Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

22:58 Giga-Tastic i was gonna get LMDM
22:58 Giga-Tastic But then I was like, my 3DSXL is missing anyway, and I have to send it out yet
22:59 Giga-Tastic So I told my dad to get NSMBU
Should have gotten this instead of NSMBU
My comment still stands
@Smashgoom (I can't be bothered to find the quote)

The game's composers are Chad York, Darren Radtke, and Mike Peacock if you haven't looked it up yet.
Gundam Tanaka said:
judging by the way you all say final boss I'm getting a feeling that the final boss isn't King Boo, or it's some kind of fight like LM1's ending
Well, if you really want to know:

It's King Boo. Shocker right!
Who guarded hooktail castle, Smaug or Hooktail? just kidding.

It kinof does.
Miyamoto changed the original bosses of the game because he felt they weren't original enough.

Yeah, a spider boss. I've never seen that before.
Gundam Tanaka said:
Miyamoto changed the original bosses of the game because he felt they weren't original enough.

Yeah, a spider boss. I've never seen that before.

I know, right. I mean, I don't know how many times
I've battle staircases or giant clocks.

Oh, wait, it's just someone making an unoriginal comment of how Miyamoto is losing his touch.
Look, I haven't even finished the first mansion, how was I supposed to know of the other bosses?
I have to disagree with Miyamoto; the bosses in the original Luigi's Mansion WERE original (Bogmire comes to mind), but I don't mind entirely new bosses and enemies. Be thankful he didn't muck up the game as much as he did to Sticker Star.
Baby Luigi said:
I have to disagree with Miyamoto; the bosses in the original Luigi's Mansion WERE original (Bogmire comes to mind), but I don't mind entirely new bosses and enemies. Be thankful he didn't muck up the game as much as he did to Sticker Star.
This is an improvement. After a load of New Super Mario Bros games Miyamoto decides to go original.
Gundam Tanaka said:
Miyamoto changed the original bosses of the game because he felt they weren't original enough.

Yeah, a spider boss. I've never seen that before.
Ugh... Not again. This is almost exactly what he did to Sticker Star (with the only difference being is that he strived to make the bosses in that one as unoriginal as possible). Still, though, this just further proves Miyamoto's hypocrisy. He complained about the original set of bosses being unoriginal, and yet he sees no problem with a giant Bowser being used multiple times?

Admittedly, I haven't played this game myself yet, but I've watched videos of all the boss battles, and I can't say I was impressed in the least. King Boo's was the only one that looked even remotely fun.
The Dark Knight said:
Baby Luigi said:
I have to disagree with Miyamoto; the bosses in the original Luigi's Mansion WERE original (Bogmire comes to mind), but I don't mind entirely new bosses and enemies. Be thankful he didn't muck up the game as much as he did to Sticker Star.
This is an improvement. After a load of New Super Mario Bros games Miyamoto decides to go original.

Just to let you know, I don't think Miyamoto directed those games. Tezuka or however you spell his name does, and it's a shame, considering he also directed Super Mario World.
I liked all of the bosses in DM, except the second one, who could be a little more tree-based. I liked the 3rd and King Boo battle.
Well, my cousin has it and usually takes him 3x as long to beat games as I do, and he's already on the third mansion after the second day. it worth buying LM: DM, or am I going to regret it like PM: SS?


I heard - and saw in a spoiler for the final boss - a reference to Baby Luigi. Does the game actually include Baby Luigi?