Control the Throne

Transformare ad Cloud
Cum plena control
Sequereris ventus solum cum necesse
Oculis et voces hominum

(It ryhmes in English)
IcicleRain,Neptune and Blue Koop transform into clouds, looking like, but less cartoony than, this

Dun da da da! My work here is done.
Of course, now that GP has been defeated, I'm no longer on your side.

[me=Javelin Noir]does the WINDY THING again![/me]


IcicleRain and Neptune (as clouds) have been blown all the way to the other side of the planet!

Now I only need await a vision of the throne's location in the clouds. Which I just blew away.

Fear not, IcicleRain! I have seen this coming a mile away.

[me=Down]below, suddenly, Porplemontage comes out of the Sysop Tower. He rises his staff, and a massive gust of wind blows the trio further south, at phenomenal speeds. The winds blow them directly south, past the South Pole, and back up north. The winds send them further to the North Pole, and straight into Mt. Glacier, in the Frozen Farc.[/me]

We went get to the north!

Quick, into the mountain! I'll hold off Dr. Javelin for now!
What's this? Javelin Noir is evolving!

DUM DUM DUM oh you know how the evolution theme goes

Javelin Noir has evolved into Jackson "Jack" Noir!
> Jack: Sniff out new prey.
Neptune and IcicleRain located!

> Jack: Challenge new foes.

You head off to challenge Neptune!

You give him a sword. Gotta be fair and all.
[me=Neptune]spreads a force field out around the whole mountain, and raises massive frozen spikes out and over the top of the mountain. Neptune raises his staff, and breaking the spikes into thousands of different icicles, spreads the icicles out towards Javelin.[/me]

[me=Meanwhile,]IcicleRain starts to search through the caves of the Mountain, through every crevice, and past every cobweb, before finding a small door. She walks slowly towards the door.[/me]
> Jack: Use underhanded tactic.

You simply allow the icicles to pass through you whilst teleporting them to hit IcicleRain.

I kill you by letting you in on one simple fact.

One simple fact indeed.

Not everything is about Homestuck.

With Javelin dead, I rush into the Mountain. Making my way through every hallway, I find a large open wooden door, and IcicleRain staring at a large Golden room, with a massive glowing safe in the middle.

IcicleRain: is that....?

That is it. That is the safe, that holds the throne of him.

IcicleRain: Then let's open it!

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

The idea of the safe was to deliver the Throne to its owner. You won't like what you see in here.

[me=Neptune]rises his staff once again, and a light emanates from his staff. The Safe's front begins to open, and as the safe opens, light begins to enter into the darkness of the safe.

All that remains in the safe is the throne, and a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV Machine. IcicleRain walks up to the bed, and as she pulls back the covers, a Yoshi is lying in the bed.[/me]
Oh please. You don't see me going "Not everything is about the Udani" to dispell your moves, Neptune.

C'mon, get creative and counter my counterattack instead of using a cop-out.
Fine, you're right, just knocked out then. But I'm getting near the end of this story arc.

[me=Dr. Javelin]comes rushing in, with his fists at the ready, until he sees what's inside the safe.[/me]

This is the final resting place of Lord Ultima Bahamut, former steward and king of Userpedia. It's his throne. The throne was given to the one who found it, and Ultima Bahamut found it first. His last official wish was to be reunited with the throne once again. And we delivered it to him.
<insert more of neptune's exposition here>

The Lord of whatever finally dies and in his will lets us all go back to having a good ol' time fighting for the throne.

So logically I nab the throne and fly off to the other side of the planet, where my Dersite army lies to defend me and the throne. The good old Draconian Dignitary saw fit to ready my army in case I ever obtained the throne.
*A mysterious figure arrives. He has a golden band across his forehead. It is the newly reformed GP, now on Neptune's side*

* GP tracks Javelin and shoots him, taking the throne.
Jack Noir is only slightly harmed by the gunshot, but was distracted and lost the throne.

> Jack: Draw sword and deal with this GalacticPetey yourself.

It's showtime.

Jack Noir used RED MILES!

The Red Miles began to destroy the planet, along with GP! Only ten turns remain in the planet's lifespan unless Jack is stopped!

(by ten turns i mean ten posts, which is a pretty long time and why i don't think this is overpowered.)
> Jack: Continue the RED MILES attack.

You fly out of GP's redirect range and continue to blast the planet, but this time you aim the RED MILES at GP.

I do not know what is happening right now and where the thrown is/who has the throne ...
*Panda watches a potato on the ground hoping it would bring the throne to him*
You'll pay for this!

* GP's hair turns a neon blue color. He flies up, punches Javelin in the gut. This cuts off his attack. GP tries to do something else, but he screams in pain and the band on his forehead glows.
Dr. Javelin said:
<insert more of neptune's exposition here>

The Lord of whatever finally dies and in his will lets us all go back to having a good ol' time fighting for the throne.

So logically I nab the throne and fly off to the other side of the planet, where my Dersite army lies to defend me and the throne. The good old Draconian Dignitary saw fit to ready my army in case I ever obtained the throne.

Feh! I gave you a chance to reform, but you didn't take it!

[me=Neptune]shoots an ice ball out of his staff!

It's super effective!

Javelin faints!

Neptune takes back the throne, to Ultima Bahamut's side. UB, now at the point of his death, touches the throne once. The power of the throne goes straight into UB's ring. UB, with his final stretch, UB gives Neptune the ring, and with his dying breath, says "Drawer".[/me]

Lord Ultima Bahamut, king and Steward of Userpedia, is dead.

[me=Neptune]glances to his left. He sees a chest of drawers. Looking through the drawers, he finds several of UB's documents, including his last will and testament. Neptune notices under all of the papers, a small compartment lies underneath. Neptune grabs the key off Blue Koop's neck, and inserts it into the keyhole. The compartment swings open, and a single book is inside.[/me]

"Here is the final wish of Lord Ultima Bahamut, King of Userpedia.

Whence my throne returns to my side, and with my dying stretch, I shall transfer the power of the Throne into my ring. He who shall leave my throne to me will be gifted with the Ring of Bahamut.

I care not for what the throne does anymore. I wish for it to be discarded, as the throne is no longer of use to me."

Then there it is.

[me=Neptune] picks up the throne, and puts it in the middle of the room, in the sights of everyone. He sits there, admiring the ring, before taking off. He pops his head back in one more time.[/me]

Ladies and Mentlegen, I would highly reccomend you get away from this cold place. I'm going away for a while. But when I return, I expect to have the throne still intact and waiting for me.

But I am not dead.

I take it from him and bring back to Neptune's place and tell him YoshiMonsta took it and I apprehended him.
He grants me pardon and I leave, and then snipe him and take the throne

:eekdance: :posh: :eekdance:
But Neptune stands no chance. I take down his men and eat the sniper rifle and put all of the scuttle bugs in the universe in my stomach.
Rising from the ashes of a fallen world is the legendary blind assassin, OBAN!


In one blow he eliminates all opponents and sits casually in the throne.