Control the Throne

I don't care. I'm to busy managing my internatiol taco resturant chain to deal with some throne.
After annoyingly playing the harmonica, the cops of the jail I'm in gave me a deal, if I stop to play the harmonica I would get out. I agreed to that, that, or I was killed and when my body was buried I fully revived. Then, I make an 8-day plan on destroying Epic Nitwit's international taco restaurant chain. After some gross stuff, I fully and successfully execute it. In exchange of eternal access to my Magic Taco that I lost in the restaurants one day, I rebuild the entire restaurant chain. I use my Magic Taco to kill Nabber and to prevent him from reviving. I take the throne on time and sit on it.

Throne and Magic Taco get.(technically is not throne get)

LuigiNo.1 said:
After annoyingly playing the harmonica, the cops of the jail I'm in gave me a deal, if I stop to play the harmonica I would get out. I agreed to that, that, or I was killed and when my body was buried I fully revived. Then, I make an 8-day plan on destroying Epic Nitwit's international taco restaurant chain. After some gross stuff, I fully and successfully execute it. In exchange of eternal access to my Magic Taco that I lost in the restaurants one day, I rebuild the entire restaurant chain. I use my Magic Taco to kill Nabber and to prevent him from reviving. I take the throne on time and sit on it.

Throne and Magic Taco get.
Throne and Magic Taco keep.
You would have still kept the taco chain no matter what. I just rebuilt it. You still owned it.
Boidoh said:
I kill the king! Throne TAKE!
Oh, regicide. Classy.

I use my magical powers to transport everyone who has ever played this game to a month-long lecture (going for 22 hours a day), all on the topic of the Civil War. And since none of you are Nerds or History Buffs and you can't escape, you grow bored, becaus all you have is a paper and a pencil. What you do after that, is your descision, but I now control the Throne.

Throne get.
You don't understand. I have come back after everyone is dead and have taken the throne.

Throne keep.
CharizardLover said:
Boidoh said:
I kill the king! Throne TAKE!
Oh, regicide. Classy.

I use my magical powers to transport everyone who has ever played this game to a month-long lecture (going for 22 hours a day), all on the topic of the Civil War. And since none of you are Nerds or History Buffs and you can't escape, you grow bored, becaus all you have is a paper and a pencil. What you do after that, is your descision, but I now control the Throne.

Throne get.
I am.

Now that I have recovered from my loss of money, I create a "Throne-Take-Inator"! I then use it to take the throne, obviously, and then I go to my inpenetrable fortress of doom to sit on it with my allies.

Throne Take!
Discord said:
You don't understand. I have come back after everyone is dead and have taken the throne.

Throne keep.
You forgot that I did the same thing.
Anyways, as I had done before, I use one of my Wario Potions to travel in time. I return to the past. I go so far back, that the impenetrable fortress of doom wasn't even an idea yet. I then somehow(don't ask me, I had my eyes closed while doing it due to grossness)kill and teabag you. Just to be sure, I send your corpse(s) to another dimension and close the portal while I'm out. I take the throne and return to the present by saying "chimichanga".

Throne Steal
Nabber, I'm sure that everyone has died at one point or another, so it doesn't really matter if you do that, as it would amount to the same thing.
Well, everyone is dead, no one can come back or resurrect them, so thus I am the clear winner of the throne.
Im an alien from another dimension... so...

I go back in time to kill the creator of this game.

Game Start

Simple game. There is a throne. Person 1 sits on it. Person 2 does something to take the throne from person 1. And so on.

I find a throne in an empty room. I sit on it.

Since i am the one who started this new rule, no one can go back in time to kill me or take the throne away from me. And I CANT DIE!
I place a thumbtack on the throne and you sit on it. You jump up to the ceiling and I take the throne.

Throne get.

And I'm pretty sure you can't kill the players guys.