My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters

3 birds of prey and a bat. Awesome. Bat will probably win win though. It looks the most marketable. Though I'd like to see the eagle or the falcon win.
Smashgoom202 said:
Kingbowser99 said:
Man, i wish that people wouldn't take the show so seriously. Though it does have morals, it's not really meant to teach anything to anyone. I mean, children watch tom and jerry often, and you don't see children running around whacking people over the heads with mallets and crap like that. I mean, it's merely just for fun. It does have messages, and children should take from these messages, but the show shouldn't be taken that seriously.

Just to say, i'm not having a go at Smashgoom202. I'm having a go at the guy who made this video, and whatever the post was on whatever forum it was.
Tom & Jerry, Looney Tunes, and all that is one thing, but kids are still very impressionable and what they see as kids does stick with them as they grow up, no matter how subtle it may be. And I don't mean in the literal sense that kids copy what they watch on TV, but in that they take what they see in the cartoons and apply it to reality. Not to metnion, Tom & Jerry were specifically meant to be entertaining. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, while entertaining, is also meant to teach kids watching it. Isn't it better to learn WHILE being entertained? Instead of it being one or the other?

And what makes you say this should shouldn't be taken seriously? Are you saying all of the morals in this show are bogus? Because I disagree with that, I think that most of the episodes teach very good morals. I don't understand the logic not having this show open to interpretation like other shows can.

I never said they were bogus - I said that children can take alot from the lessons used in the show. All i'm trying to say is that this guy has put too much thought into one moral, and he's taken it far too seriously, like if Richard Dawkins or someone like that said it. He's trying to argue over a children's programme (and now a young adult's programme), even though it's meant to entertain and teach at the same time.

And i never said we have to chose between one or the other, and i was only using tom and jerry as an example to compare them as both cartoons.
Kingbowser99 said:
Smashgoom202 said:
Kingbowser99 said:
Man, i wish that people wouldn't take the show so seriously. Though it does have morals, it's not really meant to teach anything to anyone. I mean, children watch tom and jerry often, and you don't see children running around whacking people over the heads with mallets and crap like that. I mean, it's merely just for fun. It does have messages, and children should take from these messages, but the show shouldn't be taken that seriously.

Just to say, i'm not having a go at Smashgoom202. I'm having a go at the guy who made this video, and whatever the post was on whatever forum it was.
Tom & Jerry, Looney Tunes, and all that is one thing, but kids are still very impressionable and what they see as kids does stick with them as they grow up, no matter how subtle it may be. And I don't mean in the literal sense that kids copy what they watch on TV, but in that they take what they see in the cartoons and apply it to reality. Not to metnion, Tom & Jerry were specifically meant to be entertaining. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, while entertaining, is also meant to teach kids watching it. Isn't it better to learn WHILE being entertained? Instead of it being one or the other?

And what makes you say this should shouldn't be taken seriously? Are you saying all of the morals in this show are bogus? Because I disagree with that, I think that most of the episodes teach very good morals. I don't understand the logic not having this show open to interpretation like other shows can.

I never said they were bogus - I said that children can take alot from the lessons used in the show. All i'm trying to say is that this guy has put too much thought into one moral, and he's taken it far too seriously, like if Richard Dawkins or someone like that said it. He's trying to argue over a children's programme (and now a young adult's programme), even though it's meant to entertain and teach at the same time.

And i never said we have to chose between one or the other, and i was only using tom and jerry as an example to compare them as both cartoons.
Well I, for one, applaud that guy for taking it too seriously, because it addresses to problems of bad writing and vague lessons that can be easy to misinterpret. The fact that it's a children's program is EXACTLY why it should be picked apart and analyzed, to make sure it's okay for kids to watch without giving the wrong message, or a bad one. The lesson in that episode was really wonky, I couldn't really understand it. Not to mention, the method used to reach that conclusion was also really iffy, and something I really hated while watching the episode. ...Along with the Pinkie Sense never being mentioned or seen again.

...Anyway, about the new pic and clip:

I thought that thing on the far left was a flying squirrel at first... but upon closer inspection it seems to be a bat... THAT is who I want to see win, bats are awesome! As for the clip, it's great to see Winona and Owlowiscious again, and Gummy's in top performance as usual. Can't wait to see more of them, and Angel as well.
Smashgoom202 said:
Kingbowser99 said:
Smashgoom202 said:
Kingbowser99 said:
Man, i wish that people wouldn't take the show so seriously. Though it does have morals, it's not really meant to teach anything to anyone. I mean, children watch tom and jerry often, and you don't see children running around whacking people over the heads with mallets and crap like that. I mean, it's merely just for fun. It does have messages, and children should take from these messages, but the show shouldn't be taken that seriously.

Just to say, i'm not having a go at Smashgoom202. I'm having a go at the guy who made this video, and whatever the post was on whatever forum it was.
Tom & Jerry, Looney Tunes, and all that is one thing, but kids are still very impressionable and what they see as kids does stick with them as they grow up, no matter how subtle it may be. And I don't mean in the literal sense that kids copy what they watch on TV, but in that they take what they see in the cartoons and apply it to reality. Not to metnion, Tom & Jerry were specifically meant to be entertaining. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, while entertaining, is also meant to teach kids watching it. Isn't it better to learn WHILE being entertained? Instead of it being one or the other?

And what makes you say this should shouldn't be taken seriously? Are you saying all of the morals in this show are bogus? Because I disagree with that, I think that most of the episodes teach very good morals. I don't understand the logic not having this show open to interpretation like other shows can.

I never said they were bogus - I said that children can take alot from the lessons used in the show. All i'm trying to say is that this guy has put too much thought into one moral, and he's taken it far too seriously, like if Richard Dawkins or someone like that said it. He's trying to argue over a children's programme (and now a young adult's programme), even though it's meant to entertain and teach at the same time.

And i never said we have to chose between one or the other, and i was only using tom and jerry as an example to compare them as both cartoons.
Well I, for one, applaud that guy for taking it too seriously, because it addresses to problems of bad writing and vague lessons that can be easy to misinterpret. The fact that it's a children's program is EXACTLY why it should be picked apart and analyzed, to make sure it's okay for kids to watch without giving the wrong message, or a bad one. The lesson in that episode was really wonky, I couldn't really understand it. Not to mention, the method used to reach that conclusion was also really iffy, and something I really hated while watching the episode. ...Along with the Pinkie Sense never being mentioned or seen again.

...Anyway, about the new pic and clip:

I thought that thing on the far left was a flying squirrel at first... but upon closer inspection it seems to be a bat... THAT is who I want to see win, bats are awesome! As for the clip, it's great to see Winona and Owlowiscious again, and Gummy's in top performance as usual. Can't wait to see more of them, and Angel as well.

I agree, it was very iffy that she didn't have the Pinkie sense in later (or earlier) episodes. But it sure was funny. Anyway, we should stop talking about this topic before it gets out of hand.

Anyway, that promo pic will be my desktop background! :D
Yeah, I was wondering where her Pinkie Sense went. But I guess after that there weren't many things randomly falling out of the sky.
Nabber said:
Yeah, I was wondering where her Pinkie Sense went. But I guess after that there weren't many things randomly falling out of the sky.

True dat. Probably because Derpy got fired from her moover's job.
I actually want to see that fat owl win. I mean, look at it being all fluffy ^^. Since Twilight already has an owl, it probably won't win though :/
Mijzelffan said:
I actually want to see that fat owl win. I mean, look at it being all fluffy ^^. Since Twilight already has an owl, it probably won't win though :/

Besides that I don't think an Owl fits Rainbow Dash. While a Hawk or an Eagle seems like a more obvious choice, but I bet that the Bat will have some spunky attitude that Dash really likes.
Kingbowser99 said:
I agree, it was very iffy that she didn't have the Pinkie sense in later (or earlier) episodes. But it sure was funny. Anyway, we should stop talking about this topic before it gets out of hand.

Anyway, that promo pic will be my desktop background! :D
Okay, this is becoming a more personal thing, but I was not able to get past the negative points of this episode to really enjoy it. Not just the moral or the pinkie sense, but the way Twilight reacts to all of this, and the fact that she doesn't even TRY to figure it out, but basically because a stubborn idiot who refuses to accept that the Pinkie Sense might be real after all, even though it's been proven effective numerous times. She's basically a scapegoat for "logical thinkers", even though a real logical thinker wouldn't act the way Twilight did.

I agree, we should stop talking about this, I really don't like debating...

Let's talk about a possible pet for Rainbow Dash! I'm still holing out for a turtle! Or if not a turtle, than at least
that bat we saw in the promo picture!
Oh no! Its the evil Owlowiscious! Oh wait, he wasn't evil, was he?

So, we probably haven't seen him since his debut. It's kinda nice to see him again, although I thought of him as more of a secondary assistant, rather than a pet.
Yeah but I think that owl is more so of a pet then Spike is. Spike may almost always be with Twilight but he's more of a little brother (Or if you account for Episodes 23 and 24, Spike's also sort of a son. If you're curious on why that seems to be the case in those 2 episodes ask me).

The owl still is an assistant, but he's not as important to Twilight as Spike is.
Yeah, I know that Spike is more of an assistant than a pet, and that Twilight likes him more than Owlowiscious. But the role he played in his initial apperance made me think of him as a secondary assistant. But he's still fine as a pet, won't bother me.
Have to admit, as much as I didn't like Owl's Well That Ends Well, I did like Owlowiscious at least, and I'm glad we'll see him again. Same with Winona.
The 11th episode's Sypnosis!

Title: Hearth's Warming Eve
Synopsis: The six friends are in a play about the founding of Equestria for the Hearth's Warming Eve's holiday pageant.
Air Date: December 17th, 2011

Oh my god yes, a play episode. That sounds like hilarity will ensue. Also I guess it's sort of a Christmas Episode too. We also get more background on the world of Equestria. SO. MUCH. YES.
I was going to post that >:[

Cool, I was really hoping there would be a Christmas episode. Looks like it's going to be a good episode. Looking forward to it.
Tank the turtle is now one my favorite side characters.
Not a bad episode. I didn't really find this as funny as some of the previous episodes but it was enjoyable for the moments it had. Lots of usable sad pictures for Rainbow. And I like how the picture threw us off with those birds since the tortoise wasn't in frame. If the Tortoise was in the frame we'd all be saying the Tortoise was going to win somehow. But at least it was a better reason then some fluke surprise win. The tortoise saves Rainbow's life (Though I suppose her friends would of noticed and got her out anyway if alot of time had passed and Rainbow still wasn't coming I think they would go in). I feel bad for that Falcon though judging by it's expression it really wanted to be Rainbow's pet too. But oh well I assume the losing animals just go back to Fluttershy's house.

I think the funniest parts were how Fluttershy got so excited when Rainbow told her she wants a pet and the tortoise copter at the end...
Looks like the new episode isn't on Youtube yet... Oh well, should be there by tomorrow.

Northern Verve said:
The 11th episode's Sypnosis!

Title: Hearth's Warming Eve
Synopsis: The six friends are in a play about the founding of Equestria for the Hearth's Warming Eve's holiday pageant.
Air Date: December 17th, 2011

Oh my god yes, a play episode. That sounds like hilarity will ensue. Also I guess it's sort of a Christmas Episode too. We also get more background on the world of Equestria. SO. MUCH. YES.

Interesting. This sounds like it could be really fun. This opens up for a lot of humour. Can't wait for that one! :D
Another thing I found funny was Fluttershy's sudden excitement when Rainbow said she wants a pet.

Mason's going to love the amount of Toucan screentime in this episode. Even if he'll be disappointed that Rainbow doesn't pick it.

EDIT: Also in case any of you want to see it now here's a standard quality copy of the episode

I did enjoy this episode. The song was possibly one of my favorites in the show so far, and it definitely had a good message, and was funny in some parts.

Also, go to 19:48 - did Pinkie just call Rainbow a "he"?
Northern Verve said:
The 11th episode's Sypnosis!

Title: Hearth's Warming Eve
Synopsis: The six friends are in a play about the founding of Equestria for the Hearth's Warming Eve's holiday pageant.
Air Date: December 17th, 2011

Oh my god yes, a play episode. That sounds like hilarity will ensue. Also I guess it's sort of a Christmas Episode too. We also get more background on the world of Equestria. SO. MUCH. YES.
Sounds like...
A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! ...To me, anyway...

As for the latest episode, as it turns out, looks like I was wrong... Rainbow Dash didn't get a pet turtle...

She got a pet tortoise! :P

That gives me the excuse to post this again:

I must say, the moment I saw Tank for the first time, I knew he was going to be Rainbow Dash's pet, even before he tried getting RD's attention. He's really cute, I just love him! :)

That said, I bet people were really disappointed to see RD turn down the falcon/Baron von Awesome or whatever. I admit, I kind of wanted to see RD take the falcon at one point. He was kind of cool. But at least he was a good sport about it and shook hands with Tank.

Speaking of hands, I like the call-back to Philomena high-hoofing RD with the humming bird high-hoofing RD... then falling.

I swear the bad was so awesome, I wish he was chosen. Plus seeing all the other pets was cool, too.

Not to mention, THE FIRST SONG OF SEASON 2! And it wasn't Pinkie Pie! Well, at least it was Fluttershy. And Rainbow Dash, too! She's a good singer.

One last thing I'd like to mention... the helicopter at the end... There was a little yellow glow around it... Was it powered by magic? What kind of magic? They never said what it was... I wonder if they'll ever answer it... Either way, I look forward to seeing Tank more... Maybe we'll see him again in the next episode? How awesome would THAT be?! :)