every episode seem like FanFiction.

That said, maybe it's just the shorten season that messed it up. If Korra taught me anything, it's that short seasons don't work well. So I guess we'll wait and see.
Bulbasaur said:
man, i watched the last episode, and


this is really weird

I think Twilight's wings are bigger to anticipate when she'll grow bigger. If you noticed Cadence's shape in the flashbacks of Canterlot Wedding, she still very much looked like a normal pony but we see in the present time that she develops the unique shape that Alicorns get later on. So we can assume the same will happen with Twilight.
i tried to check this, but the dumb stupid youtube blocked me

i hope they make her get bigger soon then, though, because right now i think she looks really unbalanced
Oh I also forgot to mention regarding Season 4 news. Is that Discord's going to be a sort of "Is he REALLY good or not?" kinda character. Which I imagine makes sense after Keep Calm and Flutter On.

Also there was confirmation that somewhere Sombra in Crystal Empire was indeed killed. No chance for coming back. And even Meghan (The story editor and writer of Crystal Empire) was displeased with how things went with him.

Anyway I'm as excited as ever for the next Season. The opener especially, as I'm very curious as how they'll establish how AliTwi's going to work. I'm optimistic that they'll make it work.
lmfao almost everywhere i go everyone's like "that's it i'm not a brony anymore!!"

fine by me just send me all your mlp merchandise and i'll take it off your hands :yoshi:
Mason said:
lmfao almost everywhere i go everyone's like "that's it i'm not a brony anymore!!"

fine by me just send me all your mlp merchandise and i'll take it off your hands :yoshi:
too bad I have none
Mason said:
fine by me just send me all your mlp merchandise and i'll take it off your hands :yoshi:
just give me your address :boshi:

Northern Verve said:
Oh I also forgot to mention regarding Season 4 news. Is that Discord's going to be a sort of "Is he REALLY good or not?" kinda character. Which I imagine makes sense after Keep Calm and Flutter On.
It'd be stupid if he becomes evil again. That'd ruin the charm of that episode.

Northern Verve said:
Also there was confirmation that somewhere Sombra in Crystal Empire was indeed killed. No chance for coming back. And even Meghan (The story editor and writer of Crystal Empire) was displeased with how things went with him.
Ok, so I guess it's official that Sombra was the shittiest villain on the show.

As long as Season 4 doesn't focus on only Twilight or focus on her for like half the show, I'll be fine.