Control the Throne

But I crack the code and eat the throne so technically the THRONE IS ALWAYS WITH ME!

Throne Get.
Time Reverse. I eat you and make it impossible for you to reverse time, then I eat the Throne again (p.s.: I can't choke from eating to much food!)

KoopaTroop said:
Epic Nitwit said:
KoopaTroop said:
I make my own throne.
Throne get.

Against the rules.
There are rules to this tread? (despite the obvious)

Sorry, just eaves-dropping here

For Control the Throne, there are no rules.

So KoopaTroop can actually make his own throne. Heck, the more thrones to steal, eh?

Anyway, I return from the dead and steal the throne. (Also did you notice how you don't actually have to say throne get every time you get the throne? It was originally a joke, and alot of random users saw it, and just decided to use it, how crazy is that?)
I return us all to the present(I went back to the past and you stole the throne),but the location is the Yeti's Lair. I return myself back in time on time, and you are killed by the yeti. I torture the user who created that game(I don't remember who he was) until he tells me something I can use to kill the yeti and that will work. I use that and take the throne out of the lair and go somewhere around the edge of this universe.

Throne Get.
Lakituthequick said:
Epic Nitwit said:
Lakituthequick said:
LuigiNo.1 is right. There is only one throne, and that throne is indestructible for this game. Just get it, no matter how.


That's what I said.
Epic Nitwit said:
Lakituthequick said:
Yes? Didn't see that. Reply nr.?

I don't quite understand that.....
Each post has a number. which post (by number) are you talking about

Oh, ok. Post #8773.

Kingbowser99 said:
KoopaTroop said:
Epic Nitwit said:
KoopaTroop said:
I make my own throne.
Throne get.

Against the rules.
There are rules to this tread? (despite the obvious)

Sorry, just eaves-dropping here

For Control the Throne, there are no rules.

So KoopaTroop can actually make his own throne. Heck, the more thrones to steal, eh?

No, that really shouldn't be allowed. Because otherwise everyone else can just make their own throne, and there would be no point in playing the game.

LuigiNo.1 said:
In case you don't remember,

Don't remember? I never saw it, sorry.

Throne Keep.
I show you all that I patent pended the throne for the King back in the year 1965

I then sue you all for forgery, vandalism, conspiracy, violence, theft, Vehicular Man-slaughter, attempted murder, kidnapping, disrupting the laws of time and space, rape, impersonating the king, impersonating the royal steward, High Treason, impersonating the judge of law, impersonating the high commander Stooben Rooben, godmodding, false accusations against other users, possession of dangerous and prohibited weapons, overall spamming of the forums with this thread, and disturbing the peace of the Mario Wiki and it's brothers and sisters.

Once the court is over, the remaining participants of the Control the Throne thread on the forums have been arrested, and are sentenced to death, for their crimes. I make a personal request that their organs be donated to the children's hospitals, and that their wealth be donated to numerous charities around the world.

The King takes his place upon the throne once more. He then decrees that no one shall use the phrase "Throne Get" by penalty of death.
Well, I lost all my wealth when GP blew up my McDonalds resturant, so you can't donate that to charity.

I build a orange juice stand, with juice made from the oranges from the orange tree in my backyard, and manage to save up enough money to make a taco stand!

Taco stand create.
That was nasty! News spreads of your horrible deed, and soon the entire kingdom overthrows you in favor of a republic, while I am refunded of my lost tacos.

Tacos regain.
I win back the republic's trust, under a charitable oath. Though i spend a week in prison, the government loves me again.

I let you keep your tacos, and promise not to let out your secret that you were supposed to be excecuted, as long as i can have six free tacos every two months.
Waluigi demands that you all give him back his tacos and pay for his expenses. While you all are bogged down in legal procedures, I grab the throne. And a plate of nachos because why not.
Dr. Javelin said:
Waluigi demands that you all give him back his tacos and pay for his expenses. While you all are bogged down in legal procedures, I grab the throne. And a plate of nachos because why not.

They aren't his tacos. And besides, I already have a international chain of my resturants. And finally, I didn't even have the throne.