My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters

Even though I saw the ending coming from a mile away, I'm glad it turned out the way it did. Tank was just so damn endearing. I also really like reptiles so bonus points there. Song was good, not exactly what I was expecting so it kinda caught me off gaurd.
I see that you got a new avatar from this episode '3K (So did I but yeah)

Now that we've seen part 1 of the late November Double Rainbow. We can look forward to the next one. Wonder who this Masked Mare will end up being.
NIce episode.

Also, the 11th episode looks brilliant.
It should tell us a little more Equestrian mythology and beliefs, and opens the way to hilarity.
Northern Verve said:
I see that you got a new avatar from this episode '3K (So did I but yeah)

That makes three of us :P

Also, I never shared my opinions on the episode, so i'll do that now.

I knew as soon as I saw the tortoise that he would pull it off (but wasn't sure how), but I kinda wanted the bat to win. Ah well, I ended up really liking Tank, so it's not all bad.

I wasn't really excited to hear the song, even though the singers were my two favorite ponies. (not a fan of the music)

Other then that, I really enjoyed this episode. And Tank really stole the show for me. Which is why I said:

Smasher said:
Tank is now one my favorite side characters.

That's pretty much all I have to say.
That wasn't a song, it was an opera.

Anyway, while not the best of episodes, it was pretty enjoyable. I like that Tank the turtle won (though it was kinda obvious he was gonna win).!!

Apparently I'm most like Applejack. I kinda thought I would end with Fluttershy. Meh.
Northern Verve said:
Guys, try out this awesome personality test. It's way cooler then the official one that's on the HUB's website.

If you're curious about my results. You can find them here
The whole "believing in Santa Claus" thing is confusing, because my believing in him is a bit more complicated than just "I do" or "I don't".

I ended up getting Pinkie Pie, even though I don't think that makes sense... Maybe I answered too many joke questions.

I feel like I'm more of A Twilight Sparkle or a Fluttershy. In fact, at least two of my answers directly contradict Pinkie Pie's personality (mostly about talking and being with friends).
Smashgoom202 said:
I ended up getting Pinkie Pie, even though I don't think that makes sense...

Yeah, I was confused by my result too. I'm not like Applejack at all.

I took it a second time to see what would happen and got Fluttershy with Twilight as a close second, which makes much more sense, as those are the two that I think I'm most like.
Oh hi, I just started watching this series 2 weeks ago. My favorite pony is Fluttershy, she's just so cute and her shyness actually makes me like her even more. She's quiet and caring like I am too :) I just took the personality test and got Fluttershy :D
Mario and Luigi said:
:( Boring series. For girls.
Hey MB, can you stfu and stop troll baiting please? If you honestly don't like this show, then don't post in this thread at all. It's like going to a music convention (or in our case, an MLP thread) and shouting to the public, "Music (MLP) sucks!".
He's just stating his opinion UM. It's not trolling unless he starts constantly talking about how he doesn't like when we're in the middle of a discussion. If he just says it and leaves it's fine unless it's really insulting like "THIS SHOW IS GAY" or "HOW CAN YOU LIKE THIS SHOW IT'S FOR LITTLE GIRL BABIES"
apocalypseArisen said:
Mario and Luigi said:
:( Boring series. For girls.

I thought you were Rainbow Dash a few days ago?

He changed his mind as soon as he heard "it's for girls" :P

It's rather the stupidest reason to dislike it. Yes it is for girls but that doesn't mean it can't appeal to the other gender. As long as the show is of high quality you can gain fans from any demographic. Even ones outside the target demographic.
I was rarity :3
I'm so vain.
Northern Verve said:
apocalypseArisen said:
Mario and Luigi said:
:( Boring series. For girls.

I thought you were Rainbow Dash a few days ago?
Yes, yes he was.

He changed his mind as soon as he heard "it's for girls" :P

It's rather the stupidest reason to dislike it. Yes it is for girls but that doesn't mean it can't appeal to the other gender. As long as the show is of high quality you can gain fans from any demographic. Even ones outside the target demographic.